
I Hate You

Mimi was silent for a while, as she stared at the lump under the covers with an unclear expression.

After a while, did she sigh.

"Because a certain employee of mine has been missing from work lately. I have to say your colleagues were quite concerned when you didn't show up for the past week. As the boss, it's my duty to check up on my employees."

Each word Mimi spoke brought another shot of pain into her heart. She somewhat felt like laughing at herself.

An employee he said…

Not once did he say he was concerned for her. Never did he say he cared for her. Biting down on her lower lip, Emilia's eyes reddened.

"Is that all?"


Abruptly, Emilia pushed the covers away and sat up to glare at Mimi with red, tear-filled eyes.

"Is that the reason you came here? To check on me as an employee? To fulfill your duties as the boss?"

With a faint smile and vacant eyes, Mimi tilts her head. "Of course, why else? Unless you were expecting another reason."

Hearing her words caused Emilia's face to flush red, the corner of her eyes tearing up even more.

"Andras, I hate you!" Emilia slammed her fists on her bed. "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! You're arrogant, a playboy and a heartless monster! I wish I never met someone like you!"

Mimi silently watched Emilia curse at her with a dull expression, almost as if she were bored.

"You're all these things and much worse and yet why…Why do I still?" Emilia harshly bit her lower lip.

With her head lowered, Emilia couldn't see the wrinkled expression on Mimi's face toward her faint sentence.

Sighing, Mimi stood up from the bed. Looking to see Mimi's rising figure, Emilia thought the boy was about to leave but was frozen stiff after witnessing their movements.

He…He was unbuttoning his shirt! Was he about to strip right in front of her?!

"W-What are you doing?!" Emilia's face flushed red.

Continuing to focus on unbuttoning her shirt, Mimi said, "There was another reason I came here besides fulfilling my duties as your boss."

Looking up at Emilia with unwavering eyes, all traces of her smile disappeared and were replaced with a serious expression.

"I also came here to clear something with you."


Flustered, Emilia's mind was in a daze until she suddenly felt Mimi's soft small hands grasp hers and pull it toward her slightly exposed chest.

"Andras, what are you doing?!" Emilia was stunned by her bold actions.

Mimi didn't say a word as she pressed Emilia's hands onto her chest. Embarrassed, Emilia pushed against Mimi's chest to pull away from the boy but stopped upon a familiar feeling.

After a few seconds, Emilia stared directly at Mimi's chest and her hands slowly began to knead her chest.

Rubbing, squeezing and groping, Emilia's expression began to change the more she touched.

This…no way.

Mimi on the other hand, experiencing Emilia's rough and sensual movements couldn't help but feel…slightly strange.

As perverted as she was, she never had someone grope her chest before. The feeling was exhilarating but not as pleasurable as she expected.

If anything, it was starting to hurt.

"I know there's not much there, but could you not kneed so hard trying to find them? It still hurts." Mimi chuckled.

Shocked, Emilia removed her hands from Mimi's chest and stared at her in disbelief.

"You're...You're a girl?"

"I prefer the term woman, but girl works too."

Emilia was speechless.

There were no words to describe the emotions and thoughts ramming through her head. Andras, no…whoever he...she was, had been…

"That girl you saw at my apartment the other day, that was me,"

Emilia was silent while she stared at her palms. Mimi observed her expression and felt a heavy sensation weigh down in her heart.

Hmm? Did she eat something bad?

Deciding to shake off the feeling, Mimi's lips pursed into a firm line.

"I thought it was best to tell you now before you got hurt." Mimi's voice was faint.

Emilia couldn't help but laugh bitterly to herself but in the end, she remained silent.

Mimi stood there for a few moments before sighing and turning to walk away. Just as she was about to leave Mimi paused to look at the girl's lone figure.

"I don't expect to be forgiven or to gain your trust back, but everything I've done and said, it wasn't as the duty as your boss, but as a friend."

Mimi then opened the door gently and walked out.

After leaving the Yimo Mansion and saying goodbye to Nanny Hua, Mimi dialed a number on her phone and quietly sat on a bench.

Only five minutes passed before a black Mercedes-Benz V Class pulled up.

Mimi entered the car from the back and was kindly greeted by the familiar figure of Tobias Itou. The man with a laptop on his lap typed speedily before looking up at the girl's entering figure.


"Mn," She nodded her head with a gentle smile.

"What do you want?" He glanced at the girl as she carefully took out her contacts.

"Mmm…burger and fries! Oh, and onion rings!" Mimi grinned.

Tobias grunted and leaned forward to give orders through the car's intercom, not forgetting to add a salad and a few raw vegetables.

Closing his laptop, Tobias sets it aside and looks at the girl seated across from him.

Mimi, who was currently staring out the window with a silent expression, was unaware of the man's thoughtful gaze on her.

After a while, Mimi turned to look at Tobias, her brows furrowed.

"You're not going to ask me how it went?"

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Mimi's lips tightened into a straight line as if she were thinking before she rapidly nodded her head.

Chuckling at the girl's reaction, Tobias smiles warmly and leans back in his seat.

"How'd you think it went?"

"I think I did good, but…" Mimi's purple eyes lowered.

Tobias patiently waits for the girl to speak, but from her troubled expression, he could already guess what she was going to say.

"You did your best."

Mimi stared intently at the man's dark eyes, a complicated glint flashing through her eyes.

Rather than saying Emilia would forgive her or that everything will be okay and things will end perfectly, he simply praised her - even if things didn't go well.

She had longed to hear those words for quite some time.

"Do you think she'll forgive me?" Mimi raised her eyes hesitantly.

"Who knows?" Tobias's tone was soft.

Mimi blinked at the gorgeous man across from her and let out a bitter laugh.

Not a yes or no huh?

This man…truly was one of a kind.

Looking up at the man, a broad smile spreads on the girl's lips.

"Hehe, hopefully, she will. After all, who can resist my charms, man or woman?"

Tobias chuckled and ruffled the foolish girl's soft head.

"Mn, you're right."

Mimi giggled and stared back out the window. She had done her part, now all she could do was wait and see.