What Should I Do If You Are Dead/ Even You Too

Chapter 1787: What Should I Do If You Are Dead

"Yes, stop! I think you're fine now!" Xia Bingbao was shocked when he heard Yang Ming talk about the mission. He was afraid Yang Ming would not go!

In fact, Xia Bingbao also knew that the personnel performing this mission had a ninety percent probability of dying. Xia Xue's participation was decided by the head of the family. Xia Bingbao could not do anything to change it. His father's train of thought differed to his. His father thought that Xia Xue needed to gain some experience. Otherwise, she would be too inexperienced to be a Police Captain due to her young age.

However, Xia Xue was in this line of business, so it was reasonable for her to participate in this mission. However, it was not fair for Yang Ming. Yang Ming was not a full-time employee. He was a college student enjoying a good life. Wasn't it a bit cruel to make him undertake such a mission?