Mistakes and Consequences


His hand found my exposed thigh and slid its way up the shirt I was wearing. I'm not sure when I briefly felt his hand pull on the safety shorts that I was wearing and seconds later they melted to my feet. I'm not sure whether it was for my benefit or just so he could show off but he pulled his shirt over his head and instead of the thoughts that were travelling through my head telling me what a horrible idea this was I was distracted by his perfectly toned dancer body, I let out a breath and he smirked at me knowing he had already won.

He yanked my jacket off, it fell to the floor joining my pants, I was a shirt and a bra away from being completely naked in front of a 19-year-old, in front of my student, no matter how many times I registered the truth of those words I couldn't seem to force myself to act against anything that was currently happening. Looking at his naked torso and the lust that was radiating from his eyes, I didn't see a 19-year-old.

His hands found the clasp of my bra and soon it joined the pile of clothes on the floor, I'm not sure why he left the shirt on, but the material didn't hinder him in any way. With only the sound of his zip as a warning, he thrusts himself into me in one quick motion, I inhaled quickly and leaned against the wall for support, his lips found my neck and lifted my thigh to his waist to give himself a better angle.


I was woken up by a small paw tapping at my face, I opened my eyes to see a fluffy little furball sitting a few inches from my face on Shawn's bare chest which I was apparently using as a pillow. She tilted her head slightly and let out a quiet meow.

"Is it breakfast time?" Shawn yawned patting the little kitten on the head.

"When did you get a cat?" I asked mimicking his yawn.

"She is a kitten," he frowned at me.

"And almost three weeks ago," he added.

"She's adorable,"

"Of course she is, she's a princess," he pursed his lips at her, she meow and strutted over to his face.

"I have to get up to give her breakfast, there is water and Advil next to you," he pointed to the other side of the bed, I didn't need them but it was sweet of him to think so.

"Where are my pants?"

"You're wearing them," he frowned at me lifting the little furball as he climbed out of bed.


"Because you were way to drunk last night that I wouldn't have slept with you even before you threw up on your own shirt, that's why you're wearing mine, but I did put yours through the washing machine last night, it should be dry by now,"

"Sorry about that," I frowned.

"I'm kind of used you your drunk habits, it's completely fine," he smiled at me as I got up to follow him to the kitchen.

Doobin was laying on the lounge staring at the ceiling, he didn't look up at us when we entered the room, normally he at least acknowledges our presence.

"What's up with him?" I frowned.

"Doobin? Do you want coffee?"

"Obviously, and yeah, he's all zoned out,"

"Probably because the idiot decided to tell Charlie that he liked her last night,"

"What?" I laughed.

"And he was rejected, so he's moping," Shawn shrugged.

Doobin finally looked up after Shawn said rejected, there was something in his eye but I wasn't sure what exactly it was. I frowned but turn my attention towards the fluffy ball circling my feet wanting her breakfast.

"What's her name?" I asked as my phone started ringing in his bedroom.

"Lexi," Shawn smiled down at her placing the small pink ceramic bowl down at his feet.

The phone stopped ringing and I didn't bother to go and get it, a few minutes later it started ringing again, who was calling this early? I sighed heading back to Shawn's room, collapsing on his bed. Charlies name was flashing across the screen, Charlie rarely calls me and never this early. My body felt cold and I swear I physically felt my stomach rise to my throat.

"Hey, what's the matter?" I asked cautiously.

"I need you to do me a huge favour and not ask any questions,"


"I need you to come home, like, now, and on your way, you need to go to the chemist and get me the morning after pill," she rushed out, she sounded frantic.

"What happened?" I frowned. She wasn't stupid, she would ever have unprotected sex, at least not willingly, the cold feeling came back.

"Relax your maternal instinct, nothing like that, I just need you to go get me the pill and it's kind of time-sensitive,"

"You can tell me, I won't judge you," I stated carefully.

"Thea, honestly, I had consensual sex and we were kind of too caught up in the moment to consider protection, can you please just do what I ask?"

"Okay, who exactly did you have sex with?" I asked out loud.

