I Am Reincarnated

The sun began to rise on the horizon indicating the day is about to start, the rays of the sun fell on a window of a large mansion. The mansion is on the side of a large mountain with a beautiful scenery. In a room of the mansion a person is sleeping on a bed, he is around 16 years of age with a handsome looking face and slim body. with rays of sunlight falling on his face, his eyes twitched and he woke up in a lazy manner thinking about the assignment he has to submit to the college today.

He is also thinking about the bizarre dream, which he had last night, where he met with an accident while returning from college, after which his mind went blank and he just woke up now. Thinking about the dream which is very clear and realistic, unlike other dreams, he rubbed his eyes and tried to get out of his bed. At this time, he realized that he is not sleeping in his room, he examined the room and found it is very luxurious and suddenly he got a headache with the images popping in the mind which are like memories of someone.

At the same time, outside the room there came knocking sound on the door and a woman voice sounded out telling him to get up from the bed, after knocking the door twice in a hasty manner the person left from there. Xia Tian with his unbearable headache want to know where he is at, staggeringly walking to the door, he pulled the door open and went out.

What greeted him outside the room made his mind go blank for a second. he was staring at the beautiful mountain scenery in front of him with waterfalls and beautiful flowers. he thought the place he is staying belongs to some bigshot. remembering the dream in which he met with an accident he came to the sudden realization that it was not a dream but happened to him really. he thought, whoever it was that dashed him, after he fainted, brought him to this place.

He wanted to know where he was, so he curiously went along the corridor, after walking some distance he saw a middle-aged man of around forty years of age with some white hair mixed with black hair and with a well-built body. that man saw Xia Tian and without a change in his looks, he started walking toward other room. But Xia tian noted obvious despise in the looks of that person.

Xia Tian thought as he was from the middle class of society and in a place like this, it is common for him to be treated with contempt. He did not care about that, but hesitated for a while and thinking that he did not have any relation with this mansion or people and not going to see this person once he got out of this place, he went running towards the man and said "hello, I am Xia Tian, may I know, where am I? I have to submit an assignment to the college today and what time it is now?"

The man was surprised and looking at Xia Tian for a while and with an unhappy expression, he said, "Ye Jian don't play around with me? what is your age and why are making silly things like this, go and get ready today we have to meet your grandfather at the family meeting hall and there is something important to discuss about your future." after saying that the man left, leaving Xia Tian shocked.

Xia Tian thought "who he is calling Ye Jian? I don't have any grandfather to talk about". Xian Tian turned around to see anyone are there to ask about the details. After finding there is no one and with an unbearable headache, he went to the room he was previously sleeping in. He went to the bathroom room to wash his face, where, he saw his face in the mirror and was dumbstruck to see a completely different face other than the usual in the mirror. he was startled and clutched his head due to headache. He went to the bed and crashed on it, after that, he slowly to started to pay attention to the images popping in his mind.

He slowly closed his eyes after assimilating all the information popping in his mind for about an hour, he opened his eyes with a dumbfounded look. He touched his face with his hands, he examined what he is wearing and turned around to inspect the room and after 5 minutes of dusting his thoughts, he slumped on his bed with a deep frown. he is on his bed facing the ceiling and thinking about what happened to him.

He is a normal teenager who daily goes to the college, complete assignments on time and studying diligently to top the exams. he lost his parents in a car accident when he was around 8 years. he was brought up by his grandmother until he was 15 years after which she lost her life to cancer and left him alone. with the savings, she had for him and by working hard he managed to get a seat in a top college. His aim was to study properly to get a good job in a multinational company and after establishing his carrier, to fell in love with someone and marry her and lead a prosperous, peaceful and satisfactory life. But now all that dreams are dashed with a single car accident, where he doesn't know, how he got here and how he possess this body and from the memories, from this body, he is certain that he is reincarnated in some other world.

