
Fell Into Ruins

"Ms. Yimo,"

Walking out of the large building, Mimi makes her way toward Jean and Emilia standing in front of the car.

"A-Andras, I'm sorry…I-I didn't think he..."

"There's no need to apologize. You're not responsible for his actions."

"I know but…"

"Ms. Yimo," Mimi cut her off sharply. "Rather than apologizing and wasting time why don't we get back to work. There are a few things I'd like to discuss with you."

Stumped, Emilia nodded her head and entered the car with Mimi and Jean.

There was so much she wanted to say but for the time being, she held back her words for when they were alone.

Arriving in front of Mimi's company, the three exit the car and walk out.

Both Mimi and Emilia head to the top of the building – Mimi's office. Walking into her office with a sigh, Mimi loosens her tie, leisurely revealing her smooth, white collarbone.

Emilia stared at the boy's collarbone for a few seconds only to flush red and turn away. Her cheeks were hot, and her heart was beating rapidly.

Ah, all he did was show his collarbone and her heart was already pounding!

Slumping down in her seat, Mimi leans back and looks at Emilia with clear eyes.

"Ms. Yimo, please sit."

"Ah…yes." Emilia stammered and hastily sat down in a seat in front of Mimi's desk.

Staring down at her lap, Emilia nervously fiddled with her fingers avoiding any eye contact.

The room had been silent before Mimi shifted her eyes to stare at Emilia with an unclear expression.

"What do you think of Mr. Williams?"

Emilia raised her head. "Huh? What do I think of Landon?"

"Yes. Compared to before, what do you think of him now?"

Recalling Landon's prior actions, a flame ignited within Emilia. Puffing out her cheeks and crossing her arms, Emilia frowns.

"He's scum, that's what I think of him! For years that bastard has used me. I never noticed it but now…all I see is trash when I look at him!"

Sneering, Emilia tilts her head. "If anything, I'm glad I saw him today. I was finally able to tell him off, that bastard!"

While Emilia ranted off not hiding her disdain toward Landon, Mimi silently watched with an amused expression.

"Ms. Yimo, what if I told that your meeting with Landon wasn't a coincidence?"

Pausing her rant, Emilia looks at Mimi with furrowed brows.

Emilia looked doubtfully at Mimi. "What do you mean?"

Chuckling, Mimi drummed her fingers on the table and slowly lifted her dazzling eyes to stare deeply at Emilia.

"I mean, I purposely brought you there so you could encounter Mr. Williams. I set you up." Mimi smiled as she uttered each word slowly.

For a moment, Emilia stared at Mimi blankly before her eyes widened and her face flushed red with fury.

"You..!" Her face flushed red and her wide eyes stared at her as she snapped. "How could you do such a thing? Manipulating me like that for your own personal gain, shameless!"

Mimi suddenly released a devilish smile on her rosy lips. She leaned back with an elbow prompted on the chair's arm, while her chin settled against the back of her palm.

"My own personal gain? You're right, that's partially it. However, I mainly did it for you, Ms. Yimo." Mimi's smiles were gentle yet cold. "Didn't you say moments ago that you were glad you met him today so you could tell him off?"

"Y…Yes, I did say that…but that doesn't dismiss the fact that you set me up without my permission! What if something happened to me? How would you compensate if I got injured?"

Mimi sighed before propping herself up in her seat.

"Nothing bad would've happened, I assure you."

"How do you know?" Emilia's eyebrows knitted.

"Because Ms. Yimo, I wouldn't allow anything to happen to you. Although you're my employee, I'm still responsible for your safety. As long as I was there nothing bad would happen." Mimi's words caused Emilia's face to flush.


Mimi laughed softly. "Ms. Yimo, I think what you mean to say is thank you."

Swallowing her words, Emilia averts her eyes from Mimi's intense stare. Seeing the girl redden to her ears, Mimi held back a laugh and shook her head lightly.

Meanwhile, outside of Mimi's office, the internet was buzzing with comments and shares on a recent piece of information.

Nearly an hour ago, a well-known paparazzi company posted a video on their site.

In an instant, 'Manipulative, Violent, CEO', 'The True Face of WT Corporation!', and related headlines spread throughout the media soon making it to the top rankings and catching the attention of many netizens.

Offensive and vulgar comments raided through, all not holding back to express their shock, disgust, and anger toward the video.

"Woah…is this for real? I never thought he'd be that way. I use to like him! All my respect toward him is lost."

"Asshole! Who knew this was his true face! Using that girl for his own needs and then going off on her when she sticks up for herself, truly unworthy of being CEO!"

"Hey…What's the saying for a male green tea bitch?"

"You go, girl! I was cheering for that girl in the video. She didn't hold back at all! A queen, that's what she is!"

"Someone get this bastard fired or arrested! This is outrageous!"

Netizens insults increased, more people spreading the video across the internet until it became the most heated topic. Similar comments saying for Landon to get out of the business industry developed.

Only an hour passed since the video was posted, and it had already become such a hot topic. Meanwhile, back in WT Corporation, things weren't looking too bright.

Investors quickly pulled out of their company while their stocks plummeted to the ground. It had only taken less than an hour for their company to fall.

Everything…it was all gone.


Landon staggered back from the harsh impact, however, his expression was blank as he stared dazedly at the floor.

"You worthless trash! This was because of you! I asked you to do something so simple, yet you not only made it worse but you ruined us! We lost all of it, it's all over for us because of you!" Landon's father roared. "We have nothing. No investors, no money, everything is gone!"

Landon was silent towards his father's shouts. His dull eyes stared down at the floor before they lifted to look at his father.

"I…It wasn't me! It was Andras! That new CEO, he was there and he…"

"What?" Listening to his son's words only caused Landon's father to get angrier. "You mean the one who took that video was that little bastard? You allowed such a kid to ruin us with a mere video?! You bastard! How could I have raised such an ungrateful bastard?!"

Another few hours passed before the companies board members took action. Landon was quickly removed from his CEO position.

Now that they were bankrupt, they considered selling the company to make up for everything that was lost.

By the end of the day, the entire company fell into ruins. It had been as if it never existed.