"Is that really important right now?"

"I'm just curious, Sam's too injured, you wouldn't have slept with anyone in the bar, Yuri is basically always wearing protection,"

"Thea! Focus," Charlie snapped through the phone as Shawn stalled back in, kicking his door closed and laying down next to me.

He pushed my hair away from my neck and started planting light kisses along my neck and across my should.

"Sorry," I cleared my throat.

"Are you having sex right now?" she sighed.

"What? No," I breathed feeling Shawn's fingers under my shirt, travelling up my spine.

"Thea, seriously? I'm in crisis mode and you're boning the brother of the reason I'm even in this situation," she ranted.

"Wait, what?" I froze, Shawn was trying to inch his shirt over my head.

"I slept with Doobin, now can you please go and get me the morning after pill so I don't end up pregnant with a child's child?" she stated.


"Thanks," she said hanging up.

Shawn had managed to pull the shirt off, he gently rolled me onto my back and climbed on top of me. For a second, or two, I let him leave a trail of kisses from my collar bone between my cleavage and down my stomach to my waistband. Then my brain overpowered the distraction and I sat upright.

"Stop," I breathed.

"What? Why?" he frowned at me.

"Ah, I have to go deal with something, where are my clothes? And my bag? Do you know what time the bus will be here?"

"You think I'll make you get the bus?" he raised an eyebrow with a sweet smile.

"Opposed to you driving 40 minutes to drop me off and then another 40 minutes to drive home?" I stated.

"Charlie drove that same distance to bring Doobin home, I'm sure I can manage it especially if she's not feeling well, I'll get your shirt,"


I woke up on the lounge, sleeping on the lounge was a horrible idea, the amount of pain I was in was not at all worth the sleep that I had gotten. I sat up trying to stretch the muscles out without causing any more pain, it's didn't work.

There was a pillow and blanket on the floor next to me so I was guessing that BM had slept on the floor like a crazy person, I don't know why he didn't just sleep in my bed.

"You're awake," Jae stated.

I never understood how he could even function, I mean I definitely went to bed hours before him last night but here he was, awake and sitting on the kitchen counter, legs crossed on the countertop bowl of cereal in his hand, I suppose that was our own fault for not buying any sort of table.

"It would seem that way," I grumbled.

"How's the shoulder?" He asked casually.

"It kills,"

"As expected when The Hulk sleeps on you," he nodded.

"She didn't sleep on me, she slept on Shawn, he moved her to go get his pervy little brother," I rolled my eyes.

"So given the choice of the sore shoulder or Shawn's brother grinding on Charlie, which would you chose?" Jae raised an eyebrow at me.

"I would choose to hit you," I rolled my eyes.

"That wasn't one of the options, I'm guessing now isn't the best time to tell you that Shawn's brother went home with Charlie?"

"What? Where was Shawn?" I frowned.

"He took Thea home because BM was being a dick and it was only fueling her crazy," he shrugged.

"He was still being a dick?"

"Yeah, he was in a bad mood last night and he took it out on Thea,"


I walked into the chemist, would it look weird if I just came out with a small bag? Maybe I should get some other things.

I picked up some Nurofen, a packet of pads, a bag of assorted candies and a bottle of water before making my way to the counter to get what I was actually here for. I shook the bag around a little so that the prescription bag was hidden amongst everything else before walking back out to the car.

"Did you get everything you need?" Shawn asked as I put my belt back on.

"Ah, yep," I nodded tying the bag closed so he couldn't see what was inside it, I didn't realise until I had already done it how suspicious that it looked.

"You don't need anything else?" He asked casually, I kind of really wanted a sausage and egg McMuffin from McDonald's but I figured if I took an unnecessary pitstop Charlie would probably stab me.

"Nope," I shook my head.

We had waited until we were almost at the house before stopping in at the chemist so it only took five minutes to get there. Shawn pulled into the driveway and turned off the car, I paused for a moment.

"Thank you for bringing me home,"

"How about we finish what we started in my bed?" He winked.

