Breaking Dreamland

Instantly, the sound passed through the whole Quhang City, and even the ground started shaking. The group went out of the inn, and saw that outside the city gate, a giant monstrous beast suddenly appeared. It was totally dark so its figure couldn't be seen, but the pair of blood-red eyes were shining with red light, looking into the city.

Its figure was extremely high and stood almost twice as tall as the city gate. It waved its huge claws, and with only one push, it pushed the city wall over. The city underneath was full of terrified screams.

"Can this be the monster that harmed the city!" A disciple moved to pull out his sword subconsciously.

"Don't forget," Fatty spoke to remind them, "that this is a dreamland."

The disciples paused, looking up at the monster in front. Could this monster be fake? But it looked so real. Their faces changed, and for a time, they didn't know whether they should attack it.