Flat Pack Fun


"Dude move, this shit is heavy," Thea snapped at Jae, who was on the stairs in front of us.

"Yo, this is also heavy," he whined.

"You're carrying a cushion,"

"Yeah, a super heavy cushion,"

"Jae, dude can you hurry up?" I sighed.

Thea was getting grumpy, she gets like that when she's trying to get something done and she has to wait for someone else, the issue being is that once she starts doing something she pushes through until it's finished, mainly because if she sits half way though she looses momentum and doesn't want to get up. Everyone else on the other hand likes to take a break, which just makes her annoyed.

"I'm trying it's just so heavy," he exaggerated.

"Move," Thea yelled.

"Dude I'm serious, it's heavy,"

"Seriously," she kicked her leg out, hitting him in the back of his knee. He dropped on the stairs.

"Thea," I snapped.

"What? He's fine,"

"Jae, dude, move before she drops this and kills us both,"

"I'm going to need help the pick this cushion up,"

"Just pick up the god damn cushion, and move," Thea seethed through her teeth.

"Charlie! I need help," he ran up the stairs.

Thea took a deep breath and exhaled before stepping over the cushion and kicking it down the stairs.

"You didn't need to kick him," I frowned at her.

"He moved didn't he?"

"He'll be back,"

"Whatever, can we just get this stupid thing by up the stairs before I throw it out and set it on fire,"

"You wanted to go shopping,"

"You weren't going to do it and I didn't have anything else to do, I seriously need a new job," she groaned.

"Why did you quit?"

"I didn't quit, I was fire because I wouldn't sleep with the manager,"


"Yeah, he came up with some bullshit excuse but that's what it was, of course I can't prove that so,"

"Do you wanna work for me?"


"Yeah, why not?"

"Are you going to pay me?" She looked at me skeptically as we finally came off the stairs.

"Why wouldn't I?"

Jae and Charlie walked past us as we lent the massive box, which contained half of the flat packed lounge, against the wall. Between myself and Thea we'd moved most of the heavy stuff, so the empty space was now full of flat pack boxes and miscellaneous decor, which Charlie and Jae were bringing up, neither of them had the upper body strength to lift the heavy stuff up the stairs.

"Be careful of the wallpaper,"I frowned as we set the box against the newly wallpapered wall.

"You don't have to say that every time we put a box down, I get it, be careful of the wallpaper it was expensive, be careful of the floor has just been redone," she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah well you're kind of like Destructo,"

"I am not," she pulled a face.

"You are,"

"Shut up," she shook her head walking back down to get the next box.

"Yo wait up,"

As we walked down the stairs, Charlie and Jae were on their way back up, each of them holding a side of the cushion Thea had kicked down. Both were hunched over as if the cushion was too heavy.

"Seriously?" Thea raised an eyebrow.

"Dude, how did you kick this, is so heavy," Jae forced a wheeze.

"And you all think I'm a drama queen," she sighed.

"Maybe she has Hulk feet," Jae turned to Charlie.

"Yeah, and everything else," Charlie agreed.

"I'm done with the both of you," she huffed moving past them.

"I think she's hangry," I whispered.

"BM move your ass or I'll lift it myself," she called over her shoulder.

"Quick or she'll kick you with her hulk feet," Jae stated.

"I'll give you hulk feet in a minute," she threatened him.

"You already did," he called back.

"Dude hurry up this cushion is heavy," Charlie stated.

"Yo, Thea, why don't we have some lunch before we finish moving everything?" I called down the stairs. I pretty much already knew the answer.

"I'm not hungry but you guys eat," which meant she wasn't in a stopping mood and she would likely bring up the small stuff she could carry on her own while we ate lunch.

"Dude, stop working and come eat, I don't want your corpse at the bottom of my stairs because you didn't eat and you fell and died,"

"Being a little dramatic there," Jae raised an eyebrow.

"I won't fall, and if I do Charlie already knows what to do with my stuff," she shrugged.


"Give it all to the nursing home?" I stated.

"It's already in the nursing home," she retorted.