"No, I mean I can't," I rubbed the back of my neck thinking of an excuse.

"What wrong?" he frowned looked at me concerned.

"I got my period this morning, thus the pitstop?" I laughed awkwardly lifting the back up shaking it a little.

"Oh," he nodded.

"Do you want me to get you anything before I leave?"

"No, that's okay. I'm just going to go lay down before my show tonight, are you going to come along?"

"If you want me to," he nodded with his classic Shawn smile.

"I'll see you tonight then," I smiled getting out of the car.

I waved as he drove away then I ran inside. Charlie was pacing the hallway chewing on her thumb. She looked up at me when I came in with a sigh of relief.

"Did you get it?"

"Here," I fished the paper bag out of the plastic one tossing it at her.

"Thank you," she stated heading into the kitchen to get a drink.

"What else did you buy?" she frowned at me.

"I have no idea, I just felt like it would be weird if I cam out with a paper bag," I shrugged.


"Only to you," I shook my head at her, she had a tendency to overthink things.

"So, why exactly couldn't you go get that yourself?" she raised an eyebrow.

"I have no fuel in my car, I completely forgot to go to the fuel station on my way home last night, after, everything. Plus you have your car keys,"

"How exactly did you manage to sleep with Doobin, also while we are on the subject, what kind of crazy person has unprotected sex with a 19-year-old? I mean I know we make jokes about you're cougarisum, but seriously?" she rambled like I knew she would.

"It's not like I planned on sleeping with him," I rolled my eyes walking down the hallway.

"No, you owe me details,"

"I don't though," I shook my head.

"Yes, you do. You got me out of bed first thing in the morning so I could get you a solution to your irresponsibility, and in the process completely cockblocked me,"

"I didn't tell you that you couldn't have sex, you could have dropped it off and gone back to Shawns, or you could have handed me the bag and taken him in your bedroom," I shrugged.

"But instead I told him I started my period this morning so there was no chance that he would find out that you slept with his little brother, you're welcome,"

"You told him that so you could get details, don't lie to me," I raised an eyebrow.

"That may have played a part," she shrugged.

"I came home to feed the animals and get changed, and the next thing I knew I was between the hallway wall and Doobin, it all happened too fast for the rational part of my brain to tell me that it was a terrible idea," I sighed.

"Did you sleep with him in that," she pointed at what I was wearing.

"I mean kind of, I wasn't wearing pants," I shrugged.

"Isn't that Sam's shirt?" she bit back a smirk.

"You know, you have a habit of making a bad situation worse?" I huffed sinking back into the couch.

"I do not,"

"Seriously? Do you know what you did last night?"

"Not Doobin," she laughed.

"You danced on top of BM's bar, tried to make out with Austin again, spilt beer all over me which would be why I'm wearing Sam's clothes,"

"But I didn't do Doobin, which one of us slept with a 19-year-old?" she smirked.

"Don't you need to go and shower or something?"

"Oh shit," she covered her mouth muffling a laugh.

"What now?"

"I'm not sure if I should tell you, I mean I wouldn't want to make things worse," she pulled a face.

"Just once I wish you would get hungover," I shook my head.

"Do you want fries for breakfast?" she asked.

"Yes, I want fries for breakfast,"

"Good, I really want a McMuffin but I figured you would stab me if I went there before I brought you your anti Doobin seed pill,"

"Are you done?"

"Not even close,"

"You realise you can't tell anyone this, right?"

"Obviously, I can't have you going to prison," she smirked.

"I hate you,"

"Super, get dressed so we can get food, and go check on Sam's shoulder," she stated heading to her bedroom.

"Oh, you may want a scarf or to use a bit concealer on that mark Doobin left on your neck," she called.

"What?" I frowned getting up, heading to my room.

I turned my head to get a better looked at the purple mark Doobin had left on the side of my neck. I'm going to kill him.


"Hey," I waved at the girls as the walked into the bar, I was running through the books to try and figure out when the money started going missing.

