

At the food table, Mimi was faced with a very serious problem. The portions before her…they were too small! This was hardly enough to feed her, let alone a group of guests!

Perhaps Lori Itou wasn't as wealthy as she thought.

While sadly putting small confections on her plate, Mimi suddenly heard the sound of footsteps approaching behind her. It was more than one person from what she could hear.

When she turned around, her eyes couldn't help but widen. Meeting her shocked expression was a cold face, his brown eyes piercing down at her.

Breaking from her shock, Mimi inwardly laughed at her misfortune. With an amused smirk, she faced the stoic head of the Hirogori family.

"My, my, my. I didn't expect to see you here, Mr. Hirogori."

Henry Hirogori looked down at her coldly with his usual poker expression.

"I could say the same to you. I knew you were close, but I didn't expect Tobias to bring you here."

"Yes, we're very close." Mimi gave a slow, indifferent smile.

"Hmm, a little too close, don't you think?" A cold voice sounded behind her father.

Only when Mimi shifted her had she noticed the entire Hirogori family was present – all except Alec. This included Lillian and Seth Hirogori, who hadn't been in the public since the scandal at Lee Odo's farewell banquet. Although the Hirogori family was able to suppress the scandal between the two, it didn't erase the truth of the event for many.

Seeing Kenji's scornful expression, Mimi had to laugh.

"Jealous?" She teased.

Kenji only smiled. "Just curious what tricks you used to wrap him around your finger."

The eyebrow on Mimi's face rose, the dimpled smile on her face deepening.

"I would tell you, but I'm afraid I'm not as skilled as you think. After all, before we met I was still a pure maiden." Mimi gave a mock sigh, her innocent gaze causing a crack in her father and brother's faces.

When Mimi's eyes shifted to the Lillian Hirogori, the original glare on the woman's face froze. Instead, she seemed rather tense under Mimi's gaze. The corners of the girl's lips curled up sinisterly.

"If anyone is skilled at wrapping men around their finger, it would be Mrs. Hirogori, no?" She purposely taunted, enjoying the pale expression on both Seth and Lillian's faces.

"Not only did she manage to capture the heart of Mr. Hirogori, but she also—"

"Watch your mouth." Henry Hirogori bit out. "Do you have any sense of decency? You should practice those manners of yours before they get you into trouble."

By now, the smile on Mimi's face disappeared. The eyes that looked at her father no longer held amusement, only coldness. The more words her father spoke to her, the emptier her eyes became.

"I'm afraid the time for decency has long passed, don't you agree, father?" Mimi's expression was sly. "Besides, I rather enjoy my lack of manners. They're helpful when it comes to infuriating those I despise the most."

Even though his expression remained the same, Mimi could see the bitter, murderous glint flash through her father's eyes. It brought her great joy indeed.

Although Mimi's attention was still on her father, she could see from the corner of her eyes Tobias walking toward them. Hiding the smile on her face, she looked at her blood family with a cold smile, her eyes void of any emotions.

"Well then, father, brothers, Mrs. Hirogori, it was a pleasure speaking with all of you." Mimi gave the group one last smile before nonchalantly turning away.

She looked up to see Tobias rushing toward her in long strides.

Mimi had only taken two steps before his arms wrapped protectively around her waist. Tobias shifted her body out of the view of her family and looked down at her with concern.

"Are you okay?" He gazed deeply into her eyes, trying to read her expression.

Mimi giggled. "Mm, I'm all right."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know they would be here. If I did, I wouldn't have—"

Placing her fingertips on his lips, Mimi smiled softly.

"I know. You don't have to apologize."

Tobias stared at the beautiful girl's soft gaze and sighed. He took the hand on his lips and helplessly kissed her fingertips, eyes staring deeply into hers.

"Do you want to leave?"

"Do you?" Mimi asked back simply, her lovely brow raised.

Pursing his lips, Tobias scanned around the room and happened to meet the cold eyes of Henry Hirogori. Both men glared at one another darkly, before Tobias felt a tug on his arm. Looking down, he saw the girl's bright, clear eyes staring back at him.

"Let's go," Mimi tightened her grip on his hand and smiled up at him.

Tobias nodded his head with a tender expression. He had already seen his parents and said his peace as they did to him. It was clear their relationship would never change.

As they walked in, the couple left the mansion hand in hand. When Lori Itou noticed this, he immediately panicked. Just before he could chase after his son, his ex-wife stopped him.

"Let him be. He's still young. It won't take long for him to see the girl's true feelings."

Lori Itou's eyes widened and he looked in the direction the couple left in. Rubbing the wrinkle between his brows, he looked away.

"Tell everyone dinner is about to begin," Lori Itou told a nearby servant.

The servant nodded his head and went to carry out his orders.

It won't last long. Those were the thoughts the Itou parents sincerely hoped for. Yet little did they know their son was already very aware of the girl's true feelings for him. One that would only grow for the years to come.

Meanwhile, in the corner of the room dressed in a simple, yet elegant cocktail dress that showed cleavage and flattered her curves, a woman sat with her legs crossed at a table. From the beginning, she sat there and drank her champagne. It wasn't until Tobias and Mimi left that she emptied her glass and stood up.

As if she were never there, she slipped out of the mansion.