Chasing Another Disciple Out

Lonemoon took one step back and shook his hand off. "At this stage, you're still unwilling to repent? You said you had no clue about Zhi Lin's plot, but why then did you want to do all that you could to destroy that evil ghost? You didn't even want to leave its remnant soul behind." When Shen Ying grabbed hold of the evil spirit's remnant soul earlier, Jian Xing suggested destroying it completely.

"I…" Jian Xing paled. He was unable to say anything else.

"You're a cultivator. You should understand that the proper way of dealing even with evil ghosts is to send them to Samsara, yet you didn't do that!" Lonemoon exclaimed in a low voice. He exposed Jian Xing's inner thoughts. "Given your cultivation level, a half-step demon king would not have managed to hurt you so severely. Not unless you forced it to its limits. Only then would a spirit try to take you down with it no matter the cost."

"…" Jian Xing remained silent but his entire body began to tremble.