First lesson

The Elder caught Xing from the collar of his robe and with one step they both reached a peak which was completely covered with tall trees. There were no buildings nor were there any students around. The only thing he could see was a small house along side a stream of water on the vast peak.

Xing could not handle the speed at which the elder brought him to this peak and thus started puking all around. After some time when he stopped the elder asked him if they can move forward he nodded. After some time they reached the peak. Xing was feeling tired as he had never ever climbed such a steep mountain. The elder took him in and showed him to his room. The room was simple containing a bed, table, a cupboard as well as a huge space in the centre. He did not knew the reason for the empty space but shrugged it as he thought he would ask her afterwards. He took a bath and wore a clean set of robes and left the room to meet his new master.

Outside on a chair he saw her and bowed, `` Greetings Master". She gave him a smile and asked him,`` Well settled?" Xing nodded. As he was about to ask her something, she waved her hand and a small pouch was in her hand which she gave it to Xing saying,`` This is a spacial pouch which can hold upto 10 cc of things. Receiving such a thing he tied it to his belt and thanked her. She shrugged it and said,`` You should be proud as you are my first disciple and it was a common tradition to gift something after accepting some one as a disciple. This made Xing happy as he thought he had such a great master for teaching.

After completing the welcoming and greeting tradition she spoke with a firm voice , `` Xing from today onwards you will follow me and obey me where ever I go and if i ask you to do something you without asking the reason behind it will follow the orders. You will always obey me and the teachings and knowledge I provide you with, you will not share it with anyone. And if you disobey even a single of her words he will lose her right to call her master" Xing nodded accepting everything his master had given.

``Good then, I think you want to know what is the difference between you and others that even after awakening you are not able to draw any element. Am I right?" Xing hearing nodded his head as fast as he could. She gave a brief smile and replied,`` The Qi strands in nature consist of all five elements in equal proportion. When we take this Qi and start cultivating we take all the five element Qi within our body which is then send near our Qi core. Our Qi core has a singular affinity and thus attracts the Qi with similar element inside it while leaving the other elements Qi aside which we remove from our body during the second cycle i.e. the exhaling part od the technique. You on the other hand have a unique core I think which absorbs all the Qi of all the attribute. Also when I was checking your meridians, yours were quiet large compared to the ones I have seen meaning that the talent you possess is quiet extraordinary."

Hearing this Xing was very happy and started jumping around. Suddenly he felt a very disturbing feeling when he turned around to see his master looking at him giving a stare. He suddenly froze. The temperature of surrounding changed and suddenly it was freezing in the lobby outside house where it was a hot climate few minutes back. He apologised and sat down in his previous position. After few seconds everything reverted back to normal as there was no change few minutes back.

The elder continued, `` But you may face problems in future because your body and your Qi levels do not match. First of all you are only 5 years old and thus your body is not developed to the stage for holding the amount of Qi you have collected. First you have to stop cultivating and start making your body foundation and physique stronger so that when you end your Qi to various parts of body you do not damage your body. Presently you are at third stage of foundation establishment but your Qi reserves are almost equal to those of stage 8 to 9 and also your body is much more weak. Add all this to your foundation and its gives a genius with weakest of the foundations I have ever seen. Your future does not depend on your talent but towards the foundation on which you use your talent. Thus from now on until I tell instruct you not to cultivate you will never do any of the breathing exercise. Now you can leave but meet me tomorrow here at 4'o clock in morning. We shall begin your training afterwards in afternoon I will help you with your registration and other things required. In kitchen I have prepared food for today it is simple and does not contain any beast meat but we will start that part of your diet soon." Xing was happy that his master knew how to cultivate even with his different attribute of Qi. He bowed before her and left towards the kitchen. He saw a bowl of potridge and a loft of bread. It was really delicious. After having the meal he left and slept on bed.

While he was sleeping he felt a sudden tremor. He woke up and tried to move to leave for outside but he couldn't even move his finger. He felt an unusual aura surrounding his body. It was like complete suppression nothing more or less. It remained for a while and it disappeared as fast as it had arrived. Xing stood up to search for her master when he found her outside the house looking towards the sky. Here face which would normally look bright and warm was pale and her thoughts were as she had seen a ghost. I called out to her but she did not gave me a reply. Then I shook her hand to remove her from the state of shock and asked her what happened. She just said that she failed in an experiment and told him to return in his room. Xing knew that what she told was a lie but let go of the topic as he thought that it would be in his best interest as master has said to do it.