The Noble House of Rozen, Part 4

Under the woman's hard gaze, Rie froze for a second. It made sense that her presence was suspicious, but she would assume with Izalia there, she would not be hostile suddenly to her. Stepping back, as if to distance herself, she looked up at the woman who saved her.

The maid sneered, looking down on her. "Have you no voice? Cat got your tongue?" Gathering her courage, Rie balled her fists, and tried to muster a suitable reply to this tasteless joke, but Izalia was faster in her reply.

"Please, Mary, is that really necessary? I found her alone in the Guilhard Forest, and I decided to bring her back and ensure her safety. You wouldn't refuse my Tuli the same way." Her voice was steady and cold, like steel. Shocked, the maid's face twisted. "A-ah, Mistress Izalia, you misunderstand me- I would never turn away your children, but this, this Beastman-"

"Mary. You are going to clean this child up, and dress her according to the standard of my personal household. I will not allow you to go about deciding who I associate with, or what I do." Izalia commanded, her eyes stern. "Now, I am going to stable my horse and have a bath, and you are going to have her ready for a meal together with my household."

Turning to Rie, she knelt next to her, and put a hand on her shoulder. "Listen," Izalia said warmly, "I am going to make sure you are looked after. I don't know what your circumstances are, but I hope to find that out at dinner. Now, you listen to Mary, my head maid, but tell me if she doesn't apologize for her actions or mistreats you." Rie nodded obediently, feeling a little better that such a strong-willed person was not her enemy. Standing up, she strode away confidently to the stables, leading her horse.