Chapter 145 : A Spectacular Occurance!!! 2

As Ryouji was dreaming about everything all over again... in the Guild 120 passed like nothing...

20 years had gone by in the real world and it was now the Year 721.... Ryouji has yet to awaken and everyone had started to lose their bearings.....

Everyone had learned about Elein from the founder and her role and Yang Yang along with Ying Ying started worshipping her.....

They could feel her powers being way off the charge even that of Acnologia....

Not many things had happened in the real world..... everything went normally..... Guilds popping here and there... both Dark ones and Legal ones....

Violetta had ordered 100 days before to reopen the Branches and reassume their positions....

During these days the 7 girls started feeling weird..... nausea... wanted to eat at weird times and many more....

Irene started grinning at them.... and it wasn't long that they realised what was happening..... they bore the children of Ryouji in them.....

Irene after 120 had become 6 and a half months old pregnant while the others 4 months.... they whole Guild wanted to celebrate but when they thought about their ex Guild Master.... tears started falling down....

All 8 pregnant girls YELLED and made the Guild tremble with their magic power that had been boosted by more than twice...


Their voices started resounding everywhere.... and after a few minutes whispers could be heard from them!!!!! Yea!!!! yes, that's right!!!!! a party gogogogogogogo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zera in the guild had a special status..... but everything around her seemed so fake.... when the party started she joined for a bit and then left.....

Elein : Where are you going???

Zera : Your Highness...

Elein : Stop it..... call me Elein.... why are you feeling so empty???

Zera : I... don't know...

Elein : You're an idiot.... do you think he will care if it's 20 or 30 more girls or not?? you have entered officially your 14... no add the time you spend outside you are already 17 years old....

Elein : The girls..... his wife could see in your eyes.... that you are smitten and torture yourself over him.... but they can't do anything to help you while he is still in a coma....

Zera's eyes became wide open... from what Elein said to her....

Elein : I'm sure that if you accept them then he will love you back....

When she finished speaking Elein this time opened her eyes as wide as she could..... making Zera a bit confused and afraid as she let a bit fluctuations out....

Elein : This... what the hell.....

Elein lightly turned around and made a simple step that made her vanish... Zera thought something happened to Ryouji and quickly send a mental connection to the 8 girls.... and then the rest of his wives....

Half the Guild from parting widely went crazy when they got the message and rushed towards Ryouji room.....

When they reached there they saw a glowing and pulsating Ryouji on the bed.... and Elein with a frown on her face.....

Elein sensed their presence and after reassuring them of their worries she threw them all out....

Elein : Violetta..... he is in a state of halfway awakening..... this state may go for days or years..... but one thing is for certain.....

Elein : He is finally starting to wake up.... perhaps in another 30-70 days he will wake up..... for that timeframe none is allowed in this room. Am i clear.....

All the girls had tears in their eyes..... tears of happiness.... that he is finally started showing signs of waking up... they nodded to her before closing the Door of his room....