
She'll Play

"You're what?!" Alec shrieked.

What a wonderful way to start a Monday morning...

Massaging her forehead, Mimi stares icily at her brother. That morning in her office, dressed as Andras, Mimi had taken it upon herself to inform her brother of the most recent events.

Her working for Glory Trade Corporation - Tobias Itou.

Alec, being the slow-paced person he was, naturally was unaware of Tobias's discovery of Mimi's real gender. If he were to found out how he'd definitely not believe it.

Who'd believe a man who rarely spoke to women discovered the identity of a cross-dressing teenage girl?

Which was exactly his reaction...as to be expected.

However, when informing him of her working under Tobias, he had given out the previous dramatic reaction.

"Y..you mean he actually knows..?" Alec stuttered.

"Yes, big brother! How many times do I need to repeat it?" Mimi huffed.


Alec was truly shocked. Out of all people finding out, Tobias was at the bottom of his list.

Never had he imagined the reserved indifferent man to be able to found out with a significant glance.

Little did Alec know it was due to the many physical occurrences with Mimi, was Tobias able to put his suspicions together.

"How come you wanted to work for him all of a sudden?" Alec asked.

Sighing, Mimi looks at her brother with hopelessness. And she was said to be the stupid one in the family...

"Every blooming disciple needs a master. Therefore, I've decided to have my teacher be someone with knowledge of this industry. The best of the best."


"Correct big brother!" Mimi smiled proudly at her brother.

However, providing Tobias as her mentor wasn't solely the genuine reason as for why Mimi decided to work for him.

If anything, she held great admiration towards Tobias - as a boss.

He was diligent, wealthy but not spoiled or greedy. The man was self-made.

Born from a bankrupt family, with his own hard work and effort he rose to the top and built his own company with his own blood, sweat...and possibly a few tears.

The man was a legend, an influential fighting warrior.

Not to mention, out of all the people and businessmen she's met, Tobias truly was the only one she couldn't figure out.

The man always wore a blank expression. It was exciting!

Whenever she met the man it was a challenge to find out what was on his mind and what he felt.

If Mimi were to appoint someone she put close to her admiration list, Tobias would be second.

Emily, of course, was her first being a strong-will survivor of the Hirogori family.

"Because you asked more than three questions in a day, I require you to go buy me lunch," Mimi smirked mischievously.

Alec stared bitterly at the girl sitting placidly at her desk.

Truly a shameless girl.

"Fine, but don't expect a big lunch." Alec sighed. "I already have the owner staring at me strangely and am convinced it's not because of my looks!"

"I want extra pickles on my sandwich this time," Mimi fluttered her long lashes.

Grumbling Alec exits the girl's office with an ominous cloud hovering over him. Watching her brother leave, Mimi reveals a faint smile.

Suddenly hearing her phone ring, Mimi glances at the caller ID with unreadable eyes.

"Did you manage anything?" Mimi asks in a low voice.

"Nothing. He wouldn't confess to anything." A man's voice said on the other end.

"Fine. If he wants to play, let him play." Mimi chuckled as a murderous light flashed through the girl's purple eyes.

"If he doesn't confess...cut it off."

Listening to the girl's order, the man on the other end shuddered while slightly glancing down at his lower body.

"Don't call me back until you collect something out of him," Mimi said before hanging up.

The once teasing young fifteen-year-old girl was soon replaced by a dark hollow shell sitting glassily in the office chair.

A woman of her word, she said she'd play. So she'll play...