Heading to Gui Yi

Gui Yi Sect was not far away, after the spirit boat flew for less than an hour, they could already see numerous lush and green floating peaks in the distance. The spirit boat headed right towards the tallest one and stopped above the empty space before the hall. Many new disciples on the boat stirred, all walking to the edge of the boat to look around. Even Zuo Shuming couldn't help his curiosity and took glances of the outside.

There were already four to five disciples here to receive them standing outside the hall, both males and females present, dressed in unified long green robes, their cultivation level was all the Foundation Establishment phase. At present, they were looking up at the spirit boat that was gradually landing.

After it was stably parked, everyone was informed to alight. Lonemoon and gang was about to follow when he felt a gaze on him, he was faintly coupled with some killing intent.