Chapter 567 : Individuals Battles... 6

Watching Ur on the losing side of the match many had sour faces, especially since they saw that Ur's magic had no effect on him...

In fact, it slowly powers him up keeping him at top shape...

Silver landed on the ground and laughed as he waited for Ur to emerge from the ground as she was buried in it...

Silver : What's wrong?? I thought you would kill me...

Ur : Ugh... You are really annoying you know that...

Silver : I am a demon what did you expect?? Respect or Pity???

Ur ignored him as she got up from the ground with a thoughtful expression on her face, before Silver could comment, she clapped her hands again and smashed them on the ground as her magic flared up...

Ur : Ice-Make Magic - Rose Garden!!!

For a few seconds nothing happened and almost made Silver raise grin on his face but soon his expression changed as the ground started shaking and his ice wasteland covered with his magic instead of Ur broke apart...

Ur released from the ground chunks of ice in the form of roses and thorns towards Silver completely sealing his movement but at that moment he opened his mouth and tried to absorb the Ice...

Unfortunately for him and while Ur smiled, he couldn't eat this ice...

Silver : W-what?? You...

Ur : I've been playing with ice for years... Channelling your ice back to you is something I've picked up...

Ur : What's wrong can't get out??

Silver : You think this will stop me??

Crack!!! Crack!!!

Silver tried to move around as much as he could and although it was slow the ice around him started cracking based on his physical power alone...

This surprised Ur as even though she stated it was something easily picked up, channelling a counter magic along within your magic is much more difficult than channelling it through your body...

Countless cracks appeared on the roses that completely sealed Silver's body and soon he will be freed...

Trying to think of a way to win this she clapped her hands and placed them on the ground trying to gather and channel the last bit of Silver's magic with her own and restrain Silver even more...

Ur : Ice-Make Magic - Rosen Krone!!!

Sweat started dripping from her forehead as she created giant roses and spiked branches made from ice that surround and bind Silver resealing the cracks with their thorns and stabbing through it damaging his body...

Silver although somewhat groaned by being in this situation laughed as he knew that the place he froze vanished restoring the arena to its somewhat original state with only parts being frozen by the attacks of Ur...

This meant that once he gets out of here he will absorb Ur's attacks weakening her while he will return to top shape...

Unfortunately for him, Ur had a different plan in her mind, and soon her magic flared up once again but this time instead of bursting upwards it gathered around her body...

Snow started forming on her skin and soon symbols as well but on someone's else eyes, they would only see snowflakes tattoo on her skin...

She concentrated creating as many as she could and even the ice on her leg started forming tattoo's resembling veins...

The whole atmosphere changed around her shocking Silver who finally released himself from the rosed and thorns...

Silver : W-what is this??

Unable to make head or tails about this phenomenon Silver could only stay on his Guard while the rest of Tartaros had finally shown emotions as they recognised those tattoos...

They must notify their current master of this development and find a way to deal with this...