Chapter 165 : Master To Master!!!

On the third floor, Makarov had a bitter face... turns out that this person faked being drunk and was literally fine..... no wonder he didn't have any problems to talk.....

Makarov : Well then let's introduce our Selves shall we??

Ryouji : Fine fine... 1st Guild Master of the Old Dragon please to meet you....

Zera : 2nd Founder Of The Fairy Tail and Guild Inspector Of Fairy Tail....

Ryouji : Did you forget something??

Zera : Really?? fine fine fine..... Also a Member of The Old Dragon and Student of 1 of the 7 Founders....

Makarov's eyes were red from the shocked he got or was it from the heart attack??? anyway, his face was badly shaken and couldn't believe what the hell he heard.....

Makarov :Yooo..... you .... you.....

Zera : Not me..... him.....

Ryouji : Why me?? you...

Makarov : Cough cough cough... what i wanted to say instead of playing guessing games.... you really are that Zera???

Zera : Alive and well i would say.... thanks to his Guild.....

Ryouji : But still if we go by the normal flow you're like 34-5?? and you look at 25....

Zera : Then how long do you make me be??

Ryouji : 100 something.....

BANG!!!! Ryouji didn't even see where the hell a punch came at his face and held it as if he was in pain.... but in reality, Zera was screaming in her mind because his face was so hard and her delicate hand hurt.....

Makarov : You used.... time magic??

Ryouji : We just sped up our time....

Makarov : Sped up?? didn't you time travel from the past here??

Ryouji : Hah?? why would i want to mess with time and space travel?? don't you know it's forbidden??

Zera : We used some runes to make the time outside with the scale of 60 be scale 1 inside the Guild....

Makarov : Then 6 days inside the Guild was 1 year outside???

Ryouji : You're a good old man... yes correct but it wasn't always like that way back it was 12 Days inside the Guild.....

Makarov : So how old are you really??

Ryouji : Over 400........

Pffuuuutttttt cough cough cough....... Makarov choked on his saliva when he heard this and couldn't stop coughing at least for 5 minutes... until he managed to pick up hi self again.....

Makarov : What does the oldest guy ever doing here...???

Ryouji : Flirting..... scouting for potential wives....

Makarov : -_-........

Zera : Oh don't look at me like that.... he's dead serious....

Makarov : -_-........ Ugh.. don't tell me you two???

Zera : Oh i will become his future over 400 wives..... for now you could say we are engaged....

Makarov : -_-........ I give up.... wait!! the people you target with your anger??

Ryouji : Members of both Guilds..... and they protected certain people which one of them failed....

Makarov : Ugh!! Erza Scarlet??

Ryouji : Yes she's the daughter of one of my members but due to reasons she left her in a village where you know what happened rest i guess.....

Makarov : Yes i know.... so you had placed a Guardian for her and she still ended up losing her eye....

Ryouji : Yeah this warrant a death penalty don't they know that a Girls face is priceless??

Makarov : Well since their my members as well let them be... but please tell them who they are....

Ryouji : I will, i will right now i finally found some time to go out and therefore came here to check many things... one of them is down.......

Ryouji pointed Down and Makarov was shocked once again as he got his meaning and started trembling....