People Who Monitor

"Wait, Little Ying!" Mi Le paled, wanting to stop her but it was already too late, Shen Ying had dialed Shen Jing on her communications device.

In almost the next second, a lighted screen sprung up and a face that looked 80% similar to Shen Ying's appeared on it.

"Little Ying, what's up? It's rare that you would take the initiative to contact me." Shen Jing's voice sounded immediately, as her gaze swept over, when she saw Mi Le, her eyes stopped and narrowed on him for a moment before widening again. "Hey, Flower is there too! Are you guys having a gathering?"

"HI~~~~ Sister Jing!" Mi Le raised his hand trembly, his smile looking slightly strained.

"Sister, do you have time to come over?" Shen Ying went right to the point. "I have some things I want to ask you in person."