"Oh right, sorry I can't keep up with who you're sleeping with," I shrugged.

"You can't keep up with who you're sleeping with," she stated.

"Who needs to," I shrugged.

"You're asking the wrong person," she pulled the face equivalent of a shrug.

"It was a rhetorical question," I retorted.


"Thea, don't be difficult, come and eat something then we'll finish moving everything, it was your idea to eat in the first place and we've only moved half so far, you're not going to be able to move much on your own," BM called.

"Fine," she huffed and grumbled coming back up the stairs.

The rest of us had sat around the piece of ply wood on a milk crate they were using as coffee table with a loaf of bread, butter, and a hot chicken.

"Since when do you complain about eating?" Jae countered.

"Eat me," she glared at him

"It was your idea to get lunch," BM pointed out a second time.

"Can we just hurry up and eat?" she rolled her eyes sitting down on the floor next to him.

"You're so moody," Jae shook his head.

"Maybe I just don't like you,"

"You don't like anyone,"

"Not true, she likes me," BM stated.

"No," Thea shook her head.

"You're totally hangry," BM patted her head, she glared at him and elbowed him in the ribs. He grunted and wheezed slightly.

"You idiot, how many times does she have to injure you before you realised she doesn't like being patted?" I shook my head at him.

"I'm not you're dog," she snapped.

"No, dogs are better behaved," I teased.

"And more obedient," BM agreed.

"Maybe she was trained wrong," Jae shrugged.

"You're all so mean to me, honestly why are we even friends?" she huffed.

"Oh we're not friends," I shook my head.

"Yeah, you were kind of like our charity work, but then you just latched on and we never managed to get rid of you," Jae stated taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Were you born as this much of an asshole or did you evolve over time like some kind of dick Pokemon?" Thea frowned.

"Pure talent," he nodded.

"Someone should probably go save Sam," I stated.

"Save him?" BM frowned at me.

"Yeah, he got in her car, which means there's no leaving until she's ready to take him home,"

"Ew," Thea frowned.

"Well I'm too lazy, I vote one of the girls do it," Jae stated making a second sandwich.

"Were you not there earlier?" BM frowned.

"That is exactly why you should send one of them, their fighting is entertaining," he nodded.

"Which you wont be there to see, because you're too lazy to get in a car," Thea shot.

"What's your point?"

"I'll go get him after we finish unloading the car,"

"Why don't you just let Bianca bring him home?"Jae stated.

"You only want her to bring him home so you can watch them bicker," BM waved at Thea and I.

"I honestly don't know who likes drama more, you or Thea," I shook my head at him.

"I don't like drama," Thea frowned.

"Yes, you do," all three of us said in unison, in pretty much the same accusing tone.

"No I don't," she tried to defend herself.

"That's why your relationships always fail miserably," Jae stated.

"You like to argue too much," BM agreed.

"No I don't," she shook her head.

"You get bored too quickly and try to pick a fight,"

"Since when?" she raised an eyebrow.

"You've always done it," I shrugged.

"You've seriously haven't noticed?" BM frowned at her.

"Yeah dude, you're a total bitch, good thing you enjoy being single because no one ever wants to date you long," Jae stated.

"And what's your excuse for being single asshat?" she shot back clearly out of defenses.

"I'm focusing on music," he shrugged.

"Yeah we'll pretend that's the reason" she mumbled.

"Come on, eat so we can get back to work," BM instructed.

"Who mad you boss?" Thea raised an eyebrow.

"See!" Jae stated pointing at her.

"Oh my god, would you shut up?" she huffed.

"You're doing it again," he teased.

"Are you just going to point it out every time I'm slightly hostile towards someone?" she raised an eyebrow.

"I wasn't, but that sounds like it would be a lot of fun,"

"You're too lazy to keep that up," I shot.

"Whose side are you on?" Jae shook his head in betrayal.

"I don't take sides, you're both idiots,"

"The only side you take is your own," Jae stated.

"Because I'm always right," I nodded.


