The Kidnapped Princess - Part 4

Astrid opened her eyes and, little by little, she started to recognize the worried face in front of her. Emilie had her right hand over Astrid's forehead and seemed on the verge of tears.

Astrid tried to stand up but a strong headache stopped her.

"Calm down," Emilie said with a whisper. "You're not fine yet."

"W-What happened?" Astrid asked. She knew the hit she got from the dragon was strong. But somehow she felt worse in her own body. Like the headache and some vertigo.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. That was a Black Dragon, after all. They're a rare kind of dragons, but their blood is toxic. I should've warned you. If I had realized it first..."

"Will I be fine, then?"

"It's toxic but not lethal. Feeling nauseous and losing conscience is common, but you'll live. I washed it off you, so you should be fine after a rest. You need more time."

"I see," Astrid looked around. She had her back leaning against a wall of rocks. There was light coming through an opening a little far which made her think they were inside some kind of grotto. "H-How long have I been out?"

"Some hours. But don't worry, we're safe here," Emilie said and held Astrid's hand. "I was so afraid. I was afraid I would never see you again. I can't believe you killed that monster. I can't believe…" She stared at Astrid with her teary eyes.

"The princess, she…" Astrid tried to stand up but Emilie gently held her down.

"The princess will be fine. Going after her right now is suicide. They won't harm her."

"But they could take her away."

"Yes," Emilie nodded slowly. "But there's nothing we can do. I know saving her is important for you but your life is more important to me. I won't let you die either. Just rest. We'll worry about it when you're better."

Astrid still tried to protest. However, she felt her eyes getting heavy and her mind cloud as she started to lose conscience.

When her eyes opened again, she felt better. She realized a patch made of pieces of cloth on her body where the dragon attacked, probably made by Emilie. Emilie herself was sleeping beside her, with her head leaning against Astrid's shoulder and her fingers grasping her partner's hand. Astrid smiled and kissed the blonde strands of hair close to her face.

Since only the faint light of a fire in front of them gave any light, it was probably night or dawn. Looking to her side, Astrid realized a roasted piece of rabbit meat and a jar of water set up for her.

"Did she hunt it?" She thought to herself and took it as she was starving.

"Hm...are you up?" A sleepy voice asked beside her. Astrid turned her head to see Emilie rubbing her eyes.

Astrid looked at her partner and nodded with a smile.

"You took care of me through all day, right? Thanks. I owe you my life again. Did you sleep well?"

"I'm fine. I went to sleep as soon as the sun set down. It'll probably be up soon."

"I see," Astrid realized a complex expression on Emilie's face. "What's wrong?"

"No, it's just. Yesterday I went out to hunt. I was wary about the possibilities of meeting up with mercenaries, but there was no one around. That's weird, they should at least be looking for you after what you did."

"So what you think happened?"

"Maybe they moved the princess to another location. But that doesn't make sense. Sir Corwin was the one who gave her location so he was probably expecting someone would come trying to rescue her. In fact, lots of people already tried it. I think he might be guarding the tower himself. If that's the case, we have a problem."

"I could fight him, maybe. I did kill a dragon," Astrid said, finishing her meat and drinking from the jar.

"Are you confident you can kill another dragon?" Emilie asked, tilting her head with a smile.

"Not at all," Astrid said with a laugh.


The two women got back to their mission as soon as the sun was up. Emilie had marked their best route the last day so she guided the way. She was worried about Astrid's wounds but Astrid assured she was fine making fast movements with her sword.

They soon arrived at the end of that forest. At their front, beyond the trees, was the large tower the princess was supposed to be imprisoned. They were cautious hiding behind rocks but Emilie had a curious frown on her face.

"Looks unguarded," she said. "Weird."

"Maybe they moved her after all?"

"Or they're trying to ambush us. Be cautious."

The two women stepped out of their hiding place and walked to the entrance. Emilie was cautious, looking around waiting for someone to jump out and assault them, both but no one showed up. They tried to open the front door and surprisingly it was unlocked.

