Main Quest

Zayn still struggled to not collapse right there and then, when Vown appeared right in front of him.

"You- How did you-... 6-Star Body Refinement Realm... You were only in the cave for less than a day... And then defeat the 4-Star Qi Gathering Realm...

You're truly one of a kind, Zayn! Even the extremest talents of the higher empires, wouldn't be able to do that! How the hell did you absorb the Qi Source?!?"

Hearing Vown's shock, Zayn just laughed it off. He tried his best not to collapse right now, so bringing up a good explanation wasn't possible.

As Zayn laughed this feat off, Vown instantly became serious.

"Listen, Zayn. I have to go. Something serious happened at the academy and they need my help. I declined their request for help, originally. The principal should be able to handle it by himself. I thought I had to take care of you while you were inside the forest, but I was wrong... But now... I think I'm only interfering with your growth. I'll go and assist the principal...

I know you're able to take care of yourself.

Here, take this!"

Vown gave Zayn a Transmission Qi Stone.

"I'll contact you in around a month or so and call you back or bring you back to the academy. We'll see."

"Wait! I'm coming with you! The Python Beast Forest isn't useful anymore, I already took the Qi Source out of it."

"I know, but... The Thunderlord Empire has much more places to visit. You should travel for a bit and experience life at first hand. It'll also help your lack of knowledge... Don't worry, you can experience many different things on a journey."

As Vown told that to Zayn he again just straight up disappeared.

"We'll see each other in a month... maybe longer..." Vown yelled.

Zayn was now beginning to recover from his exhaustion. He thought that something was off with Vown, but he didn't want to dig deeper.

"Kid, he's gone for real. We're on our own, now!"

Zayn wasn't depressed by that. He was aware that he still had Infinite Star with him and also the Daily System. So he wouldn't be really alone.

He also got really confident in his own strength now, after absorbing the Star Body and defeating the Python Beast.

"You should cut up the Python Beast and store the most useful parts of it."

"Most useful parts?"

"Yeah, the Python Beast should have many useful and valuable body parts. You could either sell them for top prices or use them yourself."

"Can't I just store up the complete Python Beast?"

"Store up the Python Beast? Kid, your low-level Storage Ring isn't capable at storing such a big beast."

Zayn ignored Infinite Star's remark and walked up to the Python Beast.

He put his hand on the corpse of it and in the next breath, the Python Beast completely disappeared.

Zayn naturally stored it up inside his Inventory. He didn't need to hide it from Infinite Star, as Infinite Star was bound to learn about it sooner or later.

"Kid, what the hell?!?"

"Well, let's say I have infinite space! Hahahahahahahaahha!"

Zayn was now fully recovered from the fight. Thanks to the Infinite Star Arts, his recovery rate was astounding.

"Hahahahahahahahaha!" Infinite Star also began to laugh at Zayn's pun.

Both of them were just thrilled right now. Zayn was so thrilled about his strength and Infinite Star was thrilled about his Spirit Sense.

They continued to just laugh for a while when Infinite Star left a remark.

"Kid, I gauged your Qi Talent... It's right now at five percent... After the absorption of the Sirius Star, you're only at five percent... It's true that the Sirius Star isn't one for Qi Cultivation, but still... How trashy must it have to be before the absorption? You're truly wasting nearly all of the Qi coming at you!

... But don't worry there are still many ways to improve, it'll only take a while!"

"Heheheheheeheh..." Zayn again only reacted by laughing it off. He didn't know how to react at Infinite Star's statement. He was neither happy nor sad by it.

It was a disadvantageous situation for Zayn, but according to Infinite Star he could still turn it around, and in the meantime, he had the supreme Infinite Star Arts.

"So... What do we do now?" Zayn was after Vown's disappearance clueless about the future's plan. He just trusted in Infinite Star's guidance again.

"Now? Hmm... You already absorbed the Qi Source of the Python Beast Forest, making the forest useless... Still, the Qi around the second cultivation side should be still present.

Yes! Let's go to the second cultivation side and sap it out dry again."

"That sounds like a plan! Let's go!" Zayn checked his position on the map again and embarked towards the second cultivation side.

As Zayn drew closer and closer towards the second cultivation side, he remembered about the Quest's Reward. Something about a Main Quest.

"Daisy, what's up with the Main Quest?"

"The Main Quest, is as stated, the host's main goal, which he has to ultimately fulfill, before continuing on his path. It's also the Quest, which brings the host nearer to his wish."

"My wish?"

"Yes! To be transported back to earth!"

"... I- Ehm... I don't know about that..."

"The wish can be always changed! The host only needs to issue it when the time comes! Does the host wish to see the Main Quest?"


"Main Quest: Become Invincible in the Royal Blue World!

Time Limit: 10 Years"

"There's also a punishment for the case if the Main Quest isn't fulfilled during the time limit. Does the host wish to see the Punishment?"


"Punishment: Death!"


Zayn stopped in his tracks.

'Punishment... death...'

He was shocked after seeing the Daily System's punishment.

Infinite Star immediately noticed Zayn's stop and his mood change.

"What's wrong?!?"

"Infinite Star..." Zayn's voice lacked any emotion. "Can I become invincible in the Royal Blue World?"

Infinite Star wasn't sure what caused Zayn's mood change, and hearing Zayn's question didn't make it any clearer.

"Kid, I didn't know you were that ambitious! It's a great goal to set for the-"

"Can I?"

"... Yes! With Ease!"

Zayn's mood once again changed. The answer gave him hope.

"Really?!? Are you for real?"

"Yes, kid! Don't forget you have the ultimate Qi Cultivation Technique, the Infinite Star Arts and also my guidance. I'm promising you right here and right now, if you follow my guidance, you'll become invincible in the Royal Blue World in less than 30 years."

"30 years?!?..."

"Kid, don't underestimate that, it's really fast in the cultivation world. 30 years is for a cultivator only a minor step in their life. It's really nothing. There're cultivators out there who are over thousands of thousands of years old. 30 year is really just a stepping stone in the cultivation world."

"Is it possible to do that faster than 30 years?"

"Yes, of course, but it'll mainly depend on you! I can guide you, but you are the one who'll take all the actions. In the end, you're responsible for your speed!"

"So... 10 years should be possible, right?"

"10 years?!? Kid, you're really ambitious! I'd have said that 20 years would be still possible if you put in the work, but if your goal is 10 years then... Well, we'd have to develop new strategies to attack this goal."

"..." Hearing that meant for Zayn that it was an extremely hard to achieve goal and if he didn't achieve that he would be killed by the Daily System.

Zayn trusted that the Daily System would be able to easily kill him off. The feat of transporting him into this world was already miraculous. Trying to kill him would be far to easy then.

"The Main Quest is far from impossible! It's attainable!" The Daily System voiced out in the monotonic robotic voice.