It was about 5 when Jackson came sulking through the front door. He dropped his work back just inside the door, louder than necessary, let out an over dramatic sigh before continuing to sulk over to where I was sitting on the lounge. He place the bag of food that I'd ordered about twenty minutes ago on the coffee table with another sigh and turned around.

"You know you could just vent instead of trying to bait me into asking what's wrong," I stated pulling the containers from the bag.

"I hate working in the city," he huffed.

"Is it hard coming home early?" I patronised.

"I'm going to shower," he glared at me.

"What happened?" I asked opening the container of soup.

"People are so freaking rude, like, I get that they're just trying to get to work but I'm also trying to do my job. There's no need to be rude to me for doing my job,"

"How long are you roastered on for in the city?" I asked sipping from the container.

"For the next two weeks, possibly three," he sighed.

"Why don't you just make a call if you hate it so much?" I suggested, I already knew what he was going to say.

"No one else can just make a call and change their roster, why should I?"

"Because you can," I shrugged.

"I'm not going to do that," he shook his head.

"That's your choice, but there's really no point complaining about it if you can change it now is there?"

"You're no help," he huffed making his way to his bathroom.


"Where'd the screw driver go? I just had the damn thing," I huffed.

"It's under your leg," Charlie shook her head at me.

"Oh," I laughed.

"You're memory is getting as bad as your bias's," she pointed out.

"Who are you?" I frowned.

"Oh my god!" BM yelled at the lounge throwing something at it.

"What?" I frowned.

"This stupid thing is broken," he huffed.

"Did you follow the instructions?" I sighed getting up from where I was half way through building a kitchen cabinet, and making my way over to him.

"I followed them exactly, but this stupid lounge is faulty and won't fit together properly," he handed me the instructions. the lounge was in two parts and was supposed to fit together, one piece looked fine, the other one looked a lopsided.

"What did you do to it?" I frowned.

"I did what the stupid paper told me to do,"

"I don't think so,"

BM was great at building things, as told by the side that looked like it was supposed to. But when he got frustrated with things he kind of just tried to make them work instead of doing it the way he was supposed to.

"I did it exactly the way it told me too," he argued.

"Well, clearly you didn't because it's not working,"

"You do it then, I'm going to get Sam," he snapped.

"Cool. I'll come for a drive," Jae stated.

"No you won't, you'll just be an ass," he stated picking his keys up from the make shift coffee table and making his way down the stairs.

"Anyone want to help me with this?" I asked nodding towards the lounge, both Charlie who was already half way though building the draws for Jae's room, and Jae who was busy separating the bolts and screws for the next project, which he would leave for the next person to get together, just gave me an 'are-you-serious?' look.

"I guess not," I sighed.

"Why don't you just leave it? He's the only one that will use it," Jae shrugged.

"So no one else is going to watch TV?" I raised an eyebrow.

"We can do that from our beds,"

"Not with the room dividers, and you're too lazy to move them back and forth," Charlie stated.

The space was completely open except for the bathroom so we'd bought some room dividers to separate the space so the boys could have their own sort of room. Well Jae and Sam had their own room, kind of, BM didn't want one he's quite happy sleeping in the lounge and honestly if we did buy a bed and separate him a room, he wouldn't use it, he'd would still sleep on the lounge. He's a freak.

"I'm also too lazy to help you with the lounge," he stated.

"I wouldn't want to take you away from your super important task of separated nuts and bolts," I rolled my eyes.

"I'm helping,"

"Where's Sam, at least he puts things together," I huffed.

"Getting laid," Jae smirked.

"Ew," Charlie rolled her eyes.

"Well he probably is, how funny would it be if BM showed up before they finished," Jae laughed to himself.

"I think you need to go out and find someone instead of living out your sex life through your friends," I stated.

"Just Sam's, you to clearly aren't getting any, it's why you're so crabby all the time," he stated.

"Even if I weren't getting any that would still be twice as much as you're getting," Charlie countered.

