Chapter 310 : Hidden Watchers!!

??? : So many days have passed since we learned about Jellal's death...

??? : Days?? Don't you mean months??

??? : Really?? Times flows so slow for me...

??? : Hahahaha, are you guys serious??

??? : That Jellal is not dead...

Everyone turned towards the one who spoke, it was a man with neat silver hair that reached his shoulders, dark eyes and dark skin.

He has unique markings on his face that take the shape of straight black lines, he is slightly taller and more muscular than most people.

While on his chest there is imprinted the mark of their Guild...

All : Master Brain...

Brain : That guy is not dead but he is not alive either...

??? : Xaxaxa, of course, that guy wouldn't be dead who do you think he is??

Brain : Klodoa is right, although he met a formidable opponent living in the shadows of the world it has nothing to do with us...

Klodoa : Those little foolish lizards as the name of their guild applies they better not mess with our plan...

??? : And that bitch Ultear is going around hindering our plans...

Brain : She won't pose a problem as she doesn't know our true plan yet, and even if she did when that Magic is activated she will fall to our hands...

Brain : Now then Racer...

Racer : Yes boss...

Racer is a very tall, long-faced man with blond and black hair; the blonde, central part of his hair being styled in a long, spiky mohawk and the black portion being very close-shaven.

He possesses similarly blond, extremely long eyebrows jutting outwards, a long, hooked and prominent nose, and a reduced Glasgow smile; he wears a rather large, reinforced chin guard which is covered in small, rectangular holes on the edges, that extend upwards to his green-tinted sunglasses.

His outfit consists of a red and white racing suit. The jacket, which is predominantly red in colour, with white parts on top of the shoulders and on the sleeves, and has a small winged boot-like object reading "S1"

The back of the jacket also bears the Oración Seis' name and symbol; such symbol is also emblazoned on the right part of the jacket's high collar, held closed by a large button, with "Oración Seis" written on the side.

Brain : Go the to Tower Of Heaven and find at the bottom of the sea for Jellal's body...

Racer : Yes boss... With my speed, it would take 1 or 2 days...

Brain : Midnight is sleeping as well so take your time for now, but be careful of any eyes...

Midnight : Zzzzzzzzzz

Brain : As for you Cobra you and Cubelios will always pay attention to the maximum range of your hearing...

Cubelios : Shhhhh, shhhhhh

Cobra : I could hear you even before you mention it...

Cobra was a slim man of average height with dark tan skin and spiky, upward-styled maroon hair; aside from a tuft covering his forehead and two bangs framing his face and purple slit-pupil eyes.

He has snake-like features, with slanted eyes, a rather flat nose, and prominent canine teeth. He also sports a simple circular earring on his ears.

Cobra's outfit consists of an elaborate whitish coat with purple inner lining and cuffs intricately decorated by silver-coloured motifs, and many studs lined up the chest, the high collar and the sleeves, which have armbands seemingly made of metal around them above his elbows.

Below it, Cobra wore a dark shirt, and he also sports a pair of crimson leather pants held up by a studded belt, with more similar belts circling diagonally the upper parts of his legs, and simple brown shoes.

Brain : As for the rest, Angel, Hot Eye you two will keep a lookout for those affiliated with us...

Angel : Fufufu, i would love to torture any who will mess with us...

Hoteye : I will keep doing this until i find my little brother...

Brain : I know that, for now, keep your eyes open...

Unknowing to them 6 pairs of eyes were watching them from afar and continued to do so as Angel was one of their master's target for the future and so was her sister...

They had in their hands written their description and only note down the most dangerous of them so that they can recognise them... And so far only three fit the bill...


Ps. Due to a few reasons, and my negligence i won't be able to release the mass release on 28-2-19 because i didn't notice it was Wednesday...

For a few reasons i had to move my day off on Sunday 24-2-19 a few day earlier to this week Wednesday on 21-2-19, so here is the thing...

You will have the weekly releases a few days earlier and the next weekly at Sunday 3-3-19, sorry about that but i truly have a few problems...

As for the mass release, since i'm working on that day and won't be able to release them at 28-2-19, i decided to release everything i have written so far tomorrow and then 1 Chapter per Day until i reach 6/6 for both novels...