

Leaning against the wooden desk behind him, Henry Hirogori speaks. "Now that everyone's here, there's something that is in need of discussion."

Mimi inwardly laughed. Of course. Even on his daughter's funeral business can't be ignored. To outsiders, they looked like a grieving family, but this was her families true nature.

"Recently, the Hirogori company has encountered someone who's been leaking out important information on our future projects," Her father voices out a hint of disdain in his voice.

"Because of this we had taken in a big loss and it'll be very hard to fix."

Everyone in the room intakes a sharp breath as if taking in the devastating news. Mimi, calmly sitting in her chair couldn't give a damn about what they were discussing. Just a bunch of boring adult matters to her.

"I've had it investigated in order to find this traitor, but apparently we couldn't find anything on the perpetrator."

Turning his cold, distant eyes to Mimi, the girl's body freezes while looking up at him.

"Mimi," Her father's dark demanding voice echoes throughout the room.

Mimi couldn't help but feel a bit of surprise at her father acknowledging her. But for appearance sake, Mimi didn't reveal her shock.

"Yes, daddy?" Mimi's stubby feet pump up and down in front of her in a playful manner.

Hearing a sudden scoff from behind her, Mimi looks up to see Seth eye her with disgust. Looking at him with her indifferent expression, Seth turns his head away from her, arms crossed over his chest.

"Did Emily ever speak about her business plans to you?"

Not sure where this question was leading to, Mimi's eyebrows furrowed a bit. What's this old geezer getting at? Was he claiming her to be the rat?

Choosing her words carefully, Mimi opens her mouth to speak.

"Daddy, do you really think a young child like me would take an interest in your adult affairs?"

"That's not what I asked you." He says controlling the urge to snap at the child.

"Hmm...I guess she did from time to time. But to be honest it was too boring to listen to." Mimi places a fake smile on her face. She truly looked like an ignorant little girl.

"Pftt, what a pathetic little brat," Seth snickered under his breath but loud enough for Mimi to hear from behind.

Ignoring his childish insults, Mimi continues to look into her father's eyes.

"That's enough, we're done here." Henry Hirogori sighs pinching his eyebrows together. "Go to your room and don't cause any trouble."

He really didn't understand why he was given such a useless, pathetic child for a daughter. Walking up behind him, Lillian stands by his side gently rubbing his back with a concerned look plastered on her seductive face.

Standing up from her seat, Mimi walks out of the study room filled with cold-hearted monsters.

Closing the door behind her tightly, Mimi was about to walk away when the sound of Lillian's voice speaks up.

"Dear, Mimi should really try to involve herself more in the family. Now with Emily's passing, she'll need to step up her game." Her step-mother says gently.

Hearing the woman's fake concern Mimi couldn't help but feel disgusted.

"She's already undergone training, but the results came out useless. She'll only disgrace the family name." Her father said in a stern tone. "Besides I don't need another disappointment like Emily taking over my company."

A ting of pain and confusion overtakes Mimi's heart at the sound of her father's harsh words towards her deceased sister.

Wasn't Emily favored by him?

Although eavesdropping was wrong, Mimi didn't really care about what was wrong or right, especially when it involved her devious, cold family.

"To think I trusted that ungrateful brat," A loud bang could be heard from inside the room.

Probably her father slamming his fist against the desk.

"We didn't know, maybe she had reasons to."

Mimi could hear her adoptive older brother speak up. His voice was calm and gentle, unlike the stern and cold voice of her other brothers.

"Bullshit! What reasons does that bitch have to betray our family!" Seth barked. "I bet she planned this all along when she first applied to take the CEO position."

Emily betrayed their family?

Even Mimi's intelligent little brain couldn't figure this new information out. The room became silent for a moment, ten seconds later a sharp detached voice broke out.

"Seems like she was tired of putting up her act. She obviously had a motive to take over the company. Did you really believe she still didn't hold a grudge against us after that incident?" The eldest Kenji finally voices out after being silent for so long.

Mimi could hear the venom leaking out from his voice.

"There's nothing else we can do but fix the mess she created and hope for it to recover quickly before our investors find out."

Sensing that everyone was done with the topic, Mimi stumbles far away from the door.

After a long moment of standing there quietly, Mimi walks slowly back into the dining room with her head down. With her brown wavy hair covering her face, no one could see the empty eyes the girl held.

No one could see her small little fists grip tightly together nearly bruising her palms.

No one could see her bite her lower lip as she struggled to keep it all in.

Why was this happening? Does this mean...Emily betrayed all of them? Betrayed her?