The Silver Wolf

A light humming sound traveling through the trees covering the sounds of someone walking on grass. Turning its head, a wolf managing to locate the source of the sounds slowly made its way towards it before [ Command: HP – 23, HP is now –3, Death. Reward #00001 Livy 1 XP for killing brown wolf ] turning into lights.

- Livy's Status -

| Name: Livy Sorgsdöttir | Age: 17 | Subject ID: #00001 |

| Class: Not Chosen | Level: 2 | Titles: None |

| HP: 60 (VIT: 3) | MP: 200 (INT: 10) | DMG: 21 (STR: 7) | DEF: 0 | AGI: 5 | DEX: 10 |

| Recommended Class: Berserker / Trapper / Thief |

| Skills: Fist Mastery | Inventory: 27 copper coins + Trash for 10 copper | Equip: Basic Clothes |

- = - = -

Confusing. Why are there suddenly more wolves inside the forest? How I wish I had her thinking ability... Oh well, more wolves, more XP. Hmm, it feels like I'm forgetting something... Eh, whatever, let's kill these wolves.

Wandering around the forest the wolves were beginning to avoid me. Perhaps they recognize me as someone dangerous? Come on, I need fifteen wolves more to level up again. It's been bugging me, but the map only shows enemies in my immediate area so I won't always see them. *sigh* Time to walk aimlessly I guess.

… Boring... 'Silver Wolf, the king of the wolves, the center of the forest.' My head instantly turned towards northwest as I began traveling the same direction. Just you wait for you wolfie. Better wolfie means better reward, right? Drooling on my way a few wolfs appeared, but all of them instantly ran away at seeing me. The trees slowly passing by as I was equally slowly approaching my target.

Arriving at what could only be described as a dent in the forest, most of the trees were no longer present and a downhill area with a mossy stone in the middle. On top of the middle something that seems to be breathing and is silver in color. Wolfie?! Oh, it noticed me.

Turning itself around to see what had entered its range it saw a young girl. A mad feverish smile sticking itself onto her face while approaching it. Seeing this smile, it was bearing its fangs at her for disrespecting the king of the forest. After passing the aggro-circle the system finally permitted the wolf to attack the girl.

Though gifted by AI's that shames the upstart responsive AI's like Cartona it is still restricted as to not make it too difficult for the player. After all, these AI's are capable of not only learning but also collectively assume almost all potential futures of their opponents. Estimating the possibility of the girl being with a team the wolf did not immediately attack. Carefully observing its surrounding it could not detect any lifeform, not even wolves, in the near vicinity.

Deciding that the girl was alone it began charging at the girl. Livy's smile growing bigger by the minute made the wolf extra wary at her. Slowing its speed to see what the girl was doing it only saw her standing still. Having run straight to her and being inside of biting range it attempted to bite her. Only to bite air.

Confused, the wolf tried to figure out what just happened to no avail. The AI's might be the next-gen in its kind, but if no one programs it to understand the third dimension - up and down - it won't understand the concept: vaulting. The wolf, confident in its abilities, charging madly at Livy. However, the same thing happened again and the wolf began to doubt itself. Wasn't it made to deal with the new subjects? How come it has difficulties with someone many levels below?

Helplessly charging itself at Livy taking damage for every pass-by they made. Livy, being relatively proficient in hand to hand combat managed to do simultaneous actions with her body and fists: Vaulting over the wolf and at the same time punching it in the head.

Livy, being only Level 2 compared to the Level 5 Silver Wolf could not easily inflict damage. However, she was enjoying it. Jumping, crossing, punching, kicking and even doing the infamous 'cannonball technique'. The wolf, beginning to realize it could do nothing in front of this mysterious girl it began curling itself up to protect itself. What the wolf didn't know was that Livy actually had an interest in Biology, she knew exactly where the weak points of any creature were. Targeting said weak points of the wolf, she found to her surprise that the wolf had gained a fervor.

Sensing something wrong with the wolf, I had long disengaged from any effective attack range. The wolf got up, compared to its beautiful azure eyes they were now blood red emanating an aura of dominance. Seeing it I was shuddering. This feeling is fear, right? Steeling my nerves, I saw it charging towards me again... ten times faster than last time. The speed coupled with my fear caught me off guard and I was hit.

*Ding!* 128 Damage Taken! You now have 1 HP (Task bonus applied: Cannot instantly die. HP set to 1)

Breaking a cold sweat as I almost died getting hit by the wolf. Coughing up blood while being shocked. This game actually included blood and circulatory systems? Observing it this time its speed had not decreased at all if anything it may have increased. I think I can dodge it, but I can't damage it if I do. Locking my eyes with the bloody red eyes of the wolf I saw something interesting. Of course, I should do that haha.

Charging itself at me I stood still ready to take it on. When it was right in front of me I brought my fist back and punched it in the face, causing a tremor inside its brain. The wolf screaming in pain of having its brain shaking before turning the wolf into white particles.

*Ding!* Derivative skill created! Berserker Skill: Desperation acquired!

Desperation (Passive): For every hp% lost, dmg is increased by lhp%/2

*Ding!* You have killed the Silver Wolf (Worthy Boss), received 50 XP. +30% for the Level difference! 65 XP received!

*Ding!* You leveled up! Level 3, 50/75 XP. Received 5 Attribute Points!

*Ding!* You have completed the task: Village Elder (1), report to the Elder for further information!

[ World announcement: Player #00001 Lily Sorgsdöttir is the first subject to kill a Worthy Boss. I think all of you are beginning to grow dull in games. Tch. ]


A girl, about 7 years old was happily looking at her tablet. Thinking about many and few things, relevant and irrelevant things, boring and interesting things the girl had recently taken an interested in something peculiar. Giggling to herself whenever she is on the tablet or computer but always hiding what she's doing when anyone asks. Everyone is helpless at this and only hopes it's not something unethical.

"Hope it's not something unethical eh? Speak for yourselves when you kidnap more than a hundred thousand subjects and not even telling them of that single side-effect." The lab assistants grew helpless at this because if it weren't for her being useful she would have long since been reprimanded.

"I can't wait to meet you, Livy!" Turning her focus from Livy's screen over to another part the following was written:

#00000: Viraya Lament, Age: 7

Turning her focus back onto Livy's picture she muttered something where only one letter was heard 's'.