Changing the Demonic Source

"Uncle-Master Yi Qing!" Yu Luan called out anxiously, seeing through Shu Yi's ploy to turn them against one another. "Don't listen to her. She's doing this on purpose to cause inner conflict among us. Don't fall for her tricks."

"So what if I'm doing this on purpose?" Shu Yi smiled, as if unafraid of them. She flicked her wrist and caused a black blade to appear in her hand. She held it up to Shen Ying's throat and asked, "Do you really want her to die before your eyes?" She started to press the blade into Shen Ying's neck.

"Stop that!" Zuo Shuming's face was drained of all colour. He rushed to speak, "Don't hurt Lady Shen. Isn't it me that you're after? Just come after me. Why are you harming innocent lives?"

Yu Luan looked at him, confused. But Zuo Two Bucks took a step forward and continued, "Let me exchange places with Lady Shen. I won't be able to resist you!"