Fat Old Man

Shen Xue walked out of the tent dazedly, Niu Ming who is roasting some meat asked, "what happened to Xia Tian and why he is not coming outside?"

Shen Xue answered in a dazed mood, "he has some urgent matters to do somewhere else and left previous night"

"what? why did he leave so suddenly without even informing us?"

"I don't know" replied Shen Xue languidly.

Suddenly there came screeching sound of a bird, a translucent bird came towards them and landed on Shen Xue shoulders, it is one of the rarest type of birds the Soul bird, it is a type of messenger bird, if you give them a soul imprint they will quickly send the required information to that person even if the sender does not know where the recipient is at. The Soul bird came here to deliver some information to Shen Xue. A white color light from the soul bird entered Shen Xue and the voice of king Bai Hu sounded in Shen Xue mind.

"Xuer, I announced your engagement with Yu Zhi son of our prime minister Yu Bao, you also know him from childhood onwards, he is the number one cultivator in your generation in the divine tiger kingdom, and I also owe a favor to minister Yu Bao when we are young, Yu Zhi recently came out of closed-door training and already broke through to the heaven realm, you return to the palace quickly where ever you are, I also announced that your marriage, and it will be in the next four months and there are a lot of marriage preparation to do."

After hearing the message Shen Xue did not know what do as one side she loves Xia Tian and on another side, her father arranged a marriage with someone. After thinking for some time she decided to go to the royal palace and somehow to want to convince her father to cancel this engagement. She told Niu Ming that it is the summons from the royal palace and they have to return to the urgently.

Xia Tian is now moving in the opposite direction of Shen Xue, he came across the mountain they resided at and crossed it after one day of climbing, he went through the forest after that mountain hunting magical beasts, he became irritated as he thought about his helplessness in the matter of Shen Xue. After irritation came anger and he contacted Chi Mu and scolded him to his heart's content.

He felt he lost something precious in his life, he doesn't know where he should go and what he should do. He remembered about the Sword Monarch inheritance and decided to go to the Divine tiger kingdom after six months because he wants for the marriage of Shen Xue to be completed because he might do something foolish if he is at the divine tiger kingdom at the time of her marriage.

Due to this single incident, his heart became gloomy and the cheerful attitude of his is gone. He rarely smiled as he has no one to talk with, after fifteen days of walking and hunting in the forest, he came across a large tree and found a fat old man sitting under the tree cultivating by sitting cross-legged.

He did not disturb that old man and sat on the other side of the tree to rest. After some time the old man opened his eyes and sensed that Xia Tian is sitting at the other side of the tree, he gently spoke, " hello friend sitting there, you seemed to be in a depressed mood, I have some alcohol, are you interested in giving me some company."

Xia Tian first doubted the man's objective but seeing that he did not even properly dressed after fifteen days in the forest he gave up that thought. He did not drink alcohol in his life till now, it is prohibited for minors to drink alcohol on earth, he listened to a lot of heartbroken people saying that alcohol will reduce the pain of the heart, so he decided to give the man company and sat in front of him saying, "thanks for your alcohol, it is my first time to drink alcohol and can only be able to accompany you for a glass or two"

The fat old man laughed and said, "it is no problem"

When Xia Tian drank his first cup, he felt his throat burning and felt the alcohol is very sour, after giving some rest he continued to drink.

They started drinking and after three small cups, Xia Tian felt his head somewhat dizzy as the alcohol started to take its effect and they began speaking about different things. the fat old man seemed to be interested in Xia Tian story and asked, "friend, you seemed to be very depressed, what is your story behind it?"

Even though Xia Tian is not intoxicated to the point that he will tell everything, he thought it is better to tell someone about his depressed feelings and said, "I loved a girl for about three years, I also tried to propose her and due to some reasons now I am not able to have a union with any female, I decided not to tell her about my love till I found a solution to my problem but I came to know that she is about to marry in the next four months, even though I already decided not to think about her but my heart is feeling very painful whenever I think about her."

The fat old man laughed and asked, "I want your sincere thought about this matter, are you feeling depressed about not able to have sex or losing your love."

