
Xia Tian after walking some distance towards the village saw a lean man with a monkey tail and monkey ears walking from his farm to the village.

Xia Tian guessed from the appearance of the man that he should be on the borders of the kingdom governed by the monkey race.

He hurriedly went to the man and asked, "Hello, brother, I am a wanderer, may I know where this place is."

The man stopped and looked at Xia Tian suspiciously but seeing that Xia Tian has only the tail of the tiger race person, he immediately understood that Xia Tian is a higher level cultivator and quickly replied in a humble manner, "Senior, this place is the north border of Willful Monkey kingdom and the village you are seeing is the Brown-tail monkey village."

Xia Tian nodded his head and asked, "do you know the nearest town from here, where the teleportation arrays are working."

The man shook his head and replied, "sorry senior, only the chieftain in the village knows about those things."

Xia Tian thought for sometime and decided that he should contact chieftain of this village after having some proper food in some hotel as he is eating only the roasted meat in the forest for the past thirty days. He got information about the hotel from the monkey race man and departed from there.

The hotel in this village is very small and is established for hunters who come here to hunt magical beasts in the forest. Xia Tian ate some food in the hotel and from some hunters who are at the hotel he got the information about the nearest teleportation array without contacting the chieftain of this village.

The nearest teleportation array is at the Blue monkey town to the south of the village which takes around one month to reach there by the fastest mount in the village. Xia Tian decided to buy a mount after exiting the hotel but a sudden large commotion started in the center of the village and all the people in the village began to run towards the center to watch the commotion.

Xia Tian quickly a stopped a villager who is running towards the center of the village and asked what the commotion is about, the villager quickly replied, "the villagers caught a Pantu when she entered the village and are going there to punish her." It is the first time Xia Tian heard the word 'Pantu' and tagged on along with that villager to the center of the village and asked him, "what is Pantu?"

The villager looked at Xia Tian suspiciously as even the little child of any race in any part of the Southern Wilderness know who are called Pantus and thinking that Xia Tian did not have proper education he replied, "Pantu are betrayers of our race, it is known to all that we came to this plane because of their mistake. So, we banished them from entering our society."

Xia Tian became curious about the topic and asked, "what did they do to betray our race?"

The villager quickly replied, "we don't know what they did, but they are banished from the society when our race arrived on this planet."

Xia Tian did not ask any more questions and followed the villager to the center of the village. But he is dumbfounded by seeing the scene there, all the villagers are throwing stones and shouting abuses at a petite form in the middle of square, it is clearly a girl around fourteen years of age she is wearing black color clothing to cover all her features but the clothing is torn by someone revealing her ears and tail. She has half white and half flame red fox-like ears and her three fourth of the foxtail is also pure white and the remaining one-fourth of the foxtail till the tip is in flame red color.

She is crouched down in the center of the square protecting herself from the stones thrown by the villagers, she kept her both hands which are holding a stale bread on top of her head to protect her head from the stones, Xia Tian can listen her mumbling and crying, "please leave me, I didn't do any wrong, I have to go, wu… wu… wu… I have to go, please leave me." But none of the villagers stopped throwing stones at her and kept shouting abuses at her.

Xia Tian baffled by the scene, he asked the villager who came with him, "she clearly belongs to fox race, why are you treating her as the Pantu?"

The Villager considered Xia Tian as a noob who doesn't know anything and replied, "there are different sub-races in the fox race and the race which she comes from is clearly labeled as Pantu, it is prohibited for them to enter any society only death is punishment for them if they are spotted."

Xia Tian don't want to involve himself with all these nonsenses but seeing the crying fifteen-year girl in the square he is not able to leave from this place, if it is before he doesn't have enough strength to do anything but now he has strength to rescue her but he doesn't want a conflict with villagers. So, he quickly thought of a plan and jumped in front her to protect her from the stones and shouted at villagers to stop.

The villagers stopped hurling stones seeing Xia Tian standing in front of the Pantu, one of the villagers asked, "Who are you? Why are you protecting her?"

Xia Tian didn't reply immediately and stared at all the villagers deeply and by extending his pressure of the third level of spirit realm he shouted at them saying, "I am representative from the divine tiger kingdom and came here to catch this Pantu, the tiger king urgently wants to catch this Pantu for an important mission, I think you won't stop me from doing it."

After feeling the pressure from Xia Tian and hearing him, all the villagers quieted down and someone from the group said, "Okay then, wait till our chief arrives, you can leave with the Pantu after that."

Xia Tian also relieved that his lie worked If the chief of this village is not convinced about he will directly fight with him and get out of this village as he knows the strength of the chief in this village is around initial levels of Nascent soul realm.

But after hearing the conversation of Xia Tian and the villagers, the girl quickly started to run, the crowd quickly caught her and tied her legs and hands with the rope, Xia Tian also surprised at the sudden reaction from the girl, the girl wriggled her body and kept on shouting, "I have to leave, please release me… I have to leave… I won't ever come to this village… please, please, please, release me" and started to cry copiously.

Even Xia Tian felt bad by seeing her like that but the villagers did not even budge and prevented her from escaping, Xia Tian quickly went and took the girl from their hands and hurriedly said to them "say to your chief to meet me in the hotel, I will be there waiting for him" and started to walk away from that place.

Some villagers came to stop Xia Tian from leaving but Xia Tian simply pressured them through his aura at third level of spirit realm, frightened by the pressure from Xia Tian no villager stopped him after that. Xia Tian increased his speed and after some walking, he directly ran out of the village with the girl on his shoulders, the villagers did not expect this from Xia Tian, they started to chase him but quickly lost his track, Xia Tian stopped after entering deep into the forest. Xia Tian still not have enough experience in oppressing others through his strength and he did not want a clash with the opinion of the whole village so he decided to take the girl and to get out of the vicinity of the village.