Thea didn't even look at me, she just kept walking, heading upstairs. I frowned after her then looked to Charlie who gave me a 'seriously?' look. I wasn't really sure what I was missing, Thea didn't get hangovers, and as far as I know, nothing happened in the past twelve hours to affect her mood, plus she seemed to only be ignoring me, she was laughing with Charlie as they walked in.

"What is her problem today?"

"Probably you," she shrugged.


"Sams upstairs?"

"Yeah, why am I her problem?"

"You're so stupid," she shook her head following Thea upstairs.



"How is your shoulder?" Thea asked handing Jae a brown paper bag from McDonald's.

"Food," he let out a sigh like he hadn't just finished his second bowl of cereal.

"Where's mine?" I frowned.

"Charlie has it, you can have it after I check your shoulder," she held up a plastic bag which I was assuming contained new dressings.

"My shoulder is fine," I sighed.

"Are you sure? You did have the hulk sleeping on you last night " Jae commented nodding at Thea.

"Hey!" He yelled when Thea snatched the bag from his hands.

"I have a strangely vivid memory of what happened last night, and I believe my head rested on him for a brief period," Thea glared at him.

"Brief enough for him to have to take his medication and go to sleep," Jae retorted.

"Shut up and eat your breakfast," she frowned shoving the bag back at him which was exactly what he wanted her to do.

"So, you remember everything?" Jae challenged with a mouth full of food.

"Everything from BM being a douche, to you scaring Jackson away, to me dancing on the bar top," she nodded as I slide out of my shirt.

"Yeah, what did you do to BM? There is no way he would act like that just because you slept with his friend," Jae asked thoughtfully.

"I didn't do anything to him, he was in a bad mood and decided I would be the best person to take it out on, and now he is acting like he didn't basically brand me both a terrible friend and a huge whore,"

"You do kind of sleep with everyone," Jae tried to lighten the mood.

"Ow," he frowned at Charlie when she punched him in the arm.

"I think I just got hit by a mosquito," he whined.

"You need actually mental help," I shook my head at him. I hissed a second later when Thea cleaned my wound before redressing it.

"All done, you can have your breakfast now,"


"Oh, are you guys coming tonight?" She asked casually.


"Apparently I don't have a choice," Jae gave Charlie a look.

"Oh, don't act like I'm not doing you a favour,"

"What favour?"

"You can just tell people that I force you to go so that you don't have to admit that there isn't anything else you would rather do,"

"I can think of thousands of things I would rather do than watch Thea undress on stage,"

"Like watch her undress off stage?"

"That's disgusting," he shuddered.

"If you don't want to come, you don't have to, I just need to know how many of you will be there so I can try and have you all at the same table," I shrugged.

"We will all be there," Charlie assured me.

"Okay so you three and Shawn," I nodded.

"I'll be there too," BM stated entering the room.

"I'm rescinding your invite," I stated not looking back at him.


"You're no longer invited, I don't want you there," I said.

"I have to go do some things before tonight, are you going to stay here or are you going to come with me?" I turned to Charlie.

"I'm going to stay here," she stated.

"I'm off then," I waved.

I tried to walk past BM ignoring his existence but he caught my arm and turned me to face him, that didn't mean I had to look at him.

"Why don't you want me there?"

"I wouldn't want to subject you to my whorey ways," I snapped pulling away from him and making a break for downstairs.

I realised that I may be overreacting to an extent. But BM insinuating that I was a whore stung, it was like growing up being bullied for being ugly or fat and your parents turning around and agreeing with everyone else. They were supposed to be your safe place, they were supposed to be on your side even if you were fat and ugly, they were supposed to lie to you and make you feel better about yourself. BM was supposed to be my safe place, he wasn't supposed to turn on me so that I started second-guessing myself.

I know that my burlesque performances were more than just me taking my clothes off in front of people, they required skill and routines, but right now I kind of felt that maybe it was just be taking my clothes off on stage.

Maybe if he didn't come I wouldn't doubt myself, I feel like if I saw him in the audience then I would just become self-conscious and screw up. I felt like I was back in high school being bullied.


"What the hell is her problem?" BM sighed.

