
Satisfying Him

"I hear you're going to be training Mr. Yimo's daughter."

Mimi stretched out on the sofa lifts her head to glance in Tobias's direction. Propping herself up, Mimi releases a giggle.

"My, my, news sure travels fast."

"It's expected. You've been in the spotlight for the past couple of months." Tobias shuffles a set of papers on his desk before placing them to the side.

Reacting towards his words, Mimi's expression intensifies. Tilting her head to the side with a wicked smile on her face, the young girl snickers.

"Of course! I am after all a heavenly youthful being! They won't be able to get enough of me!" Mimi grins from ear to ear.

Tobias was perplexed hearing Mimi's shameless and boasting words toward herself. Surprisingly, her boasting now was quite minuscule compared to most days.

He couldn't help but shake his head helplessly upon recalling the time Mimi or Andras, made it into the magazine for teenage girls and was voted hottest male teen of the year.

The day it was released, the girl rushed to his office and gloated about it nonstop until the day was over. Afterward, once Tobias stopped working he took her out to eat like their ordinary routine.

After praising herself, Mimi's expression calms as she props up her chin with her hand – light pieces of short silk hair fluttering across her purple eyes.

Letting out a gentle sigh, Mimi glances to the side. "Although, I am worried his daughter won't be very cooperative at work. If that's so then it'll truly make my job a lot harder."

Tobias looked at Mimi's expression from across his desk. Threading a hand through his hair, Tobias stands up and makes his way toward Mimi on the sofa.

Detecting his light footsteps, Mimi jerks her head in his direction only to see him crouching in front of her. His dark eyes staring into hers with a delicate and warm emotion that caused Mimi to tense up slightly.

Extending his hand out, Tobias gently caresses the girl's silky short hair, occasionally sorting out the messy strands.

"I believe you can do it. Just have faith." Tobias said in a light tone.

Flashing her eyes dramatically, Mimi looks at the gorgeous man stroking her head as if she were porcelain. Clenching her fists tightly, Mimi's eyes lower.

Noticing the girl's gaze turning away from him, Tobias merely smiles and pats her head.

"Also, remember not to overwork yourself. If you want, you can take a break working here and focus on your company and training Mr. Yimo's daughter."

Directing her gaze back at Tobias, her expression back to normal, a bright teasing grin displayed on the girl's lips.

"Sheesh, you sure worry a lot, Tobias. There's no need I'll continue working here just as I've always had." Mimi smiled. "And if you're still worried, then don't, I already have a plan on how to deal with Ms. Yimo."

Lifting an eyebrow, Tobias stares curiously at the girl but decides to allow her to secretly scheme. If she succeeded…and she usually did, she'd come to tell him everything eventually.

"Are you hungry?" Tobias asked, rising back up in a standing position.

Mimi immediately looks up at him with shimmering eyes but rapidly transformed them into a mournful gaze.

"En, this heavenly youthful being is starved; it's been hours since I've last eaten. Tobias, save this miserable one!" Mimi puckered out her rosy lips and fluttered her silk lashes.

Unable to stop the twitch forming on his lips, Tobias chuckles deeply before ruffling the girl's hair.

Walking toward his desk, Tobias asks. "Meat or noodles?"

"Mm…both! And don't forget a large salad!" Mimi plopped her legs down from the sofa to focus back on her work.

Smiling gently, Tobias picks up the phone on his desk to order food for the two.

For the rest of the day, the two spent hours working and eating in his office until the day was over. Near the end, Tobias and Mimi departed ways, with Tobias driving Mimi to her apartment complex.

Seated in the man's car in front of the building, Mimi, about to exit the car is suddenly stopped by a hand preventing her from opening the door.

Confused, Mimi turns in the direction of the man gripping her arm and looks up at him with a creased forehead.

Staring down at the girl's confused expression, Tobias releases her hand to examine her violet eyes tenderly.

"Promise me you'll take care of yourself. Don't overwork yourself and do anything dangerous." Tobias spoke in a strict tone, but his eyes were sincere and clouded with concern.

Lifting the corner of her lips into a crooked smile, Mimi giggles. "I already told you I already have everything under control."

"But you didn't promise me you wouldn't overwork yourself."

Pouting her lips, Mimi looks at the gorgeous man with a complex expression. Still, unfamiliar with the man's concern for her, Mimi's body couldn't help but tense, a frown settling on her face.

A majority of the time if someone were to show concern towards her she'd dismiss it and laugh it off, not taking his or her words into consideration.

However, staring at the man in front of her, she could clearly see the concern and burning emotion in those black eyes.

Not to mention she knew if she was to reject his concerns he'd, nonetheless, find a way to either punish her or cause her to follow his words.

She couldn't help but find it somewhat bothersome.

What happened to her freedom days - when she was able to do whatever she wanted without an adult's consent or concern!

It seems ever since this handsome, cold demon entered her life, all those opportunities were thrown out the window, run over by a car, and burned with the strongest of flames from hell.

Releasing a heavy sigh, Mimi glares up at gorgeous figure hovering over her. "Fine! I promise I won't overwork myself!"

Arching an eyebrow, Tobias continues to stare at the girl silently. Grumbling even further and muttering a few light curses under her breath, Mimi huffs.

"And to make sure you believe me, I'll have my assistant remind me to not overwork. And to message you when I leave work."


"And…I'll call you?"

Still, the man remained silent.

If she weren't so irritated, Mimi could have seen the teasing and amused expression on the man's face as she wracked her brain on how to satisfy the man.

"Video call! I'll video call you personally when I'm home! Satisfied?" Mimi huffed.

"En satisfied." The tall man nodded his head with a faint smile.

Creasing her brows even further, Mimi crosses her arms, ready to leave the car. Unfortunately, just like before, she was pulled back and suddenly felt a gentle yet rough weight in between her brows.

"Don't pout. And don't forget your promise. I'll be expecting your calls." Mimi could feel the man's warm breath against her face as he rubbed the spot in between her furrowed brows with his thumb.

After a few seconds, Tobias releases the girl allowing her access to flee his car. Looking at the man casually watching her from the side, Mimi twitches her lips and exits his vehicle quickly as if he was about to pounce on her again.

Seeing the girl's scurrying figure, Tobias' thin lips curl up into a tender smile, a faint laugh escaping his lips. Tapping the wheel to his car, the man continues watching the petite figure enter the apartment and shut the door.

After the girl's figure was gone from his view, he starts his car again and leaves the complex.

Later that night inside Mimi's small apartment, the young girl with short hair dripping onto her white, slender shoulders wraps a towel around her nape.

Walking across her living room toward her bedroom, Mimi enters the room and slumps down on the plush bed to lay down tiredly.

Closing her eyes, Mimi's chest rose and fell with rapid calm breaths. It was cold, alone, and dark. Laying down on her bed, Mimi couldn't help but feel somewhat comfortable.

But it wasn't the kind of comfortable one would feel when near a loved one or something warm, it was more of a reasonable feeling. As if the Mimi now was how she should be feeling.

Cold, alone in the darkness, just like it had always been.

Sighing lightly, Mimi opens her eyes to reveal her large violet pupils. Thinking back to everything that took place during the past five months, Mimi frowned. This all wasn't enough. None of it was enough for her to get where she wanted.

It had been two years since she was able to get people from the underworld to search into her sister's death, and two years with no information. Although she knew it'd be difficult that didn't mean she was patient.

Emily. She would be sure to make her sister get the closures she deserved and for those who hurt her to pay. Her father, her step-mother, the entire Hirogori branch had to pay for what they have done.

Even if it ruined her, Mimi wasn't willing to back down. Not yet, not ever.