"Maybe they really took her away," Emilie said as she stepped inside.

They walked the stairs leading to the top. The tower seemed to be empty inside except for the room at the very top. Astrid went ahead and Emilie watched as her partner's excited steps rushed forward.

When they arrived at the door at the top, Astrid tried to open it. It was locked up. The redhead looked back as if asking Emilie for help.

"Try to break the lock. Kick it. Or try cutting it with your sword or something."

Astrid looked at the lock. It looked sturdy and there was no way to put her sword between the crack. She took a step back and kicked the door with all her sword.

"H-Hey!" Emilie said with a worried face. "At least give a warm. What if she's behind it."

"Oh, r-right," Astrid said and shouted at the door: "If you're there, keep away from the door!"

She gave another kick. The door budged a little but was still intact.

Taking a deep breath, Astrid moved two steps back. With a jump, she landed another kick and the lock gave up. The door moved slightly, revealing the passage.

"T-That was a bit anticlimactic," Emilie said with a smile.

Astrid smiled back at her and opened the door. They surveyed inside. At first, it looked like the room was empty. There was a big table at the center, a chair in front of it and a bookshelf at the corner. There was an entrance for another room, probably where the hostage used as a washroom. At the side opposite to the bookshelf, there was a large bed.

For a moment, Astrid stared disappointed at the empty room, until Emilie pointed to the bed.

"I think someone is sleeping there," she said. Astrid looked at it and realized what she had taken as a bunch of sheets was slowly moving, as if someone was breathing inside it.

She approached the bed and pulled the sheets off. She was taken aback by the view of a young woman peacefully sleeping below it. Her long blonde hairs spread all over the bed and her pale skin showing at the spaces of her thin pink nightdress.

For a moment, Astrid only stared at her, as if magically charmed by the vision. Then she reached her hand carefully. As if touching that fragile-looking skin would break her.

Looking from behind Astrid, Emilie let out a sigh and approached her partner, touching her shoulder. She went to where the young woman was sleeping and gently shook her body.

"Princess. Wake up. It's not good for someone in your position to oversleep."

"E-Emilie!" Astrid said, looking startled.

"It's fine. She's not a goddess or something. And we should get out of here as fast as possible for her own good."

The princess turned on the bed and grunted something. She opened her eyes and stared at the woman in front of her. Emilie had given space to Astrid, so she was the first person the princess laid her eyes on. Her blue eyes shining even in the thin light of the room. She moved her long bangs away from her vision. Even if her nightdress was thin, it was impossible to see through it and it covered everything below her neck.

She made a confused expression as she stared right at the young woman wearing armor in front of her.

"W-What? Are are you?" She asked with her soft voice.

Astrid took the princess' hand gently and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Princess Sonia Lowell. My name is Astrid. I'm here to rescue you."

The princess stared at Astrid for some seconds. Then her eyes moved to the broken door, to Emilie standing behind and then back to Astrid.

"I'm sorry?" She asked again. "You're a woman, right?"

"Yes, she is," Emilie said, walking to Astrid's side. "We'll explain everything once we're out of here. We don't know when Sir Corwin's men will come and we better be away when that happens. For now," Emilie stared at the princess's dress. "Do you have something easier to move?"

"Only my royal dress."

"Not perfect, but better. Can you change, please? And while we're at it, do you have any food left?"

"B-below the table," the princess said, still sleepy while getting out the bed. "It's from yesterday night, but I think it's still good."

"So yesterday someone still brought you food, huh?" Emilie said, mostly to herself. "Anyway, please hurry."

The princess went to her washroom and came back wearing a long royal dress. It probably wouldn't be easier to walk but her legs were better covered than the night dress and the fabric was thicker. Emilie put the nightdress in her bag, grabbed the pot with food and they walked away.

