The First Time Using the Superpower to Gamble

If a gaze could kill a person, then Wang Zhitao would have killed Yang Ming! Wang Zhitao didn't understand. Yang Ming was just a minor character. Not a whole lot happened to Yang Ming the other time when he attempted to frame Yang Ming. Why would the police keep this case open for so long?

After the policemen went to Tavern Heaven on Earth multiple times to investigate the case, Wang Zhitao finally began to be afraid. He told his father, Wang Yunlong, all the things he did. Naturally, Wang Yulong gave him a terrible scolding! 

Nevertheless, Wang Yunlong still cared for his own son. Therefore, he used a large amount of money to bribe a waiter to be the scapegoat for his son. With his connections in society, he pressured the police station to wrap up the case quickly.