"Double nothing is still nothing,"


I pulled into the driveway which wasn't actually a driveway, it was more like a strip of worn away gravel, and got out of the car, making my way up the path, which was actually a path to the front porch which was cluttered with pot plants. I knocked on the mesh door. I had to knock a second time before she answered the door, I think she was trying to make it look like they were doing so nothing other than sitting on the lounge now watching TV, it would have been easier to do I couldn't see them sitting on the lounge though the window.

"Hello," she smiled opening the door wider to let me in.

"It's okay I'm not staying, I just came to pick up Sam,"

"I would have brought him home,"

"I needed to get out anyway, I was getting annoyed with building, and I was thought I would get Sam before Thea kills Jae," I shrugged.

"Yeah cool, I'll call you later B,"

"I'll come too, I can help build,"

"No that's okay, you've already done enough today," Sam tried to avoid her coming.

"And I don't have any room in my car," I tried to help, of course it was a bit of a lie, I would just have to move some stuff.

"It's okay, I don't mind really and I'll just take my car that way I can drive home later,"

"B really you don't have to, just go have a relaxing bath or something and I'll call you later," Sam stated.

"It's no trouble really," she smiled making it obvious she wasn't going to stay behind.Sam followed me to my car, he looked exhausted which was kind of like his version of being annoyed.

"What's up bro?" I ask getting in the car.

"She's extra clingy today," he sighed.

"Pre-warning, Thea is in a mood, and Charlie is not going to be happy to see her,"

"Yeah I know,"

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent Thea a warning text so she wasn't surprised, she tended to speak her mind or word vomit when she was surprised. And if she told Charlie then maybe the would vent out most of their annoyed before we got there.


BM: Heads up, Bianca is coming back with us

"Seriously?" I groaned.

"What?" Charlie and Jae looked at me.

"Don't kill the messenger but Bianca is coming back with the boys,"

"Are you freaking kidding me?!" Charlie pulled an annoyed face.

"That's what BM texted me," I shrugged.

"Can't she just go away," she shook her head.

"Can you help me with this?" she sighed gesturing towards the mattress for Sam's bed frame which she had just finished putting together.

"Sure," I helped her slide the mattress up onto the loft style bed.

We got the mattress up with ease, she looked around then nodded.

"Yo, Jae, where are your clothes?"

"You've stolen enough of my clothes you're not having anymore until I get some back,"

"Maybe I was going to put them away for you,"

"You weren't, steal Sam's clothes they're in the box over there," he pointed to a box by the bathroom door.

Charlie made her way downstairs without saying a word, I frowned but went back to putting the TV cabinet together. She came back up a few minutes later holding a pair of shorts, she then sifted through the box pulling out a button down shirt and changed out of her work clothes into the shorts she'd got I'm assuming from her car, honestly they barely passed as shorts, they were in between shorts and underwear but not really fitting into either category, and with Sam's shirt which I was pretty sure Bianca had bought him, it didn't look like she was wearing them anyway.

"What are you doing?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm gong to make sames bed, but I've been working with animals all days and my clothes were covered in fur, I wouldn't want Sam's allergies to act up because I made his bed covered in fur," she shrugged, I knew what she was doing and it had nothing to do with Sams allergies. Okay, it was probably a little to do with Sams allergies until Jae put the idea in her head with Sams clothes, but I think it had more to do with the fact Bianca would be here any minute and would hate seeing her in Sam's bed.

"Are you going to at least button the shirt up?"

"It is buttoned," she shrugged, she had one button done up and it was the button in the middle of the shirt so you could see her belly and her bralette.

"Whatever, his new sheets and other bedding are on the lounge," which I had fixed in about five minutes. BM had put the beam in the wrong spot. Idiot.

"What's taking them so long? Her house is like ten minutes from here," Jae stated.

"Maybe he had to wait for them to finish," I shrugged.

"Really?" Charlie frowned at me.

"Sorry," I laughed.


We pulled into the car park, Bianca wasn't far behind us, actually she was so close she was almost tail gating. We got out, BM picked up the stack of boxes and I grabbed the plastic bags, he thought it was a good idea to pick up dinner for everyone so we did.