Emilie was worried there would be an ambush once they exited the tower, but the place was deserted. Instead of that fact make her relieved, it made her worry even more. For sure Sir Corwin knew what had happened at that point. And there was no mercenary around either.

Despite the place looking deserted, they walked inside the forest to use the same way they came, hidden from sight.

After at least one hour walking, the princess stopped behind them and put her hands on her knees.

"Princess?" Astrid asked, looking behind her.

"C-Can we stop to rest?" She asked out of breath.

"Princess," Emilie said, turning to her direction. "I know you're not used to walking that much, but if we lose more time…"

"It's not the distance," the princess said. Her eyes focusing on her feet. "I can walk this far but this forest is hard to keep going. I think I have a thorn inside my shoe. My ankles hurt."

"I do understand, but…"

Astrid made a signal for Emilie to let go and approached the princess. She turned her back and crouched in front of her, leaving her arms behind.

"Come on, I'll carry you."

"A-Are you sure?" The princess asked, looking at Astrid's back.

"Sure. Come on."

The princess let her body lean against Astrid's armor and hugged her from behind. Astrid stood up, holding the princess' legs with her arms. They started their walking again.

"Won't you get tired like that?" Emilie asked. She could almost hear how fast Astrid's heart was beating. Which made sense as she had the woman she had desired so close to her.

"Not a problem," Astrid gave a smile. "Remember when I did it for you?"

"S-Shut up," Emilie hid her face from Astrid's view. "I adapted fast."

"Still, you were so light and frail that time. Just like she is."

"Are you saying I'm heavy now?"

"Uh, excuse me," the princess said in a gracious voice. "I am glad you're rescuing me, but since we're talking now, can I make some questions? Can you tell me why my father didn't send his men to my rescue? And how come I'm being rescued by a woman? I didn't think we had female knights."

"Your father did send some of his men at first," Emilie said. "But you were kidnapped by one of the best knights in the kingdom and one of the few who knew how to kill and even use a dragon, so…"

"I'm afraid most of them died trying to reach you," Astrid said with a reluctant voice. However, the princess answer was indifferent and emotionless.

"I see. I guess that's expected. But if my father asked people outside knighthood to rescue me, he must have put a prize for it, right?"

"Yes, actually," Emilie paused and gave the answer feeling a bad feeling in her stomach as it evoked her own memories. "Your father promised your hand in marriage."

"Oh," the princess said and silenced. For some minutes all they could hear was their steps on the ground, the wind moving the trees and the birds chirping around. After a long pause, she finally spoke again. "I should've guessed. A knight or mercenary brave enough would deserve the rule the kingdom and," another pause, then she gives out a smile. "And being the father of the king's heirs," another pause, her arms hugged stronger Astrid's body. "But since the one who rescued me was a woman, I guess you're asking for something else?"

Another silence. Astrid didn't say anything and Emilie was the one who answered, feeling her partner's anxiety.

"Actually, not. She wants your hand in marriage. That's why my partner traveled all this way to rescue you."

"Oh," the princess said and didn't voice anything else.

"A-Are you against it?" Astrid asking with a nervous voice.

"I never had a say in it so no. I just assumed because, you know. But my father's word is what matters, and I believe he'll keep it. Although he probably won't be happy, since he can't expect an heir out of us," she paused again. When she spoke again, her voice seemed softer. " But the idea of marrying a woman is refreshing."


"Yes. I was never supposed to be the one who'll rule the kingdom, after all. Since my birth, my role was always to be just a body to marry an important man and give my father a true an heir, which means a male heir. But if I'm marrying another woman, I guess that's over."

"S-So, are you happy with it?"

"Happy? I'm not sure. I'm intrigued."

Emilie was listening to the whole conversation while looking ahead. It made her stomach turn because of how much she could understand the princess' feelings. She recognized the tone she was using and what it meant.

"But," the princess said again. "You probably know my father will find a way to have another heir, right? We won't rule the kingdom, you won't become a queen. Why did you come to rescue me with the intention of marrying me?"

