Chapter 1 : The Celestial Realm Dragon

God 1 : Fuaua it happened again.....

God 2 : What can we do about it we can only fix it and then hope for something to change...

God 3 : Sigh.... it will be the last time before this realm collapse and us along with it.....

God 4 : ...

God 1 : What's wrong...?

God 2 : MMnnnn

God 3 : Did you find anything to help us in this difficult hour??

Three old geezers were gazing at the fourth one with expectations in their eyes waiting and waiting and waiting till they got nothing and sigh all together...

God 4 : Say old farts how about we ask her for help...??

Three old geezers were shocked they didn't expect that kind of solution.... more like it was impossible they couldn't contain her in their primes much less now where they are at their limits.....

God 4 : I know about what your thinking nut how about we ask her if she has a solution for us you never know...

God 3 : Xmn perhaps we have grown too old for us to think....

God 2 : More like the magic is chaotic from all the reverting and expanding....

God 4 : That's why we need stability..

God 1 : To regain our realm's Karma and Powers

God 4 : Then let's try our luck it's the last chance we have what worse can happen...

As their last stand was resounding in the empty space the four Gods vanished from there and appeared in the endless void walking forwards with sore backs.....

While the thought they were walking for all eternity it was actually a few steps till a small figure appeared in front of them shocking them..... from what they saw.....

Instead of a Giant Divine Dragon all they saw in their eyes was a human little girl with golden dragon eyes, red hair tied up in twin tails along with tattoo-like small scale in her whole body, she had a height of 1.55cm and weight around 40Kilos wearing nothing, around their standard she would be 15-16 years old even less.....

?? : Xmm aren't you guys.... eeeeeEEEEeto eto..... Dare desu ka???

She pointed her little finger in her face trying to think or remember first their names and then who they were but then she realized something important she didn't have any collections of them...

God 1 : XmmNNMmm Little Girl Have you seen a giant pure crystal white dragon???

God 2 : We belong to a realm that has a bit of decline and we need her help for something!!..

God 3 + 4 : That's right who are you, little girl??

?? : Xmm me?? I'm the Elein The Celestial Realm Dragon you're probably looking for..... Unless there is a second dragon in the void I'm not aware off??..

Tilting her head in one side while having her hand next to her eyes showing them a confused expression, but more than that they were shocked to find that this little girl was that Dragon they couldn't contain in the past...

They had been tricked they didn't know what the hell was going on and regretted coming here but there is no pill for regrets... they continued to stare at her and saw her sit down with cross legs showing them her privates.... Until one of them finally couldn't bear it any more and tried to get them back on track..

God 2 : Cough Cough... Gods Of The 7th Realm greets The Celestial One....

As they fell on the ground in a knight like position to greet her she was kinda dazed... she placed her right elbow on her knee and she placed her right palm on her face holding her chin and head up.. While thinking about the greeting with the other hand she scratched her itchy pussy....

It was then that it came to her while still scratching her pussy with her left hand... she raised her head along with her right hand which formed a finger pointing at them and started screaming making the void tremble....

Elein : It's YOU guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They all thought this Damn Dragon doesn't give a fuck about appearances and the well being of the Void!!!!!!!!!!!!