The First Lightning Tribulation

Three hours later.

"So the Heavenly Dao was formed because of me?" Lonemoon said through gritted teeth. He was trying his hardest to suppress the resentment he felt.

"You're the manager. Whatever you desire will be formed by the nomological force!" Yi Qing nodded..

"You knew this as well?" Lonemoon turned to Chef, shooting daggers at him with his gaze.

"Er…" Chef was caught between admitting he did or lying that he did not.

"In other words…" Lonemoon clenched his fists by his side so that his fan nearly broke into pieces. "You've been so obedient these days so that you can successfully trick me onto this sinking ship!"

"Ahya, Father Niu, stop being caught up in all these details. Being promoted is a good thing!"

"Details my ass!" How was this another detail? "I don't get any salary nor any insurance for doing this job, neither do I get to take a break from it. It's a job that will take up my time 24/7. How can this be any good?"