Place called home

After that they left towards the sect. This time like before Luo did not carry him but instead they both used flash step to move towards the sect's inner regions. As they went further the number of buildings decreased but the aura each one released made him think who was present in thise old buildings. After some time they reached a building on the peak which was even smaller that the one his master had. But the surroundings were even more beautiful than theirs. His master was about to knock the door when a lady looking in her 20's came towards them.

Luo bowed her head and greated her, "Greetings Sister Xia." " Its been a while since we meet Luo how have you been" asked the women. "I am fine, Sister I just needed a favour from you. You see the boy behind me is my disciple Xing and I wanted to give him a chance to enter the valley for choosing a weapon to weild." So this is the boy i have heared so much about. "Xing greets Great Elder Xia."

Xia look towards Xing but noticed him only bowing his head like his master wich made her angry. " Xing I am your senior and even your master greets me with deserved respect then why did you now bow. You have talent I have heared about, but if you be arogant you will die even before growing."

"Elder, I apologise if you thought that i disrespected you, but I didnot mean it. Elder I promised that I would only bow towards my master and no one else." Xing said.

"If you keep such morals you must also have the power backing them." Saying this the women who till present looked like a mortal without any aura or any Qi fluctuations send a mighty pressure towards him which made him push about 3 steps back. Xing clenched his hands and with all the might he tried to move back towards his original position. "Elder I did nothing wrong and I wont bow towards anyone else." Even speaking those words was difficult for him.

Suddenly the pressure dropped. " You really are talented enough to be the disciple of my sister." Xia said with a smile. She then invited both of them inside. They talked for sometime. Xing your master wants you to enter the Mankhara Valley. A large war was fought there and many people died there many centuries ago. And since that time various people are allowed to visit the valley for the weapons of those who died there. But it is a really dangerous place. If you reach in top 50 in five years I will allow you to enter the valley but remember, reaching that level is ridiculously difficult so you have to work very hard or else you wont get there and it would really make your master disappointed."

Hearing those words every hair on Xing's body stood up and he made a vow that he will not let his master down. Seeing the determination Xia was happy that her sister finally fot someone that she could rely on. She than waved her hand and few objects appeared on the table. Xing you can chose any one object of your choosing, it is my gift to you. Xing looked towards his master who nodded. Xing looked at the items, there were some books they looked ancient but looked intimidating. There was a sword as well as an bow both looked magestic. There were few other pills, herbs and other items. But what caught Xing's attention was an small egg. It was really small and was snow white in colour as well as had five different colour strips over it. Xing picked it up but suddenly the egg was surrounded by a golden light which floated in air. Xing trying to catch the egg with both hands but the light grew and surrounded both his hands. Xing felt a movemont of calmness, it was like anyother thing he felt. He liked the feeling but it didnot last for even a second and the egg suddenly disappeared. Soin the golden light surrounding his hand also faded but Xing had a tatoo on his right hand. But it was not even visible if not inspected properly as it match the pale skin Xing had.

Both Luo and Xia were astonished by the sudden events and asked Xing to wait outside as they wanted to talk about the sudden events.

After a while his master Luo came out. "Xing, lets head back."

Xing nodded and followed his master. While heading back Luo when reached the region where clan department where she then left for few minutes while Xing was looking around. Watching many youths passing around but suddenly his gaze fell towards a corner where a bunch of students were fighting in pairs with each other. Xing was curious and moved towards them. When he saw them fighting he was surprised as they were fighting with different techniques and the battles fought before him was not like the ones he was used to. He sat in corner observing those fights and suddenly he saw a move where one started running in circles around his opponent. Suddenly he closed his eyes and he felt like he was transported to another place. He felt his entire body heating up. He suddenly found him self standing above what we could call a flat barren land till he could see and just few steps ahead he saw a lake but the lake had white coloured water. Suddenly he saw a wolf like animal running around him. He was observing him when he noticed when the wolf took a step instead of using his lower part of limbs to balance and upper part to push itself forward the wolf was using both parts of his legs to push the ground which helped it to move without wasting energy. Behind the wolf even Xing started to walk similarly. After few unstable steps he understood and he was about to practice when suddenly the warm feeling he had started to decrease and soon his surroundings started to darken and soon he woke up in the same place he was sitting before. But instead of afternoon it was almost evening and he there were no other people he could see surrounding him. As soon as he stood up his master Luo arrived and had a smile over her face. He greeted her. "I leave you for a moment and you start showing of your talent." said Luo. Sorry master, I was just.... "No need to apologise you gained some insight and so do not worry. Lets leave."

They both left towards the direction of the peak but suddenly Luo realized the speed Xing was travelling had suddenly doubled and even his movements were more polished as he knew what his next step would be. After reaching the peak Xing moved towards his room and looked towards his master when he saw his master worried and depressed. He ran towards her caught one of her sleeves. He had a habit of doing this everytime he wanted to ask something to his master. "Master do not worry I will pass the test Elder Xia gave me. I will not fail you." Xing said with firm determination.

"Its not that Xing, I was wondering one day you will become more powerful than me and would not then need me helping you. I just do not know what would I do then." Luo said with sense of loss.

"Master, always remember where ever I go, however strong I become, what ever lies in the future, I will always come back for you master as where ever you will be that will be my home." Saying that Xing hugged her. Hearing those words a tear rolled through one of her eyes. After some time Xing left for his room.