
Fatherly Reunion

Currently resting on a couch Mimi placed her phone in her pocket before standing up from the comfy seat.

"Who were you on the phone with just now?" Grace asked while chopping vegetables in her kitchen.

"Just a new acquaintance," Mimi happily said while making her way towards Grace.

The elderly woman examined the young girl as if searching further into her words. However, with Mimi's teasing smile she couldn't hint at anything.

Shaking her head Grace walks towards her fridge to receive a container filled with vegetables.

"Here you can eat these when you get home," Grace passes the container to Mimi. "Glen and I overgrew a few. They're nutritious and fresh so eat them."

"Thanks, Grace," Mimi giggles giving the old woman a half hug. "I'll be sure to feed them to Alec!"

"Evil child!" Grace knocked Mimi on the head. "Don't treat my vegetables like torture methods! You better eat them, or I'll be sure to force them down your throat!"

Laughing joyously at Grace's fierce words Mimi rubs her forehead. "En, I'll eat them don't worry. Tell Glen I said thank you!"

"Yes, yes, I will," Grace sighed. "I swear I wonder what your parents did to create such an evil little monster."

Hearing the old woman's words, a bitter smile appeared on Mimi's face, however, it was quickly replaced with a wide smile.

"I think they wonder that as well," Mimi chuckles."I have to head out now, don't want to keep my acquaintance waiting."

"You be careful out there! Don't stay out too late!" Grace prompted her as Mimi left towards the door.

"Yes, ma'am!" Mimi said before shutting the door.

Gathering a deep breath Mimi walks down the apartment complex stairs. Phoning for a cab she leans against the wall.

Deciding to eat the container filled with vegetables, Mimi picks up a carrot munching on it blankly.

Last night


As the two returned to the party which was coming to an end, many onlookers noticed Tobias and Mimi walk side by side in a close manner.

A few older CEO's who held envy towards Mimi looked at her with bewilderment.

How did the little brat manage to get so close to the cold man?!

Many whispers went about as the two came in, but neither seemed to care or notice.

Just as Mimi received a text from Alec saying he was outside, a tall dark figure blocked her path.

Looking up she came in contact with the one man Mimi had ever felt such hateful emotions towards.

Her father.

For some reason upon seeing him, Mimi's entire body froze in place as she stared at the man who was possibly involved in her sister's death.

Henry Hirogori with his indifferent expression looked down at the young boy who stared at him with an empty expression. Observing how this was the face of the so-called "famous system creator", Henry Hirogori clicked his tongue.

"Mr. Itou, once again I appreciate you attending," Henry Hirogori said ignoring Mimi. "I hope you enjoyed yourself."

"En. It was a pleasure to attend." Tobias responded shortly. "Once again, congratulations."

Watching the two men converse in short cold sentences, Mimi found that both truly were almost alike.


However, a bitter feeling arouses in her heart as she looked at her father, memories she couldn't forget continued to appear.

Despite those emotions, she continued to place a smile on her face. Finally, turning his gaze towards Mimi, his brown eyes lit with what Mimi saw as mocking.

The bastard was looking down on her.

"I have to say when I heard the mysterious man Andras was attending. I was quite surprised." Her father twisted his lips evilly. "Turns out the so-called influential man is, in fact, a scheming little boy. This world indeed is beginning to change."

Hearing his words one would have thought he was praising the young boy, but those smart enough grasped the hidden meaning in those few sentences.

He had basically claimed that because of young people like her, the business industry was becoming chaotic with immature children.

The man had clearly hinted that the young boy used scheming underhanded methods to get where he was.

With those words, a broad smile broke out on her face without the slightest bit of irritation. She looked into the face of the man who helped her into this hell of a world with empty emotions.

"You're right, the world is indeed changing," Mimi chuckled. "However, as the world changes so do people. That's of course what the young generation is for. My heart may be young, but my mind is not and eager to discover new things in this world."

Henry Hirogori's face hardened, his eyes darkening at her words.

"Moreover, age shouldn't matter unless your wine or cheese right?" Mimi grinned mischievously.

Tobias, who stood next to Mimi, arched his eyebrows at her words. He couldn't help but feel a small smirk form on his thin lips but it was barely visible.

Henry Hirogori narrowed his eyes at the young boy.

He had underestimated the young fellow, however, his snarky words weren't enough for him to feel threatened by.

Grunting in response, his lips arch upwards before nodding his head and walking away.

Mimi sighs as the man leaves, she refused to look in his direction and continued to walk towards the exit.

As Mimi and Tobias walk out, Alec who stood to the side of the building looks up with wide eyes. How come the two were walking out together?!

His mouth was slightly opened as he stared at the two, Mimi rolled her eyes at her brother's expression.

"Close up your mouth idiot," Mimi sighed.

Alec shut his mouth and awkwardly stared at the two. For some reason, something felt odd to him when he saw the two walk out.

Especially Mimi's expression which he found to be cold and detached.

Just as he was about to interrogate her about it, the girl cut him off.

"Did the situation with Ms. Yimo get settled?" Mimi asked before Alec could indicate anything.

"Ah...right yes," Alec responded.

"Good," Mimi smiled.

Suddenly a dark black limo pulls up near the curb in front of the three. Mimi could probably tell it was Tobias's ride and could only shake her head at the man's style. Damn these attractive wealthy men.

"I should get going and phone for a cab," Mimi said as she pulled out her phone.

Just as Mimi was about to press the call button, a firm hand restrained her causing her to look up.

"You can ride with me," Tobias's husky voice offered.

Blinking up at the bulky man with wide eyes, a small smirk curls up on Mimi's lips.

"My, my, what a kind offer." Mimi teased. "However, I wouldn't want to trouble you after all we had only just met. So I think I'll just call a cab."

Mimi stepped out of Tobias grip and walked away from the group with her phone towards her ear. After ending her call, Mimi walks back towards the two.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Itou," Mimi respectfully bowed her head towards him. "Alec you as well."

With that, the small figure walked away towards the bright city lights.