Chapter 108 : Passing of the 5 Years - 30 Days

Zeref took 12 hours to finish everything pushing himself beyond his limits...

Then after a long rest, the night came and Ryouji called for a meeting as he wanted to tell the new rules...

Ryouji : Greetings to all members... Thank you all for your work in these 2 days!!!

Ryouji : I would like to announce everyone their current duties and new rules....

Ryouji : 1) As long as someone is abandoned from the world he is allowed to enter our Guild..

2) Floor one to fifth will be for the common members, six to seventh for the experts, eighth for my.... Mmmnn my... my....

Ryouji froze he now realized what kind of mistake he made... he created only one floor for his lovers and wives.. he saw all of his own girls smiling at him and giggling and all others with smirks in their faces....

These #$@$#$#$@#@ just trolled me!!!!! now that i think about it what did Irene said?? floor 8 with 1500 rooms for his wives?? FUCK!! it turns out the whole guild set me up..... since you want to play this game then I'm in....

Ryouji : Floor eighth will be for my girls (and wives).....

3) All guild members will treat my girls (and wife's) as peak expert mages..

4) All my girls (and wives) will treat each other as sisters and their children (with me) or if they have any before meeting me as their own...


All of their giggling and smirks vanish from all of them, ehehhh ehhhh eeeeeeeh what the hell?? what happened to his wife's part??

Ryouji : For those who are wondering what happened to my wife's part... i decided that from this moment forward i will be single.... therefore i'll live on the room of the guild....

All of them including Zeref froze up, you single?? if it does happen i'll be a monk!!!!!! surprising enough all members both girls and boys were thinking the same thing....

Ryouji : Now then for your duties.... 2 mages of A and S-Rank will form a team we need 100 teams your duty will be to go and inform each and every Branch and other teams spread around Ishgar for the new rules.....

Ryouji : I'm expecting great things from you guys!!!

Ryouji : This concludes the meeting... THANK YOU ALL!!!!!

As he finished he turned around and saw Zeref looking at him with eyes that said are you an Idiot??

Ryouji : Have you rested??

Zeref : Yeah why??

Ryouji : Come with me...!!!!!

When he said that he dragged Zeref outside of the Guild as a precaution not to let others hear me... leaving behind an enraged 400 pack of girls....

As they got outside.... Ryouji started speaking to him about the future....

Ryouji : I saw bits of the future again....

Zeref : Figures for you to be out... and what happened...

Ryouji : In about 4 years and 2-3 months a certain Guilds will rise... with a girl or two and 3 others as the founders.....

Zeref : Yeah so??

Ryouji : One of the girls with the golden hair will be cursed and be the same as you....

Zeref : What!!!!!!!

Ryouji : Not only that but if i read correctly into the bits i saw you will fall for each other....

Zeref : Ehhhh eeehhhhhh wait i can't fa...

Zeref opened his eyes wide open before he could finish and then saw Ryouji looking at him...

Ryouji : Yes correct you will kill her because your curse is stronger as you have lived longer.....

Ryouji : Then before Acnologia burst in the final war she will come back to life and you guys will fight again... but this time as both of you accept each other both of you will vanish....