Spreading Dark Fires

"What's the matter?" Shu Yuan discovered the commotion beside him and walked over briskly to take a look. He took one glance at the weak person lying in bed, with a dwindling aura. Then, he turned to face the disciple seated on the ground. "What happened?"

"Uncle-Master Shu Yuan…" The disciple stared blankly at him for several seconds before finally regaining his composure. Fearfully, he said, "The fire… The fire on this person's body is infectious. I was just adjusting my own spirit Qi when the fire transmitted to me."

"What!" Shu Yuan exclaimed. He thought of something and his expression darkened. Immediately, he turned to another disciple beside him and said, "Quick! Ask those disciples who are treating the burned disciples to stop work immediately!"

"Yes!" The disciple ran out to inform the other disciples at once.