
Strip For Him

As Mimi had felt graciously pleased with the situation, Eli was undoubtedly anything but, pleased.

If anything he was quite nervous for the girl beside him!

When he suddenly received a call from the boss personally during work, to say he was stunned would certainly be an understatement.

He had felt like he was dreaming or possibly died and entered hell!

The man on the other end's icy voice was enough to make a full-grown man faint from the intensity. Before he could ask why Tobias called him, the man had merely spoken seven words.

"Fifth floor. Bring her to me immediately."

Afterward, he had hung up leaving a sweating Eli stuck to figure out his precise meaning. Not hesitating to question his bosses words, he went to the fifth floor of the building only to instantly see the scene with Mimi and the woman Ms. Cheng.

He could faintly guess by 'her' in his orders he referred to Mimi, as he was aware of her seemingly close connections with the boss. He reasonably concluded this through Juno.

Not many knew but Juno, who appeared nervous whenever he was with Tobias, was quite closed off and serious.

He had only shown his respect towards those who were either personally close with the big boss or he thoroughly respected.

However, even though he was a distance away from the cold man he couldn't help but shiver.

Hopefully, he'd go easy on the poor girl…

Still unaware of the disaster that awaited her, Mimi grinned happily.


At the gentle sound of the elevator reaching the top floor, Eli's body tensed up while Mimi happily strode towards the cold man's private office.

"Ah...Mimi, wait a minute," Eli tried his best to catch up to the young girl who had already headed towards the polished doors.

Turning towards Eli with questioning eyes, she waited for the man to speak.

"Before you go in there I merely want to inform you that the boss…" As soon as those words left Eli's mouth they instantly caught in his throat at the figure before him.

Arching her brow, Mimi watches as Eli's body tenses and his eyes awkwardly stare behind her.

Before she can comprehend the situation, a pair of strong arms clutches her shoulders swiftly rotating her body around.

With wide eyes, Mimi looks up to meet a pair of dark cold eyes which were attached to a seductive heaven-defying face.

His thin rosy lips were gently set into an anxious frown while his glossy black hair that was usually pulled neatly back, looked disheveled, a few strands sensually falling in front of his flawless face - most likely due to the man running his massive hand through it multiple times.

With dark bushy furrowed brows, the man stared back into her violet eyes with a penetrating gaze.

"Ah...greetings boss!" Mimi smiled humbly at the man before her, completely unaffected by his tight hold on her shoulders. "Did something happen, you look a little disordered? But don't worry it doesn't make you look any less handsome. If anything this crazed look of yours looks dangerously even more attractive!"

While the girl possessed a brilliant smile, the man holding her in place expression was anything but a smile.

With his dark eyes, he anxiously looked the girl up and down. It didn't take him long for him to immediately catch sight of the evident burns on the girl's soft porcelain skin.

An ominous dangerous icy pressure immediately surrounded the area causing one's heart to stop and bodies to freeze in place.

"You were injured?" Tobias muttered bitterly, his crushing grip on Mimi's shoulders tightening.

Looking up from the girl's stained clothes and burns, he subtly shifts his burning gaze behind her to stare murderously at Eli with a dark stare.

Eli smiled wearily, nervously releasing a few faint laughs.

Ah...what did he do wrong?

"Oh, these?" Mimi, unaware of the situation, looked down at the burns on her arms and revealed stomach. "They're no biggie, just slight burns! If anything they hardly hurt!"

However, Mimi's words had merely caused the air to become even more suffocating - his grip tightening even further on her shoulders. His frown deepened along with his bushy noble brows.

With sudden movements, he dragged Mimi into his office before looking at Eli with an indifferent gaze.

"Get me antibiotic ointments," His deep voice echoed as he then walked back in and shut his office door.

Eli stood there stunned for a few seconds before he finally registered Tobias's words in his mind.

Ah...why him out of all people!

However, he couldn't help but be amused by his bosses treatment towards the young girl. Everyone was aware of his distant and indifferent attitude towards all people.

He wasn't one to get close to others easily, yet here Eli had witnessed the young man's clear concern towards a young fifteen-year-old girl with a gothic appearance.

Gently shaking his head amusedly, Eli sighs hopelessly while scurrying to quickly retrieve antibiotic ointments.

Inside Tobias's office...or the beasts den, the man sat Mimi down on his office couch, before hastily walking to the back of his office into another room disappearing from Mimi's sight.

Mimi, who was extremely confused at the moment, tilted her head to the side with furrowed brows.

In mere seconds, Tobias came back with a first aid kit in his lavish hands. Walking towards Mimi, he places the box on a neighboring table and opens it swiftly as he then takes out an aloe ointment.

Although he already obtained some aloe ointment, he had nevertheless sent Eli out because he wasn't about to take any chances if the one in his possession didn't work correctly.

Sitting down across from Mimi, he places the ointment in his hand and stares into Mimi's puzzled violet eyes.

"Take it off," Tobias asked, his dark eyes staring intensely at Mimi.

"Eh?" Mimi tilted her lovely head to the side appearing like a small confused kitten.

"Your shirt, take it off," Tobias repeated bluntly.


Mimi stared at Tobias with widened eyes and slightly parted rosy lips.

Was he asking her to strip for him?