Xia Tian thought some time and said, "it is not able to have sex, if I am good in that perspective I am sure that I somehow get her to love me and I will go and cancel her marriage."

The fat old man again laughed and said, "I don't know about her feelings towards you, I can only able to speak some words to minimize the depressed feelings that you have by thinking that you cannot have sex. Having sex is just a part of your life and in your life you are not going spend all the time having sex right, then why bother about that live the remaining parts of your life other than sex to its fullest, why are depressed about such a small thing"

Xia Tian chuckled and said, "you fat old man, you have enjoyed your life with beautiful ladies when you are young and now coming and saying to me that it is only the part of life, I am in my teenage what other than having power, wealth and beauties matter to me, now that your dick has stopped functioning you are preaching me some idiotic logic"

The fat man got choked, he coughed and sprinkled the alcohol in his mouth on the ground, he did not expect Xia Tian to retort in this direct manner, he regained his composure and said, "I am also saying that only, in this phase of your life your brain is hijacked by your hormones and you cannot think of anything other than obtaining wealth, fame, power and beautiful ladies and when you passed this phase you will have to face lot more complicated situations and that's why I am saying sex is only a part of life and you should not fret about it and you will gradually realize it as you grow"

Xia Tian became somewhat irritated by this man and said, "you old geezer do you became mad or what, can't you understand that I have to pass this phase of life to move onto another phase, and as my life increases with cultivation, my body may stay in that phase for about thousand or ten thousand years you know, are you saying that I should stay single for that long and should satisfy needs with my hands."

The old man again choked on his drinks, he did not expect Xia Tian will retort this furiously after drinking alcohol and he tried to argue with Xia Tian saying, " sex is only present in your body, you should see it as the only tool for reproduction, if it gets into your mind it becomes perversion, there is no difference between male and female other than sex organs physically, you should stop thinking about sweetness of body which comes through sex, you are craving for it because you have experienced that, there is sweetness of mind, sweetness of emotion and sweetness of energy that you have no experience of, once you experience all that you will only think sex as a part of your life and will not give much consideration to it."

This time Xia Tian fell silent and thought for sometime and replied, "I understand what you are saying, sex is not important but emotions are important. It is okay for me not to have sex in this life but what about females who have high hopes for their motherhood, every female out there will want her own child, without sex how is that possible, even if the female agrees to be with the man without child out of love, how can the man see her wife living sadly every day seeing the children of others, you may say they can adopt a child, but there will be some sadness in the wife's heart that she can not have her own child. How can he bear sadness of his wife for the whole life, I thought it is better to find out the solution to my problem before marrying anyone else, as I can not see my wife being sad her whole life because of me and also due to some temptation if I had sex with my wife in the future she will die because of my body constitution which is more fearful then not having the child."

The fat old man eyes became as wide as golf balls and said, "boy did you brain got any injury or did you drank a lot of alcohol, which era are you in, you are a cultivator you have to know that even most of the female cultivators did not think about motherhood and are always obsessed with gaining higher power through cultivation, did you come from some other mortal plane, there are so many mortals who are striving for reproduction and to continue the race, you just don't have to worry about that. you are just immature, you have to experience still lot in this world, I hope that you will come to understand that the way of your thinking is wrong, you don't know how a female thinks, you should get a better understanding of life to just know a little bit of their thinking process, if you have this same ideology I think you will definitely suffer highly in the hands of females, I have many urgent works to do, it's a pity that I am not able to change the way of your thinking, if it is fated we may meet in the future, goodbye."

After that, the fat old man suddenly vanished from there, Xia Tian due to intoxication peacefully slept under that tree, luckily for him no magical beast came there to attack him, he woke with a hangover next day morning, as it is first time drinking alcohol, he felt like a strong stone is placed on his head, rubbing his head he walked to nearest water stream and jumped in it, after cleaning himself and changing into new clothes from the space ring he left from there.

He remembered the conversation with the fat old man yesterday, but still not convinced about what the old man said, but he somewhat thought about the sweetness of emotion, mind, and energies spoken by the old man, he continued to travel for another ten days in the forest he reached its end and spotted a village near the forest and started walking towards it. It is almost four months since he left his mansion in the Misty sky city.