Bianca came straight to me linking her arm though mine. We followed BM up the stairs.

"Wow what are you doing?" BM freaked out putting the pizza boxes on the floor and hurrying over to Thea who was carrying a kitchen counter on her own.

"It's not heavy," she insisted, she had a habit of doing that, she doesn't like to wait around for someone else so she can do something.

"Dude, do I smell pizza?" Jae got up from lounge, where he was sitting watching Thea.

"Yeah, I picked up dinner on my way, figured Thea would be getting hangry by now.

"This is why you're my bro," she nodded not even complaining that BM had taken the counter from her, usually a sign it was too heavy for her, not that she would ever admit that.

"Where's Charlie?" I asked but I seen her as I was finishing my sentence.

Now don't get me wrong, I know Charlie is attractive, I've known her since high school, and I've seen her wearing less than what she is currently wearing. This being said, seeing her half naked and in my clothes, not to mention in my bed, some how made her so much more attractive, I didn't register I was starring until Bianca spoke.

"Why is she asleep in your bed?" Bianca raised an eyebrow.

"Probably because she's been at work all day, then walked around IKEA for a few hours, and then helped build the boys furniture," Thea stated.

"Why doesn't she just go home then?"

"Because she feel asleep there and no one is going to wake her up," Jae shrugged.

"I'll wake her up," Bianca made her way over to the bed before I had a chance to stop her.

Charlie was generally hard to really annoy, unless you screwed with an animal, especially hers, or if you messed with her sleep. It was just something you didn't do. Waking Charlie up was basically like signing your own death certificate. Okay it wasn't but she was definitely not going to like Bianca doing it.

"B, wait," I reached out for her but she was already shaking Charlie awake.

Everyone in the room basically share the same expression, except for Jae who looked extremely interested in what was about to unfold.

"Charlie," Bianca called.

Charlie breathed in and stretched frowning, if she didn't look so attractive in my clothes, the was she scrunched up her face would be extremely adorable. Until she notice who was in front of her face, then she frowned, then she glared.

"What?" she snapped.

"You fell asleep, in Sam's bed,"

"What's your point?" she growled.

"If you're tired your should go and sleeping your own bed, not my boyfriends,"

"B," I mentioned cautiously watching Charlie.

"I was sleeping, there is no need for you to get so pissy about it, it's not like we were having sex," Charlie snapped.

"Isn't that the shirt I bought you?" Bianca frowned.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know you bought it. Probably should have, he would never have bought this himself," she shook her head unbuttoning it and hanging it on the frame of the bed she was currently making.

"Dude, I don't think anyone else has gotten her that naked in their bed so quickly," Thea joked.

"She's the first girl you've had in that bed, what a way to break it in," Jae joined in.

Bianca stood next to me clearly annoyed, I wasn't exactly sure what to say, the fact that Charlie was now sitting up there on my bed in shorts and her bra, which was some how less attractive and no longer distracting.

"Maybe you should put a shirt on," Bianca stated.

"Do you want another shirt?" Thea asked making her way to the box of clothes near the bathroom door.

"It's all good, I'm almost done," she shrugged.

"Why are you making my boyfriends bed naked?" Bianca raised an eyebrow.

"Well I was wearing a shirt until you seemed to have a problem with it because you bought it,"

"Well why were you wearing his shirt? Don't you have your own clothes,"


I think the more she spoke the more annoyed Charlie got.

"Of course I have my own clothes, you know this, you buy the same thing because you seem to have a need to be like me. But I was wearing Sams because I came from work, because I work, some of us have jobs, and my clothes were covered in fur and as you should know, but probably don't because you don't actually know him as well as you think, he has allergies and if I had of made his bed in my clothes it would have set off his allergies,"

"No one asked you to make his bed,"

"Well he's spent all day dealing with you, I thought it would be nice if he didn't have to make his own bed,"

"I could have done it," she countered not picking up on any of the insults that had just been thrown at her.

"I think the concept of making a bed is too complicated for your mind to grasp,"

"Okay, I think everyone is hangry, why don't we sit down and have dinner?"

