
True Self

At a cozy modern themed café called CHAI, Mimi orders warm milk tea along with a few indulgent treats and an egg sandwich.

Alec, on the other hand, just ordered traditional plain black coffee.

"What a bore, how come you don't consider anything with more flavor!" Mimi said as she passes the menu to the waitress.

An itchy feeling rose in Alec at having a little girl complain about his preference for coffee.

How come her attitude right now was a bit different from before?

Not sure why she invited him out Alec stares out the window, his head resting on his broad palm.

"Big brother, why don't we talk about something? Sitting here just being silent is really boring." Mimi pouts.

Staring at the girl's pout, Alec tucks his arms in front of the table, straightening his posture.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" He asks a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Well, why not tell me about your day?" Placing her elbows on the table, she sets her small round face in her palms.

Furrowing his brows, the two continue to stare at one another. He couldn't seem to follow this girl's logic.

What was her purpose in hauling him out here?

But for some odd reason, he found her amusing unlike what he thought of her before.

"Just adult stuff," He leans back in his chair leisurely.

"Really? Like what?" A hidden spark shines in Mimi's eyes.

"Things you wouldn't completely understand. Nothing to worry about."

"Is that so?" Mimi's voice trails off with disappointment.

Wouldn't completely understand?

Hearing those words conveyed an unpleasant feeling in Mimi's heart.

Just because of her age, many underestimated her knowledge, that and for the fact that she never really showed off her true abilities.

Taking notice of the girl's mood turning glum, Alec felt troubled about how to improve her mood.

Before he could say anything, the waitress comes over with a tray of warm milk tea and black coffee.

Reaching for a pink sugar packet in the corner of the table, Mimi rips it open and begins pouring it into her cup.

"Listen, Alec. Let's get down to business."

Discovering the girl's change of attitude, Alec felt startled.

Witnessing the petite girl in front of him show a hint of maturity in her eyes, any teenage boy would feel confused as to why a child shows such emotions.

Watching as she pours three sugar packets in her tea then stirring it calmly. She finally lifts her purple eyes towards his shaken face.

"I guess you're probably wondering why I brought you here and arrived personally at your company," Mimi lifts the cup to her mouth and begins to blow it softly.

"The truth is, I require your help with something that I know only you will be qualified to do."

Looking at the young girl before him with a complicated look, he opens his mouth to speak, but nothing seems to come out.

Sighing, Mimi looks at the helpless teenage boy in front of her.

"Jeez big brother, you sure are insensitive on responses! I'm amazed you were able to create your own company when you can't even talk to a little kid!"

After a long moment of silence.


Alec suddenly breaks out into fits of laughter. With the cup in hand, Mimi along with a bunch of other customers, look at Alec with an unusual expression.

Wiping away the sudden tears welling up in his eyes, a bright smile breaks out on his face.

"You truly are the opposite of what I expected." He says chuckling.

"What exactly would that be? Stupid, useless, dense?" Mimi scowls her fist resting against her cheek as she looks out the window.

"Not exactly, but close."

Mimi's eyes shoot at Alec, her expression darkening but to others, she looked as if she was pouting.

"I apologize if what I said irritated you," Alec gently laughs sipping his coffee.

"It's fine, after all, I'm just a kid. Most adults think that about children so it's nothing to really be offended about."

Nodding his head, he couldn't help but feel this girl had a mature aura to her even though she was merely seven-years-old.

She truly was different from how he pictured her to be. Who would have thought she was a smart mouth child with a hidden tease and sass.

"So, you said there was something you wanted to discuss with me?"


Grabbing the pink satchel wrapped around her chair, she reaches in taking out a tan folder. Tossing the folder onto the table, she continues drinking her tea.

Taking the folder on the table, Alec unravels it to examine a bunch of papers neatly bunched together in an organized manner.

Reading the first page his eyes widen before looking up at the little girl in front of him as if she were a vicious witch.

"Where'd you get this?" His voice lowers as if they were being secretly watched.

"The internet," Mimi shrugs her narrow shoulders. "You should really get better security on your websites, big brother."

Of course, the security was secure, but not secure enough for a genius like Mimi.

"Read page six," Mimi said, eyeing the waitress walking towards their table with her food.

A set of pastries were set out in front of Mimi, cakes and buttery desserts all drifting up into Mimi's nostrils. Placing another dish in front of the little girl, Mimi gazes lovingly at the crispy egg sandwich her mouth watering.

With brown toasted bacon and sunny golden egg and cheese placed in the center of a perfectly flaky croissant, Mimi felt her heart squeeze with happiness.

Thanking the waitress and not forgetting to flash her a cute dimpled smile, Mimi starts digging into her food.

While Mimi was enjoying her glorious, enchanting meal, Alec was in rather a difficult situation as he continued reading the file in his hand.

How could such a little girl come up with such a carefully thought concept?

It took professionals years to come up with deals and contracts, but for Mimi who had recently just learned about it had already sought out a solution.

Looking up from his papers, he was faced with a chubby-cheeked Mimi who although already filled with food stuffed another pastry in her small little mouth.

How was she not choking?! Her cheeks were about to explode!

"Did you come up with this?" He coughs lightly placing the folder on the table.

Nodding her head, Mimi swallows down the hefty portion of food in her mouth.

Taking a napkin she elegantly wipes the corner of her mouth, unlike the hungry crazed barbarian she was a few seconds ago.

Letting out a slight cough, Mimi sips her tea before taking in a deep breath. With her eyes opening, a trace of seriousness flashes in her light violet pupils.

"I have already read the original contract and compared it with the one I've written. I'll require it to be authorized as well as having you present it."

"Why have me be the one to present it? Why not give this idea to Hirogori's company?" Alec asks after thinking about it from the very beginning.

Letting out a harsh laugh, Mimi looks at her adoptive brother.

"What have the Hirogori's ever done to deserve my intelligence? Besides with sister's death, there's no need for me to stay there anymore." A flood of sadness appears on the little girls face for the first time.

Watching the little girl show a vulnerable side in front of him for the first time, Alec's heart softens up. Not once had she cried at the funeral or shown a sorrowful expression.

But here she was now expressing her true self with such a mournful empty expression.

"Do you plan on abandoning the house?"

"Mm. I'm planning on getting my own apartment."

With the words coming out of a seven-year-old girl, Alec nearly spat out his coffee.