"She remembers last night completely," Jae commented.

"So?" He shrugged.

"So, you weren't exactly nice to her," Sam stated.

"Since when does she get her feelings hurt over a few comments about her sex life?"

"Since you basically called her a huge whore in front of her friends and the guy she is trying to impress," Sam pointed out.

"I think she's being overdramatic, it's not the first time someone has called her out on her behaviour. Jae does it all the time,"

"I've never actually directly called her a whore and told her that she should stop sleeping with everything that smiles at her,"

"Jae is the exception, those two are always attacking each other, it's their thing. You're supposed to be her bro, you're supposed to protect her from assholes not become one," I frowned.

"You're all blowing this out of proportion," he rolled his eyes going back downstairs.

"How serious do you think Thea was about not wanting him there?" Jae asked.

"Pretty adamant, why?"I sighed.

"Because he is probably going to show up," Sam stated.

"I'm sure Shawn will distract her from making a scene,"

"I don't think it's a scene we should we concerned about," I shook my head.

"Since when shouldn't we be concerned about Thea making a scene?" Jae raised an eyebrow.

"I think BM being a dick may have shaken some of her confidence," I thought out loud.

"Makes sense," Sam nodded.


I sat in front of the mirror backstage, I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, I was more nervous than I usually was, I couldn't shake the nausea today and it was only frustrating me. Channel that, I thought, maybe if I channel that anger I had towards BM then I would be able to actually function.

I took another deep breath and opened my eyes and just about jumped out of my skin when I see Julie standing behind me, she was the event organizer

"You're up next," she smiled before leaving me to myself.

After a few more deep breaths and a few encouraging thoughts to myself I rose from my stool and headed to stage right.

"Next to the stage is Thea Tequila with her Classic Cocktail stage," the announcer introduced.

Way to sound like a whore... focus Thea.


"She is going to be mad at you," Jae stated quietly.

"Shut up," I sighed.

"He's right though," Sam added.

"We all know that she would have been mad if I didn't come," I rolled my eyes.

She tells everyone that they don't have to come and that she doesn't mind if we decided to stay home instead. But if we didn't show up then she would just get upset about it.

"I think she actually meant it when she said you didn't have to come," Jae stated.

"I doubt that,"

"Considering she said she didn't want you to come to watch her, I'm pretty sure she meant it," Charlie stared.

"She's just being overdramatic, that's what she does, she'd get over it," I shrugged.

"I thought you were supposed to be her friend?" Shawn asked me.

"I am her friend,"

"It doesn't seem like it," he commented as Thea came out onto the stage.

I didn't really understand why everyone was attacking me, I made a few small comments at her. It's not like they don't all do it, she doesn't take it personally when they say it but I have one bad day and do the same thing everyone else does and she acts like she's suffered a massive betrail.

She started her routine, she looked nervous which is something she never looked on stage, there was doubt and self-conscious look in her eye that I hadn't seen since high school. Maybe she was just having an off day and it had nothing to do with me.

Almost halfway through her performance she misstepped and fell over, she tried to regain her composure but only fell again. Normally she would just stand up, take a breath and continue, but instead, she signalled the DJ to cut the music and walked off stage after apologising.

"She's going to kill you," Jae muttered.

"I didn't do anything,"

"You showed up,"


The show ended and we all waited for Thea to come out. She was the last to leave the dressing room, I almost went in there to get her. She looked annoyed both at herself and at BM who just sat in his chair casually.

"Can I come over?" she asked.

"Of course," he smiled at her.

"Thanks, I just have to go get my stuff for class tomorrow, then I'll meet you at your house," she nodded.

"No party tonight?" Jae tried to lighten the mood.

"To celebrate my failure and embarrassment? I don't think so," she shook her head.

"But you're failure and embarrassment is my favourite thing," he poked.

"I don't this will be the last time it happens," she shrugged.

"Are you okay?" BM frowned.

"Like you care," she sighed.

"I do care,"

"If you care you wouldn't have shown up," she snapped before walking out.

"Told you," Jae hummed.