"Dude, where's the ladder?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Shit," she sighed.

"How did you get up there?"

"I just climbed up,"

"Do you want help down?" BM offered.

"No I'll just climb down, I'm so dumb," she laughed shaking her head.


"Yeah you kind of are," Bianca nodded. Charlie just rolled her eyes not bothering to respond, she was like that when she had had enough of dealing with people. Thea however.

"Are you kidding me?" Thea snapped, the girl has a short fuse normally, she's ten times worse when she is hungry, factor in her being tired and having been doing manual labor all afternoon not to mention the fact she has been putting together furniture that is beyond annoying. This was probably going to end messy.

"What? She said it I just agreed," Sam just sighed going over to help Charlie down from the bed. Which annoyed Bianca, and honestly she had a right to be annoyed by it, he was her boyfriend and he was helping another girl who was half naked down from his bed instead of defending her from being insulted by a psycho.

"You don't get to just agree, you are in no position to be questioning someone else's intelligence, you didn't even realise basically ever second thing out of her mouth just then was insulting you, you're so incredibly stupid that you don't even know how to pronounce your own name, it's Bianca. Not Beunka, stop trying to class yourself up, you're trashy with no brain, no talent, and no style, you have no right to act like an up tight pretentious asshole, also no one here but Sam likes you, and he only likes you when he's in you,"

Bianca stood there for a minute letting it all sink in, her eyes began to glass over as she started to cry.

"Okay grumpy, isn't it time to feed the animals?" I wrapped an arm around Thea's shoulders and directed her towards the steps, not before noticing the smirk both Jae and Charlie had.

"Don't touch me," she frowned walking off ahead.

"We'll be back, sorry about Thea she's just hungry and tired," I apologised for her.

"Do not apologise for me Matthew, I am not and infant," she snapped from the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh, she said Matthew, you in trouble," Jae called, he was enjoying the drama that had just unfolded. No doubt he would enjoy the aftermath that was bound to happen after we leave. He wasn't wrong though, Thea only called me Matthew when I was in trouble or she was angry at me.

"Oh shit, what's the time?" Charlie walked away from Sam who had been standing between her and his now crying girlfriend.

"Just after 6," Jae answered.

"Oh, I've got dance, see you guys later," she stated walking past, picking her shirt up on the way and leaving.

"You girls really know how to leave a disaster zone," I sighed shaking me head and making my way out.


I sighed and pulled her into a hug. I wasn't really sure how I was going to handle this one.

"It's okay, she's just in a bad mood," I rubbed her back.

"She didn't have to yell at me, she's scary when she yells," she sobbed.

"Dude, Seriously? You're upset because she yelled, not because of what she said?" Jae frowned.

"Why would I be upset by what she said?" She sniffed.

"Wow, just, Wow," he shook his head.

"She's not very smart, I don't understand why she insists that she knows how to pronounce my name," she sighed.

"Yeah, Thea is definitely the one with low intelligence," Jae nodded pulling a face.

"I think I'm just going to go home, clearly Thea is having a hard day, don't forget about tomorrow," she smiled.

"I love you," she kissed me.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I nodded watching her walk away.

"Dude, a brick wall is smarter than her," Jae shook his head at me.

"What's tomorrow?" He asked slouching back into the couch with a box of pizza on his lap.

"Apparently it's our six months anniversary, she's going to cook me dinner,"

"You're going to die, she probably doesn't know the difference between bleaching powder and salt," Jae joked.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"Yo, you're clearly bored with her, why don't you just, break up with her already?"

"I can't break up with her on our supposed anniversary,"

"Why not?"

"Because that would be mean,"

"She probably wouldn't even know you were breaking up with her," he laughed.

"Probably not," I nodded sitting down next to him pulling a slice of pizza out of the box.

"Bro, if you pull pizza out of my box again I'm going to hurt you,"

"Yeah we'll pretend you can,"

"There is a stack of pizzas over there, leave mine alone," he frowned.

"You're lactose intolerant," I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, so are you," he retorted.

"I'm you intolerant," he huffed.