
Lonemoon's chest tightened. Holy shit, he's called so many managers here. More and more plane gates began to appear in the sky. In just a couple of minutes, the sky was filled with a crowd of people. There were more than a hundred people.

"Hahaha…" Yu Heng laughed even harder now. "Don't even think about getting away! All of you must die-"

"Are you sure?" Shen Ying interrupted him, her expression darkening.

Suddenly, a power that did not seem to belong to any manager swept across the sky, covering the entire water body. The crowd of managers who just joined them felt a weight on their bodies. One by one, they fell down into the water body and were pressed down so that they could not get up again. They felt their own powers leave their bodies. Seeing that they were unable to activate their own powers, an unexplainable fear began to rise up in them.