Best Mentor

Though many of the students were truly here to learn, but more were there to check out the situation, including some who wanted to rescue the 12 leaders. Of course, majority was there to watch the fun.

Lonemoon did not care so much, since they were here, then don't dream of leaving.

Lonemoon got Hong Meng to expand the field by another 10 times, then set up multiple array formations outside it, trapping all the people of the divine races who came inside. Giving it the fine-sounding name of confined-style education.

They had the students and the venue, the next thing was to officially begin teaching. Lonemoon then thought of a major problem, these people… have no foundation. Not that they had no foundation in cultivation, but not even having the foundation of a basic language. And due to the influence of the aura of Chaos, even their ability to comprehend might prove problematic.

For this matter, the few of them had an education committee meeting.