Making a friend

Back at home, Saul was sighing in relief. He slept as soon as he got home being mentally and physically exhausted from the hospital visit. He had already retracted his wings and was practicing unfurling them.

For him, it was quite an odd experience. He could feel the wings as a part of him, like his arms and feet. They were also quite sensitive and if he accidentally brushed them against the wall they hurt.

Looking at his calendar, it was close to the time of the competition. He wanted to get as much practice as he could. Just because he got the system did not mean he was invincible. There were geniuses out there that could put his system to shame.

He was already used to using the power of his nanobots. For now, he just had to stretch his wings and practice. He went into the bathroom for a quick shower. As he was leaving the shower, he noticed himself in the mirror.

He realized that he was actually quite good looking, He had a masculine jaw with soft features. With a slender body, but defined shoulders. And with his blue eyes and golden hair, he had a really sharp look.

Moving around just to get enough space. He unfurled his wings, now looking at himself in the mirror. Saul looked like an angel with dragon wings. "Not bad if I say so myself," he said a bit egoistically.

Going to his yard he began to practice Vusi. He wanted to focus on an offensive and defensive skill for the competition. He was sure that all of the other competitors were from big families.

If he wanted to win, he had to rely on unbeatable offense and defense. So, for now, he would practice using Vusi and Jorin. Vusi was very helpful, he was not sure how strong his opponents would be. But he was sure the competition would be restricted to level 1 nanobots only.

So Vusi would be very helpful in getting an upper hand. Jorin was very efficient, solely focusing on its defensive capabilities. And finding out the weaknesses of his opponents would be very useful in exploiting their moves.

Starting to practice, he wondered if he could level up his skills without using skill points. Slowly getting into Vusi, he started to get into a rhythm. Even though his skill level on Vusi was not bad. Footwork had a lot to do with the technique.

After all one of the weaknesses of Vusi was the lack of circular movement. If he could find a way to move around his opponents the skill would be very lethal. But the problem now was creating a footwork skill to go with the skill.

Going with whatever he had. He started by trying to move around while throwing punches. His movement was a bit sloppy, but he was doing it. Saul started to move around performing different punches, jabs, and kicks.

It was definitely not done well, but he did it. All he had to do now was refine his moves.

[User has created skill: Vusi Footwork.]

[Cogratulation user for creating footwork skill for Vusi.]

[User is awarded 30 SP.]

Dumfounded, he looked at the screen in front of him. It took a moment for him to realize how awesome his system was. Immediately assigning 10 SP to Vusi Footwork. He felt the change in his footwork.

Practicing Vusi again with the footwork. It was definitely more refined. He was moving faster than he ever thought possible while practicing Vusi. He practiced for an hour before feeling satisfied with his skill level.

Wanting to practice Jorin, he assigned 10 SP to it. Starting to practice Jorin, he felt it was quite different than the other skills he had learned. It focused a lot on defense, leaving a lot of room for his enemy to attack.

If whenever using this move, his opponent broke his momentum. He would not be able to start an offensive move easily. But that weakness was not easily exposed. Jorin lack of flexibility was actually one of its greatest strength. Its defense was like a turtle shell, hard to break.

It took around 2 hours to feel comfortable using Jorin. Deciding it was enough for today, he went back into his room to take a nap.


It was the day of the competition and Saul was feeling quite excited. He drove to the Coliseum from home. Getting there, he was once again in awe at the magnificence of this world.

Entering he took a deep breath, appearing as confident as he could he walked up to the registration desk.

"Hello, My name is Saul Cordova. I am a contestant for the coming competition."

Checking for his name in the computer. The person in the registration office gave him a card with a number on it, 86.

According to the rules of the competition. The competition would be organized into 3 rounds.

There would be 5 groups with 20 people in each group. So they were only 100 people in the competition.

The first elimination round, only the top 10 of each group would continue. Next, the second round would only let the top 5 to continue. Finally the last round would be a fight for first place between the remaining 5 contestants.

Going to the waiting room assigned to the contestants. He looked around observing the other competition. There were currently 40 people in the room. Looking at the time, he noticed that he was quite early.

All of them looked ordinary to him. But one person stood out particularly. He was sitting in a corner by himself with an aloof expression. He was the only one sitting by himself other than Saul.

Not wanting to look lonely himself. He moved to sit with the aloof-looking guy.

"Name's Saul. What's yours?" Saul said with a confident smile. The man did not reply, he did not even show a change in expression.

Saul still with his hand stretched out, retracted it with an awkward laugh. Oddly, the previously loud room went silent. Looking around he noticed that everyone was looking at him with an odd expression.

"Your talking to me," Saul turned back to look at the aloof male, that just spoke.

"Yes," he said with his previous courage. "Why," he replied looking as aloof as usual.

"Because you're lonely like me," he replied meekly, rubbing the back of his head.

Turning to look at him, the aloof-looking dude, smiled and with a huge breath said, "Yeah me too, I didn't know how to talk to people and I was quite worried. My names Alex, nice to meet you."

And with an awkward smile, they started talking to each other about there lives. They hit it off immediately, already considering each other as brothers. Forgetting that everybody else in the rooms sweatdropped.

"Does he know he's talking to the most dangerous person here." Someone from the crowd whispered. He quickly shut up, when Alex still talking to Saul gave him a dangerous look.

"How did he even hear," the person said spooked.