
This Was Going To Be Interesting

"Cough--!" Eli cleared his throat once more, a serene smile forming on his face. "Ms. Ming this is our new employee Mimi. She's going to be working in the same field as you so please treat her well!"

Jinny stared at Mimi from top to bottom.

"There's no way this girl is human!" Jinny argued fiercely.

"Ms. Ming!" Eli warned sharply.

Senior Su, who had also realized the situation, turned towards Jinny.

"Jinny, I think that's enough," She sighed gently. "Please apologize to the girl for your actions."

"B-But..." Jinny muttered.

Just as Jinny was about to speak once more, a sharp bang was heard throughout the room. Turning towards the cause of the sound, everyone could see Mimi slamming her feet onto the desk.

"Are you all done yet?" She said with a grim expression. "I have to say when I got the job here I didn't think I'd be working with such intriguing people."

Hearing her emphasis on the word 'intriguing' Senior Su's sharp brows furrowed.

"Ms. Mimi I will take full responsibility for Ms. Ming's actions," She spoke clearly. "So please don't hold it against her. However, you must also take responsibility as you had immaturely played around with Ms. Ming's confused feelings."

Everyone who hadn't fully understood her words would have surely thought she was speaking to Mimi as if she were a playboy. Or playgirl.

Eli frowned towards the woman's last words as he then shifted his gaze towards Mimi. To his surprise the girl was merely staring at her black painted nails, blocking out the woman's words.

Senior Su stares at Mimi with a displeased look.

"Ms. Mimi, I reasonably understand you might feel offended for this inappropriate treatment," Eli begins detecting the tense atmosphere. "As a heartfelt apology for these circumstances how about a permanent free meal ticket to the cafeteria?"

Finally, transferring her intent gaze up from her polished nails, Mimi's bright violet eyes gaze at the handsome the man gazing at her with a crooked smile.

Withdrawing her feet from the desk surface, Mimi twists her chair towards Eli's figure.

Eli smirked upon observing the girl's sudden change in attitude towards his words. From the girl's previous words, he had figured she possessed a slight weakness towards delicious foods.

Little did he that so-called slight weakness was precisely a full-on obsession...

"I willingly accept Mr. Sato's kind offer. However..." She subtly shifted her fierce gaze towards Jinny from the corner of her eye. "I want my own separate office. I prefer performing my work alone."

Blinking rapidly towards her words, Eli scratches the back of his neck with a faint helpless expression.

"Excuse me, Ms. Mimi, I think that's a little--" Senior Su instantly began with a disapproving gaze but was quickly cut off.

"Senior Su," Eli spoke sternly with a grave gaze. "I think you've said enough on this matter."

Looking genuinely shocked towards the ordinarily care-free man's harsh words, Senior Su gently lowers her lovely head biting down on her plump rosy lips - quietly going silent.

Sighing hopelessly, Eli looks towards Mimi with a faint smile.

"As Ms. Mimi wishes. I sincerely hope this will make up for the events that took place here today." He said politely with a faint plead in his voice.

"En. It'll do." Mimi grunted.

Finally flashing a radiant smile, Eli's attractive face glows brightly.

Jeez, with just a few pleasant words the man was already beaming like he instantly won the lottery.

"Alright, everyone, get back to work we've already consumed enough precious time," Eli ordered the watching workers.

As everyone shifted back into their professional working modes, Jinny and Senior Su both gazed at Mimi with contrast expressions.

Mimi took notice of both their unique expressions as they stared at her with evident emotions.

However, what sparked her interest the most was precisely Senior Su's accusing eyes.

Hmm...this was definitely going to be interesting.