Chapter 450 : The Following Trials!!!

Mest was stunned by Loke's words and thought about it at first but then gave up the idea as the one who becomes S-Class is reported to the Council and he didn't want yet to compromise his mission...

Therefore he turned towards them and smiled at them as he raised his hands up in the sky...

Mest : Well, i Give up...

Mest : I have no reason now to take the exam and maybe i will do so once i return officially to the guild...

Cana : Are you sure??

Wendy : Mest-san...

Mest : It's fine... I don't know what Ryouji has dug out from the Council so will act as the mole until we have surefire proofs of getting out from any mess we might create...

Cana : Then that means we passed??

Lucy : Yeah!!!

Mest : Sorry wendy... Even though you came to help me...

Wendy : I'm only your partner in this... What you decide i will follow suit...

As their victory was confirmed the door opened up and the path cleared for them to continue forward...

Continue on from there on the 4th Path sounds of clashing were heard while sparks flew here and there...

??? : Haaaaahhhh.......


??? : Babies!!!

??? : Baryon Formation!!!

At his command, all of his dolls position themselves in a pentagonal pattern.

A large whirlwind is produced around the formation, and from the latter's hollow center a massive and powerful magical beam is generated, which is subsequently fired towards the one they both were facing.

??? : Don't lose concentration Bickslow!!! This is Erza we are talking about!!!

Bickslow : I know Freed!!!

BOOOOOM!!! Such an attack caused mass destruction, creating a large explosion, however from within the explosion Erza came out unscathed while donning her Purgatory Armour before she vanished and slashed at the defenceless Bickslow...

Freed : Not on my watch!!!

Freed : Dark Ecriture : Darkness!!!!

Freed by inscribing runes onto his himself, he turns into a massive demonic creature. This form allowed Freed to increase his physical traits and managed to arrive between Bickslow and Erza blocking her attacks...

Erza : Impressive!!! You Have mastered this form in such an extent that no consequences fall on you...

Freed : Thank you... But better Pay attention!!!

Bickslow's dolls appeared from all locations and shoot beams with the only means of escaping was to pass through Freed...

Erza smiled at their team play and donned her Heaven;y Wheel Armour along with countless swords deflecting the beam and pushing the two backwards...

Bickslow : Che.....

Freed : What you thought it will be that easy???

Erza : You two passed...

Both : Huh??

Erza : Why are you looking at me light you've seen a ghost??

Freed : Ermm... What do you mean we passed???

Erza : Both of you have the qualifications to become S-Class mages... Bickslow has a large variety of formation to cover from long range and short-range...

Erza : His only flaw is the preparation time...

Bickslow : Ugh...

Erza : As for you, you have everything you need for a multipurpose mage...

Erza : Furthermore, you cracked two of my armours...

Freed : When did we damage them??

Erza : My sword in Purgatory armour got slightly bent when hitting your magic skin while my Heavenly Armour.... Take a look...

As she finished speaking they truly saw on her wings a crack in the metal, although it was non-existance for her it was enough to pass them...

Erza : If i had kept Purgatory Armour equipped then you would have noticed it, it was also a matter of time to see the crack in my wings and exploit it...

Erza : Though i passed you you have to do well in the next phase...

As they watched her say that with a smile on her phase suddenly cold sweat runs through their spines when they heard the last part of her words...

Erza : Otherwise you are in for a beating if you don't fight for what might be yours...