Dignity of Sword Cultivators

All of them acted at the same time, at once, a layer of gold shield protected everyone inside it, they then dragged the three that had collapsed into the defense array, only then did they look more relieved from the pain.

Everyone lifted their heads and looked up at the sky in the terror. They then realized that it was full of spirit swords, densely lining the entire sky. Every one carried sword qi that made one's blood run cold and could drop down anytime. Right in the middle, a man could vaguely be seen riding on a sword.

Yu Luan paled instantly, exceptionally nervous at heart. This was a sword cultivator! And it was a sword cultivator that could subdue a Soul Formation cultivator, that means he was also in the Soul Formation stage. But he did not know why he was suddenly striking at them, hence he could only bite the bullet and shouted, "May I know which expert has arrived at my Gui Yi Sect?"