"I," Astrid failed to answer and Emilie let out a laugh.

"My partner here has admired you since we were just young girls, princess," Emilie said with a smirk. "She did it for you."

"Oh," the princess also let out a smirk herself. "Are you saying you did it out of love?"

"I, I mean," Astrid said with her face turning completely red. "I do like you, princess. And I do like girls. So…"

"Hmm," the princess hugged Astrid tight and whispered in her ear. "Must feel nice to carry the woman you love like this then, right?"

Astrid felt her heart jump and gasped. Sonia giggled.

Emilie just glanced back in silence with a serious face. Sonia's eyes met hers and she turned back at the same moment.

When they arrived at the same cave Emilie and Astrid used as a shelter before, she suggested them to rest there. There was a high chance the mercenaries would a be on the bridge and they would likely have to fight soon so Astrid should feel rested. Sonia complained about having to sleep in a cave at first, but Emilie said it was better than their other options.

"We could've hired a horse and fight the enemies head on to rescue you," she said. "We would probably be dead just like the knights who did it."

Later, when Astrid was out the cave surveying around and Sonia and Emilie were left alone, the princess started a conversation.

"You know," she said leaning against the cave's wall and looking at the dirt on her dress. "I was watching you this whole time and I might be wrong but, you're from a noble family, aren't you?"

Emilie, who was sitting in front of Sonia and preparing their food for the night, lifted her head to look at her.


"Your manners, like the way you talk or walk. Your body also looks more dignified. You seem like someone who read a lot of books. I'm not saying it as an insult but Astrid is somewhat a crude woman. She's pretty and nice but it shows. You two have clearly opposite upbrings."

"Emilie Stacks," Emilie said, turning her eyes back to the food. "That's my name."

"Stacks? From the Stacks family?" Sonia's body arched forward in a startle. "Wait, you're the runaway daughter of the Stacks family!"

Emilie let out a smile without saying anything.

"I knew it. My judgment is always on point. So, did you met Astrid after running away or…"

"I ran away with her. We lived in the same town."

"Oh, I'm really curious about that. But wait, aren't you afraid to be found out? You're going to have a lot of attention after helping to rescue a royalty, after all."

"I don't use my surname anymore. I doubt they would even recognize me now. And Astrid will be the hero, not me."

"You might be right," Sonia leaned against the wall again. She stared back at Emilie who was still focused on her task. "Say, are you okay with how things are now? If I and Astrid get married."

"So what?" Emilie lifted her eyes with a serious face. "If Astrid is happy, then…"

"You threw your life away for her, didn't you?"

"Was that life even worth protecting?"

Sonia let out a bitter smile. But still persisted.

"I mean, don't you like-"

"She's here," Emilie interrupted as the sound of steps announced Astrid's arrival.

Later that night, Sonia slept with her body leaning against Astrid's left side. Astrid was leaning against the wall. She has suggested the princess sleep like that because it was more comfortable. Emilie was leaning against the wall across them and staring at both women.

"Must be nice, huh?" She said.

"She's very soft and warm," Astrid said with a smile and moved the blonde hair off the princess' sleeping face. "She's hard sleeping. She was probably too tired."

"Yeah, being kidnapped looks like a lot of stress."

"Hey, Emilie. Come closer," Astrid asked. And when Emilie approached them, Astrid pulled her body with her right hand and hugged her against her right side.

"W-What are you doing?" Emilie asked.

"It's cold, right? This way we three will keep warm."

"I-I guess," Emilie said pressing her body against Astrid, her head against her chest. "You know, Astrid..."


"Once you bring her home, if you marry her, you'll need to live with her, right? I guess your life of adventures will end then."

Astrid stared again at Sonia, then smiled back at Emilie.

"That we'll see when this is over."

The three women fell asleep. Sometime during the night, Sonia grabbed Emilie's hand and that way they stayed until the morning.