Ceding Interests

"You're quite the gentleman." Yang Ming saw Jotans's attitude was still not bad and pressed his hand down lightly in the air, "Sit down and talk."

"Thank you, Mr. Yang!" Jotans nodded and sat down.

"Klass is dead. I'm not going to ask nor am I interested in who instructed him or who sent him." Yang Ming glanced at Jotans, "We are now talking about the Nancheng Family!"

Jotans was relieved after hearing Yang Ming's words. He was afraid Yang Ming would want to get to the bottom of this matter by asking for Klass's details and the identity of the person who introduced him to the Nancheng Family. If this happened, Jotans would be in a dilemma. Miss Alice's affairs could not be spoken of casually. If Yang Ming were to ask, he could only keep it to himself and stay silent.

But Yang Ming did not want to investigate this matter, so naturally, Jotans didn't mention it.