
A Remarkable Angel

As the days went by, Mimi spent her time collecting data on Shen Jue, looking through his past projects, investments, and recent activities. To avoid being noticed by him, she used the basic internet sources to discover more about him.

Opening up a woman's article on him, her brows twitched when she read the title beneath a photo of him smiling warmly at a camera.

[Sweet Prince Remains Loyal To His True Love]

The interview was ten minutes and consisted of Shen Jue being asked relationship-related questions by the host. When asked if he'd ever find a girlfriend again, Shen Jue displayed a sad expression and said in a soft tone:

"I already gave my heart to someone many years ago, to give it to someone else is impossible."

To his words, the women in the crowd squealed. Their Shen Jue was such a devoted lover! Though the love of his life was no longer among the living, he still held her in his heart! So romantic!

Reading the comments on the video, Mimi's expression grew darker.

Bullshit! This man didn't love her sister! She doubts he even knew what love was! Using her sister's death and their engagement to gain fame, truly shameless. Mimi mumbled bitterly to herself while disliking the video and releasing a few censored comments.

"What are you looking at?"

Mimi glanced up from her computer screen to see a man with a beautiful face sitting across from her, a cup of black coffee in his hand while he stared back at her. His pair of black eyes looked at her with a hint of amusement.

Lately, she found Tobias to be exceptionally observant and clingy over these past few weeks. Whether she was at home, her own company or walking the streets, he'd be there. If he was unable to be present then, he'd send someone else until he arrived.

Though Mimi enjoyed his pampering it was a bit…stifling. She hardly had time to tease or enjoy some time alone besides at night!

"Just looking at some websites."

"Oh? Like what?" Tobias smiled spuriously.

Mimi's brows twitched, but she quickly shut down her laptop and shook her head. "Nothing! They're far too inappropriate for you, my innocent boss!"

Tobias laughed softly, "Who said I was innocent?"

Mimi: "…"

Why is it that Tobias's words were starting to sound like…her? Perhaps spending all that time with him was starting to affect him mentally! Inwardly, Mimi's expression turned frantic. Did she pollute her pure and innocent boss?

Tobias observed the girl display a variety of emotions on her face and a small smile formed on his lips. He placed his cup down and reached out to rub her head.

"You worked hard today. Are you hungry?"

At that, Mimi's movements froze and her expression turned delightful. Not holding back her temptation of delicious free food, she nodded her head.

Oh well, as long as he still fed her, he could become perverted all he wanted!

Tobias stood up from his seat and ushered her forward, "Then let's go."

Mimi was delighted and hummed a song as she followed Tobias out of the building.

That day Jinny packed her belongings and was prepared to go home after a long day of work when a familiar voice calls out to her.


Glancing behind her, Jinny's eyes went wide before brightening at the familiar figure.

"Senior Su!"

The two stood in front of the company building, a faint breeze passing by the area. Senior Su looked at the small woman and smiled warmly. It had been nearly two weeks since they last spoke.

"Do you want to get a drink together?"

Jinny was stunned, "W-With me?"

Senior Su chuckled softly. "Mm, with you."

Instantly, Jinny's face lit up and she nodded her head violently. Senior Su smiled toward her reaction and guided her towards her car. The two drove to a local bar and ordered themselves a few drinks and food. Though they hardly spoke, the air was harmonious and filled with warmth.

Senior Su suddenly said, "Jinny, about before…I'm sorry."

Nearly choking on her beer, Jinny looked up at the dignified woman in shock. "Huh? You…Why are you apologizing?"

"Lately it seems I haven't been myself and have treated you unfairly. I had no right to yell at you like that or say those things to you."

Jinny shook her head rapidly, "No, no, it was me who…"

She paused and suddenly recalled all the words Mimi had said to her these past few weeks.

After a while, she coughed and changed her words, "Thank you. I understand, things have been hard on you, so you don't have to worry."

Senior Su couldn't help but raise a brow at Jinny's response. Her eyes turned gentler, and she laughed while rubbing the woman's head.

"You've changed, Jinny."

Nervously, Jinny glanced up at the strikingly attractive woman, "I-Is that bad?"

Senior Su shook her head, "No. It's a good thing. I'm glad to see you've grown while I wasn't around."

Lowering her eyes and shrinking her head back, Jinny's eyes trembled with joy causing her long silk lashes to flutter.

Senior Su's eyes turned upward and she took a sip of her red wine. "Is there a sudden reason for this change?"