This world is very much different from the world he knows, there are no governments here, it is like ancient times where regions are ruled by kings and feudal lords and he didn't know from the memories how vast this continent is and which planet this continent belongs to, all he knows about this place is as follows: the continent on which now he is living is known as the Dragnor continent. it is divided into three big empires. The empire which he is living is known as Azure dragon empire, which is in the south of the continent, Ice dragon empire is to the north of the continent and the Red dragon empire is in the center. Empires are divided into kingdoms. he belongs to the Blackstone kingdom. other than the imperial family there are four other major family's in the Blackstone kingdom, they are the Song family, the Ye family, the Chu family and the Du family.

The present body of his is called Ye Jian and he belongs to the Ye family. his grandfather is the present patriarch of the Ye family and is called Ye Tian. Ye Tian has two children Ye Xiao and Ye Tie. Ye Xiao son is Ye Jian. Ye Tie has no children till now. He does not know much about his mother. according to the memories, Ye Jian mother went missing when he was four years old and nobody knows where she went except for his father and his father is always remained silent about the topic relating to his mother.

All the families depend on martial arts cultivation to sustain in this world. the world is strictly based on the strength. whoever has more strength has a higher status in the society. Unlike another world he is from where the emphasis is on science and technology, this world mainly concentrates on martial arts cultivation. according to the martial arts records, the martial cultivation levels are divided into six realms on this continent. they are Origin realm, Vein opening realm, Nascent soul realm, Spirit realm, Heaven realm, Fulfillment realm. each level is subdivided into 9 levels. The martial artists with higher talent in the family are given preferential treatment.

Ye Jian is a disaster in the martial arts cultivation. Due to poor martial arts performance, he was ridiculed from childhood by relatives and even servants. Nobody gave any respect to him, because of this he went into depression and got addicted to alcohol and slowly lost the martial way and didn't have any effort in that direction. Due to this his father and grandfather are depressed. As he was the only heir to the family and his father is not agreeing for the second marriage, the future of the family is on his shoulders.

Thinking up to here Ye Jian let out a sigh, due to ridicule from the visitors and others, his grandfather bought a separate mansion for him here, isolated from the family. That man he saw in the morning is his protector and is of the third level of the Spirit realm. and they are around 10 servants here, each for a specific duty like gardening, cooking, maintenance etc.,

Ye Jian said to himself "anyway I don't have any connection in the other world except for some friends and exams, and there nobody to feel even if I am gone missing. As for here, I have a family which cares for me, at least my father and grandfather and here I don't need to think about money as I am already rich. All I have to do is to concentrate on my martial arts cultivation to get respect and status in the society and the family. Let's accept this role and make myself a name in this continent, and I don't have any other options remaining to choose from" with such a thought he jumped from the bed and went to the bathroom to refresh and meet his grandfather and father.

As his memories are mixed he has no barriers to his new-found identity and relations. he felt that he belongs to this family and he doesn't know which part of his memory is a dream and which part is real. So, he accepted both memories and from here on now he is Ye Jian of the Ye family and with another sigh and determination, he went inside the bathroom.

While bathing as Ye Jian mood began to improve thinking about all happened to him, he is happy that he need not prepare for his exams and complete his assignments and also don't have to compete with lakhs of people to get a decent job. Here he has a lot of money to spend and a family to take care of him when he is any kind of trouble.

Thinking like this his mood is very good and he began to sing a song of his own tune "I am reincarrrrrrrnated…. I am reincarrrrrrrnated...yeeee…. ohhhhhh…. yeeee…. ohhhh" all of a sudden a thought struck his mind stopping the song abruptly. "if I am here in this body what happened to the before soul of this body. What happened to that pitiful Ye Jian?" as he started thinking, he remembered the wuxia novels he read, which his grandmother gave him. According to those novels, he can only be reincarnated only if the soul of before person has perished, which means he should have died leaving only this physical body. "what can be the reason for a young man to die?" as he thought about the problem, he searched the memories about what Ye Jian did the previous night.

