First Round Starts

Until the next when he was dragged to the Immortal Academy, Buggy couldn't believe that he was still alive. Ever since seeing that women at the inn yesterday, he felt that sense of terror coming from his bloodline. As an insect race, of course he knew that it was a warning, no, an outcry from his genes, with the same message sent to him repeatedly: he was gonna die, he was gonna die, he was gonna die…

He could swear on his queen that this person in front of him was absolutely the big devil in the legends! Besides, such heritage of insect race had never been wrong. With such a premonition, it had no doubt that it would definitely die in the hands of the person in front of him. He didn't even think of resisting, because it clearly knew that it couldn't resist at all.

But a miracle happened. The person didn't attack him, but merely tied his antennas into a knot, and then… left.