
Miyaki's Clan

Later, that night night naruto came home looking dejected his eyes were red and his always on drugs high spirit seems to be down, when miyaki and noah came to the living room naruto saw them like he wanted to cry but miyaki just rushed ahead and hugged him like she knew what happened

"You knew didn't you" said naruto still being hugged

I-I *hic*...miyaki tears were rolling out

"of course you knew you are a sensor how can you not know thank you for being not afraid of me" Naruto just return her hug tighter

miyaki collected herself while still hugging him and tell naruto

"It's not just me...noah, i told him everything"

Naruto was shocked to say the very least, but he was quite angry as well they knew but still they arrogantly decided that he can not take on the news and decided to hide it from him, instead of telling him and go through this together as a family

"I see; so you knew it as well huh noah"

Noah knew that look he saw that look far too many times in his past life the look that say you betrayed me

"Naruto-nii yes, we knew but the reason we decided not to tell you is because old man hokage told us not to tell you"

"Besides it does not matter naruto-nii you are family no matter what's inside of you, we are abandoned naruto-nii that's why we must look out for each other, we perfect each other; it's our bond and our own will of fire".....said noah smiling

Yes *hic* thank you, thank you both for being a family thank you.....he just kept crying and hugged both noah and miyaki for a long long time while the three of them slept on the same bed like a family


(Meanwhile at another unknown place)

There was a man sitting on a chair he was quite old but kill intent is rushing from inside of him while in front of him a fully armed man kneeling he was afraid to say the very least

"Did you find Akira"...said the man sitting on a chair

"N-No sir" but our sources said he is dead but we still can not find his body

"How dare he marry that demoness and then go ahead and die in some forsaken place, did he had a child" although the man never said but he missed akira, how could he not after all he was his son, his very own flesh and blood; he loved him not because of the talent's that akira showed but because it's his son

"S-sir, we have a confirmation that sir akira had a daughter that is in konoha, that's why we send our scouts to konoha and they confirmed her identity, but it also turned out sir akira had son as well

"What Akira had a son, are you certain that it's his son" the man sitting on the chair is looking at the man who is kneeling in front of him with a cold and calculating look that says i will kill you if you are not certain of this

"The girl turned to konoha orphanage with a baby in her hand she told them it was her brother and also that boy too have blue hair" not to mention we secretly took a piece of his hair turned out he has an elemental bloodline swift release that combine both thunder and wind

Old man: !!!!!! thunder and wind? no doubt about it it's their son alright you did a good job but what about the girl?

"We are fairly certain sir, the girl only has wind affinity and the very powerful bloodline of wind

Old man: Wind affinity and the powerful bloodline of wind, hahaha no wonder after all its a girl and to top it off it's her girl she was bound to have their clan bloodline limit....but what about boy did he get our clan's black thunder bloodline

We are not certain sir, even if he has it's definitely dormant; the only reason we are able to identify her bloodline is because she awakened it

Hmm, no worry there after all he is just kid, he will awaken it and continue our clan legacy by becoming it's leader.....tell your man to keep the look out here; i think it's time i visit this konoha myself and get my granddaughter and grandson back to their father's clan away from their demoness clan


(Meanwhile at another unknown place)

A very kind looking old woman was sitting on a chair she has a very charming and beautiful face, it could be said that when this woman was in her peak she should have been very pretty while a woman was kneeling in front of him

"Did you find anything"...asked the woman in the chair

"No my lady" but we have confirmed that she is dead alongside that....man"

"So they both are dead huh" a single lone tear fell from the eyes of the woman who was sitting on the chair"

"My lady we even have confirmation that An san had a child with that demon"

What, are you certain my dear An had a child, i am a grandmother?

Yes my lady we confirmed her relation with lady An and that demon akira; but....

But what?, tell me quick

When we sent our scouts to konoha we confirmed that lady An had a son

"What she had a son are you certain of it"?

"The girl turned to konoha orphanage with a baby in her hand she told them it was her brother and also that boy too have blue hair" not to mention we secretly took a piece of his hair turned out he has an elemental bloodline swift release that combine both thunder and wind

Old lady: !!!!!! thunder and wind? no doubt about it it's their son alright you did a good job but what about the girl?

The girl kneeling suddenly become smug and said in a proud tone

"The lady An daughter has certainly awakened our clan's typhoon release bloodline limit"

"Hahahaha" that's my granddaughter alright, what about the boy did he get their thunder bloodline limit

"We are not certain of it my lady but even if he has acquired it, he definitely did not awakened it"

"No worries there he is just a child he will definitely awaken it, since it's that demon's child"

Tell your people to keep the look out here.....i think it's time i visit this konoha myself and get my grandson and granddaughter back to their mother's clan away from their demon's clan

AUTHOR NOTE: Thank you for suggestion of previous chapter, i personally liked one certain comment and i definately will work on that because it will give me oppurtunity to send noah on journey alongside naruto to bring tsunade back also it will also help him learn rasengan