Truth Behind Judgment

"What did you say?!" The man frowned, looking at Shen Ying, shocked. He chided her disbelievingly, "As a judge, how could you allow such a thing to happen? What if it affects all the planes? You might not be able to pay a price like that. I might not have been very pleased with your test results, but I never expected that you would not even have the slightest bit of consciousness as a judge. You're not fit at all to be a judge in this void. I can't believe I thought about-"

"Thought about taking over all of my powers as a judge?" Shen Ying narrowed her eyes and finished his sentence. "Or did you mean to say… You have a stronger inclination to kill me off right here and now in the name of justice?"

"…" The man stared blankly at her, eyes widening in shock. "What did you say?"