I Am Not Lying!

After witnessing Yuan Qiyuan concoct pills at ease, Li Yuhua saw him in a different light. Perhaps he wasn't as useless as people make him be.

However, she was only a mortal who didn't know much about the cultivation world, let alone Alchemy. Meaning, her insights, and experience were not enough for her to fully grasp the heaven-defying scene she had witnessed.

After some time, Yuan Qiyuan retrieves the pill from inside the cauldron to show her.

"So beautiful…" she let out a murmur, one filled with awe.

The pill had a smooth, glass-like surface, and it was semi-transparent, like a piece of round marble. If Yu Lihua wasn't told ahead of time, then she would have definitely mistaken it as a marble, perhaps even a piece of round white jade.

But what baffled her the most was the mist that endlessly circled around the pill, looking like clouds circling around a small world.

Despite not knowing anything about pills, the nail-sized pill before her gave her the impression that it was something incomprehensibly valuable in this world — a treasure like no other.

"What is that mist around the pill?" she couldn't help but ask him out of curiosity.

"That is the pill's True Essence. Not to offend you, but you will not comprehend it even if I explained it a hundred times; it's just impossible," said Yuan Qiyuan.

And sure enough, Yu Lihua felt offended by his words. How could it be possible that she, a young adult, would not understand something after being told a hundred times? It is not as if he was explaining the meaning of life to a newborn…

"There are many things in this world that cannot be understood even if given a manual. It is like reading a cultivation manual but not having the ability to comprehend it. We call this a phenomenon, and the mist is one of these phenomena."

Despite feeling a bit irritated at his prior words, she somehow understood where he was coming from.

Like how there are countless cultivation manuals in this world, but why is it that some people cannot comprehend these manuals, while others can with ease?

What sense does it make when a Sage who has lived a hundred years not able to comprehend something that a mere 10-year-old could at glance? What is their difference… their talent? What does talent have anything to do with reading a manual and comprehending it? Why can't the mortal Sage who understands the meaning of life more than anyone not understand a mere cultivation manual?

"Do not overthink it, or it might throw your mind into an endless spiral of confusion and dissatisfaction. People, cultivators included, are just not meant to understand every mystery in this world," said Yuan Qiyuan.

Yu Lihua was speechless. Since when was the Young Master such a sophisticated person, who seems to be more mysterious than these phenomena?


After Yu Lihua was satisfied with looking at the pill, Yuan Qiyuan sent her away before going back to his room.

On his way back, people would look at him weirdly, wondering why he smelled so good.

"When did the Young Master ever use perfumes?"

"It smells so good… I wonder where he got it from…"

It was only when people realized that Yu Lihua smelled the same way as the Young Master did they understand what was going on.

"You poor thing… It must have been rough with the Young Master, huh?"

"I know this isn't the right time, but I have to ask… Where did you get the perfume? It smells too good to be ignored!"

"Huh? What are you all talking about?" Yu Lihua was puzzled by her fellow maidservants at first, but she soon understood their meaning and blushed profusely.

"You're wrong! The Young Master did not touch me! I am still pure!" she denied any sort of actions committed with Yuan Qiyuan.

"With the amount of time you had spent alone with the Young Master, how is that even possible? He is someone who cannot sit still when alone with any female, let alone a cute beauty like you…"

"Ahh, ahh! We get it, we get it. You're still pure… so stop crying..."

The maidservants had their doubts, but they did not continue on that topic after seeing the tears in her eyes; she was about to cry from embarrassment.

"I am not crying! And the smell is from the pill the Young Master had concocted!" she said, suddenly silencing the place.

"What did you just say? That the Young Master had concocted a pill?"

"Hahaha! That is the funniest thing I have heard all week! The Young Master — who does not even know how to cultivate properly — how can he do something as profound as pill concocting?!"

"I am not lying! I really saw it, the Young Master concocting a pill, right before my very eyes! He had even done it in under a minute while explaining the entire process to me like some expert!" said Yu Lihua, trying to defend herself.

The place burst into laughter after hearing her words, nearly shaking the entire mansion.

"The day the Young Master becomes an authentic Alchemist like his esteemed father is the day pigs start flying and dogs start talking!"

"Expert? He is an expert at being useless!"

The maidservants that are usually reserved when it comes to mocking the Young Master could not hold back their tears upon hearing that he had actually managed to concoct a pill.

"Are you sure it wasn't a dream? Not even the heavens would believe that the useless Young Master could possibly concoct a pill!"


Yu Lihua was red-faced at this moment from the maidservants' constant belittling.

They weren't even talking about her, but the Young Master who was known for being useless and talentless. However, for some reason, she couldn't help but feel as though she was the one being belittled instead of Yuan Qiyuan.

Why would nobody believe her? What benefit was there for her to make up such a lie? There was none.

Feeling angry and powerless, Yu Lihua quickly left the place with tears in her eyes.

It was only after she left did the others stop laughing.

"To be brainwashed in such a short time… truly a pity…"

"What a poor girl..."

The maidservants shook their head, thinking that it was already too late for Yu Lihua — that there was no chance for return for her…

Meanwhile, inside Yuan Qiyuan's room.

Taking the pill he recently created out a sealed glass bottle that prevents quality loss, Yuan Qiyuan swallows it without hesitation, and he begins meditating.