From those memories, he came to understand that Ye Jian did not commit suicide out of depression and do not have any serious illness. The important thing he did yesterday was to attend a party organized by his childhood friends. According to the memories of Ye Jian, all his childhood friends avoided him and despised him after his martial talent was revealed. They did not invite him for anything, this is the main cause for the depression of Ye Jian and from that time onwards he was addicted to alcohol and it is only his best friend, and he stopped caring for the world.

As his grandfather noticed his situation he tried to persuade him to train and concentrate on martial arts. Ye Jian tried but there is no result so he gave up. His grandfather, at last, brought a mansion in a beautiful place for him and let him stay there to avoid any criticism he may face.

Its been three years from then, he lived an isolated and solitary life. None of his previous friends ever visited him, only his grandfather, father, and uncle visited him to accompany and to know his progress. But strangely yesterday night he was invited to a party and welcomed warmly, simple-minded Ye Jian thought they all accepted him and will continue be his friends. So, he ate and drunk to a stomach full in the party out of his happiness.

Reiterating all the things from the memories to the present, Ye Jian (Xia tian) confirmed that he has no enemies because from childhood onwards due lack of latent and berating of others, he grew timidly and had no quarrel whatsoever with anybody. He has low self-esteem that's why he isolated himself from the outer world and living depressed in a world of his own.

So, he most probably died because of food poisoning from yesterday suspicious party. So, he came to the conclusion that somebody is trying to kill him silently and for reason unknown to him. This made Ye Jian feel tensed and after some time of thinking he thought "I should be careful from now onwards and should not trust anyone. They cannot physically attack me as I have Spirit realm master protecting me".

After consoling and motivating himself he went out of bath yet the joyful mood from before vanished and slightly cautious mood took over. He saw himself in the mirror, his hair is bright black in color similar to his eyes. His eyebrows are sword-shaped and made his face look much sharper, his face is slightly rectangular shaped and there is a deep sense of loneliness between his eyebrows. The present or previous Ye Jian both are lonely in their life for the past years. His body is slim without fat and did not have much strength indicating his alcohol addictive lifestyle. Seeing himself in the mirror he thought narcissistically "Overall I can say, I am handsome and above average, if not the top sexiest man presents in this world". Gloating over his handsome body he came out of the bathroom and started wearing his clothes.

The impatient voice of the previous middle-aged man sounded out, "young master Ye it is already getting late for the appointed time to meet your grandfather, come out fast otherwise I will be the one getting scolding's from your grandfather because of your carelessness". Ye Jian dressed neatly and went out of the room.

The old man whose name is Xing Tia saw Ye Jian and thought "today this kid is looking different. He has heightened confidence and self-esteem and his body language is completely different. Whatever the waste always a waste even if there is a change in attitude." thinking like this, he put those thoughts aside and escorted Ye Jian to the Ye family residence with help of a carriage pulled by horses.

The carriage is pale yellow in color carrying the Ye family symbol, inside it is very comfortable like in modern cars. Ye Jian is looking outward and enjoying the ever-changing scenery and the fresh air of the new world. After some time, he noticed the city walls of the Misty Sky city which is capital of the Blackstone kingdom and housing all the major families including the imperial family.

The city walls are 100 meters tall and mounted with various defense artifacts. The chariot entered the city and rode towards the Ye family. Noticing the Ye family symbol all the people on the road gave way voluntarily.

At last, after traveling for 30 min from his mansion, he came to the Ye family entrance. Through which he calculated that his mansion is around 20-25 km from the Ye family.

After getting out of the chariot based on the memories, he made way to the Ye family hall for the appointed important meeting with his grandfather. Generally, for any matters, his grandfather visited him at his mansion. If there is an appointed meeting like this, it means that there will be all the elders of the family along with his grandfather and father to make an important decision.

Thinking all this Ye Jian began to feel nervous all of a sudden, he thought "are they going to remove me from the family, as they are thinking I am a shame to the entire family. No, it can't be…. I am worrying too much. Even if they remove me from the family father and grandfather will support me externally. They definitely will not abandon me. I will promise them, that I will, from today onwards concentrate on martial training". Thinking like this he reached the entrance of the family hall nervously. Whereas a surprise is waiting for him in the family hall.