Jinny fell silent before nodding her head and sounding a hum. She traced the rim of her glass and hesitated to speak.

"The truth is, I've asked Ms. Mimi to teach me how to speak with more confidence."

Hearing her words, Senior Su's movements froze, a slight chill ran across her eyes. "Mimi?"

Not detecting the woman's change in expression, the expression in Jinny's eyes became brighter and brighter. "Mhm! She's truly an amazing and intelligent girl! In exchange for advice, I've offered to carry out tasks for her when she asks me to!"

The more she heard, the gloomier Senior Su's expression became until the air around them chilled, her mood turning sour. Wasn't she using Jinny as some personal servant while relaying simple sentences to her?

Looking at the naïve and innocent woman beside her, Senior Su could imagine the errands Mimi made her run without a thought. When thinking of Mimi's brutal and unfriendly personality, she was more certain about the matter.

"Jinny this…doesn't this sound as if she's using you?"

Jinny paused her speaking and looked at Senior Su, her eyes blinking innocently. She lowered her head, letting strands of golden hair to fall in front of her doe, milky eyes as she fell into deep thought. She looked back up at Senior Su with a clear expression.

"At first that's what I thought. When we first met, she was harsh and ruthless with her words. I even felt a little resentment toward her for a while."

Senior Su listened with slight surprise. She never expected Jinny to admit to feeling such a way toward another person. In her eyes all negative emotions were considered bad, yet to hear her admit it so freely; she felt gratified.

Jinny continued, "But I started realizing it wasn't that she was purposely being mean, she was honest. I was jealous of her honesty and lack of care for other's opinions. It seemed like nothing in the world bothered her. She expresses her way of kindness to those she cares for and acts ruthlessly to those who attack first."

A tender smile curled up on her lips as she laughed dryly, "It turns out my insecurities have led me to attract negative people in my life. But I think for once the gods took pity on me and let me meet Mimi. She truly is remarkable."

The coldness only dispelled slightly in Senior Su's heart upon seeing her expression, but she was still stifled. Hearing her speak high praises for the girl and show a warm expression made her feel unsettled.

Senior Su tilted her head and laughed bitterly, "Am I one of those negative people?"

Immediately Jinny shook her head. "Never! If anything, Ms. Mimi made me realize how much of an important person you are to me!"

Senior Su was stunned and didn't respond for a while, before smiling stiffly.

"I see. So she treats you well?"

Jinny giggled, "Compared to how she is with others, I'd say she treats me kindly."

Senior Su was silent and said nothing more while sipping her wine. After drinking, Senior Su drove the now drunk Jinny home. Supporting the wobbling woman up, she brought her into her home and set her down on the bed.

Jinny swayed and fell flat onto her pillows while releasing a fit of small giggles.

"Senior Su…" Jinny called out in a childlike voice.

Senior Su walked over and sat beside the intoxicated woman on the bed and sighed. "Why'd you drink so much?"

The petite woman muttered something and propped her head on Senior Su's soft legs. Her face rubbed against her before she let out a content sigh.

"Because…I don't know when you'll leave me again. I was really scared of being left alone with all those bullies!"

Senior Su's brows knit. Bullies? Was she bullied while she was away?

Looking down at the cuddling woman on her lap, Senior Su's gaze filled with guilt. She extended her white hand and softly stroked the woman's head with her slender, fair fingers.

"It was my fault. But I promise, I won't leave you ever again, so don't worry."

Jinny didn't answer and continued to mutter incoherent words.

"Ms. Mimi…no Ms. Angel…she saved me. She defeated all of the demons and took me in as her humble disciple!"

When those softly murmured words left Jinny's mouth, Senior Su stared at her in surprise.

She sighed, "Someone's been reading a lot of historical novels…"

Though she was drunk, Senior Su knew Jinny's words came from the bottom of her heart. The words she expressed are true and still filled with praise. This meant…she may have overlooked Mimi's character. Recalling what Jinny said earlier about the girl, her gaze became more complicated.

Silent for a while, Senior Su glanced down at the now asleep woman on her lap and touched the short strands of her short hair. Tilting the woman's head from her lap, she rested her carefully on a pillow and stood up from the bed.

Walking out of the bedroom, she stops to stare at the passed out woman on the bed.

"Goodnight, Jinny."


If you want to read 1-4 early chapters of MIMI check out my patreon at https://www.pat re on.com/paramyis

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