Martial Arts

Saul was already back home and even though his body had lived here all his life, he was impressed. His house was bloody amazing, and it was his, just his.

Turning back to look at his mom, his heart was touched he did not know if he could treat this woman as his mother, but never the less he was touched she really cared for him.

Going into his house, he whistled he basically lived in a mansion. Going upstairs he picked a random room.

He sat down admiring how soft the bed was, now he was here he thought about what he wanted to do.

He definitely was not going back to school. He could learn everything he wanted from home and with nanotechnology, he could learn anything. He did not have any aspirations, and he was filthy rich, he did not have to work.

The only thing he was slightly interested in was covenants and activating his nanobots. People had a nanobot implant the moment they were born, it was used as a type of identification.

As you grew older it unlocked more features like having a Personal assistant and search engine in your head.

But the true use of nanotechnology was the body enhancements and modification. People could now live an average of 200 years. People were stronger, faster and smarter than they were before and people could now have weird and extra appendages on their body.

People now could implant animal DNA with the help of nanobots to unlock some of the locked DNA in the human body.

Some people had bat wings, dove wings, lizard tails and a number of other bizarre modifications and he was quite interested in them.

But it really was not easy to get body modification it depended a lot on your genes. Talking to the A.I in his com, he checked to see if he could book an appointment with a doctor to get a modification. Making the appointment was easy, choosing a body modification was the hard part.

Looking at the choices, he thought that the bat wings were the coolest so he selected that.

Even though he could choose more modifications he did not really want to get so many extra parts.

Thinking about the RPG system he got he really thought it would be a waste if he did no use it.

Going online he bought a couple of martial arts books. He really could not care less about learning martial arts, but he was looking forward to seeing what his RPG system was really about.

Going to the living room he turned on the TV waiting for his martial arts books to come. His body modification would not be scheduled until later this weekend. He would just have to find something to occupy his time until then.





Saul excitedly bounded for the door.

"Are you Mr. Saul Cordova?".

"Yes, I am."

"I will need you to sign this for me."

"No problem, thank you.

Grabbing the package from the delivery man he opened it taking out the USB within. He had bought a couple martial arts manuals just to test them out. If he was not talented in learning them he would just leave them here, to gather dust.

He bought a manual called Tonem. Tonem is a partially offensive and partially defensive martial art that focuses on crippling your opponent through quick dodges and steadfast retaliations.

The primary focus lies on both kicks and agility and it often relies on the reflexes and agility, or lack thereof, of your opponent.

The biggest strength of Tonem is the combination of both strength and speed, resulting in powerful strikes.

By taking advantage of the speed of yourself, your opponent tends to become frustrated as none of their strikes hit, further giving your strengths the upper hand.

On the other hand, the biggest weakness of Tonem is that there are too many different styles. So until you've mastered enough it's really difficult not to leave an exploitable opening.

The other martial arts he bought was called Vusi. Vusi is a mostly offensive martial art that focuses on overthrowing your opponent by barraging your opponent with countless fierce strikes and thus forcing him to stay defensive.

The primary focus lies on both joint locks and elbow jabs and it often relies on the reflexes and stamina of both the attacker and defender.

The biggest strength of Vusi is the way you're able to use leverage to overpower those who are bigger and stronger than you.

By profiting from the shifts in the centers of gravity of yourself your opponent may become infuriated or just frustrated, allowing you to capitalize on your biggest strengths.

On the other hand, the biggest weakness of Vusi is a lack of more circular movements. If you're up against an opponent who moves quickly around you, any advantage you may have had are out of the window.

Taking the USB he decided to learn Vusi first, there were too many complicated styles in Tonem. And he was not ready to dedicate a lot of time on it. Playing the video in the USB a man popped on the holographic video player.

He was wearing a traditional toga. Placing his feet shoulder width apart he started by demonstrating the different jabs using your elbow. He started to explain how to use softness to counteract your opponent hardness.

Using your opponents weigh you can easily cause him to lose his balance by pulling his arm as he throws a punch. Saul was quite impressed the man easily showed him the proper use of the technique and explained it in an easy to explain way at the end of the video.

He had already memorized the content of the video and could not wait to try it out.

Going outside to his yard he started by practicing the elbow jabs, there were different variations. Starting from a basic bunch all the way to kicks, having gotten familiar with the moves he was quite excited to learn Tonem.

[User has learned Vusi, 10 skill point earned.]