
Nobody Likes An Ass Kisser

Happily humming a joyful tune, Mimi walks toward the company Glory Trade Corporations entrance - a radiant expression on her heavy makeup face.

Those who saw the girl pass by nearly fainted on the spot, as Mimi was completely unaware her joyful smile appeared as if she were a haunting evil spirit in a horror film.

Ah! She couldn't conceal her excitement!

Trying her best to compose herself, Mimi holds the giggles threatening to burst. After placing on her frozen expression, Mimi leisurely walks into the building - her hips gliding smoothly as she walked.

The receptionist, seeing Mimi kindly smiled while slightly bobbing her head.

Seeing the receptionists actions, Mimi curiously arched a brow. Hmm...interesting, Mimi inwardly grinned from ear to ear.

Although she wasn't too fond of too much power, it sure felt good to have others acknowledge her! It made her feel like a queen and they were all her servants.

As Mimi passed the receptionist she had forgotten to hide her evil grin as she fantasized. Unfortunately, the poor receptionist saw Mimi's wicked grin and paled, her figure trembling.

Didn't she just smile at her? What did she do wrong to receive such an expression!

Unaware of the turmoil in the poor woman, Mimi heads to the building elevator. Mimi calmly leans up against the elevator wall, an impassive smirk gently spreading across her rosy lips as the door slowly shut.


The gentle sound of the elevator door opening caused Mimi to erase the beaming smile from her face, her figure casually making itself out of the elevator and towards the broad hallway.

Reaching the door to the tech department, Mimi carefully hides a smirk from spreading mischievously on her face.

Let the fun begin!

Opening the door, Mimi enters the room with an icy, indifferent expression. Those who were previously working stopped abruptly upon identifying the familiar gothic girl that had entered the room.

All eyes turned toward her, each filled with nervousness, guilt, and even...jealousy?

Oh, this was going to be good!

Acting as if she hadn't noticed their expression, Mimi calmly makes her way toward her office, only to be stopped halfway by a group of female employees.

"Mimi, it's so good to see you!"

"It was really a shame that you didn't come to the party yesterday, I was really hoping you'd be there."

"Oh wow, I never noticed how soft your hair looked. Why kind of products do you use?"

As the women voiced honeyed words toward her, Mimi had merely stared at them with an indifferent expression.

Perceiving how the person they were talking to wasn't responding, the women stiffened slightly - their smiles straining.

"Mimi, what's wrong? Don't tell me you're still sick? You should rest at home if you're not feeling well!"

With an arched brow, Mimi menacingly stares at the woman.

"I see. So that's it."

The women stare at Mimi confusingly.

What did she mean that was it? Watching the women's expression turn from strained smiles to evident confusion, Mimi sneers.

"I take it you all met my brother last night? That explains why you're spewing such ass kissing words." Mimi stared at the woman with an icy sneer.

As soon as Mimi spoke, the women's faces flushed a bright red from visible embarrassment and shame.

Unable to say anything back, the women stare at Mimi with gaping mouths. Those who observed the scene from their desks couldn't help but snicker while others grinned amusedly at Mimi's harsh yet truthful words.

Who asked the women to suddenly suck up to her?

Those who had realized they were in the wrong toward the gothic girl had thoroughly thought to let things take place and take small steps until Mimi forgave them.

One couldn't force trust and understanding when it came to working together.

Yet, here this group of women had quickly gone up to Mimi, a girl who was their junior, to flatter her in order to create a connection with her brother.

Their actions were clearly immature. And like many, no one liked an ass-kisser.

Of course, there were a few who expressed looks of contempt, but Mimi ignored their expressions and mainly focused on the three baboons in front of her.

Suddenly, one of the women speaks up after gathering up the courage.

"That may be true, but it was because of your brother that we were able to realize you weren't what you seemed. I mean you can't blame us. You acted like you had done nothing when you were in fact working."

"Exactly! Had you told us, we wouldn't have thought to ignore you."

"Honestly, if you didn't want us to think badly of you, you shouldn't hide your talent. Otherwise, it merely seems like you wanted us to purposely look bad."

While the women spewed out more foolish words, Mimi crossed her arms while staring at them with a vacant expression.

Those keenly watching from the side couldn't help but look at the women strangely.

Were they in high school?

What was with the juvenile behavior and pointing fingers?

While some thought to ignore the scene before them and continue working diligently, others chose to watch with eager eyes.

A real show was about to go down!