Where is Mr. Mercy? 1

West Ward, Desolate Wilds, Trilleck Villa Ruins

Over a year ago an apocalyptic battle raised this once beautiful resort land into a broken and destitute place full of thick death qi. In fact, this place was not a Voodoo Practitioners dream. It was also blending in perfectly with the poisonous bog-like appearance of its previous illusory formation. Of the elegant mansions and facilities from the past, none of them were in one piece. In the middle of the Coliseum, standing on the long-broken stage were two men whose faces were completely concealed by shadows.

"Has there been any word?" asked the deep and manly voice of the left shadow. He voice had a certain heroic flavor that couldn't be ignored.

"No, my liege. I have received intel that someone similar to the young lord's profile was responsible for the liberation of Little Oasis in the West Ward." The right shadow replied in a servile manner. He reported all of his intelligence without daring to miss a note."It is believed that this child may be young master Joseph. The new mayor of Little Oasis, Monica Shattershield, is a member of the Valkeryie Temple. When she met with our agents, she had nothing but praise for the young man who helped them. She told the agents that if that boy was truly our young master, then she was willing to represent the Valkeryie Temple as a foreign delegate and join our faction. This is unprecedented, as you are a Voodoo Priest yourself. Normally, Valkeryie Temple would want nothing to do with us. This huge credit belongs to the young master."

"Fine. Send Sek Si to Little Oasis and have her deliver some materials to Ms. Shattershield," the left shadow's voice didn't have any emotional fluctuations whatsoever. "Her task is to break through to the mage level as soon as possible and bolster the strength of her trusted aides. They will build a force that will follow the commands of my son."

"Can we be certain that it is the young master? How could he possibly..." the right shadow didn't know how to finish his words.

"How could be possibly have survived an unstable spatial transfer, and even grow stronger and more daring?" the left shadow finished those thoughts of the right shadow for him instead. The latter could only smile wryly after an embarrassed laugh. The left shadow was indifferent as it continued, "It is precisely because of his outrageous potential and character that I am so certain that these two are one and the same. Merely, I can't imagine how he could possibly end up in the South. How much power is needed to initiate such a transfer?"

"Yet, in the end, if it was not for the young master's sacrifice, we would have surely failed to fool the White Demon," the right shadow was incomparably clear on this point. "Based on that fact alone, we must protect him while he grows."

"As if my father would let me live if I let anything happen to the brat..." the left shadow receded, revealing an incredibly handsome face that was more than 80% similar to Jodye Trill, but far more mature. He had dark bags under his eyes and the previous magnetic light in his eyes seemed to have vanished, replaced by a dark maliciousness that was barely concealed. If Jodye was able to see the Osiris Goldwolf of today, he would already be very shocked. Jodye's father seemed almost like an entirely different man. "Then he would surely beat me to death three times over."

"It's good that you are aware of this," a deep and majestic voice emerged from behind the right shadow, as a hunky middle-aged man calmly walked out from the shadow as if he had always been hidden there. On his shoulder was a small ape, who curiously regarded the surroundings as if it had found something interesting. The middle-aged man walked to the front of Osiris and stared him in the eyes as he spoke. "This entire affair is your responsibility. I have long asked you not to war with your brother. I have asked to return to my side with your wife and the prodigal son before a battle begin. You did not take my advice. Now, I will already no longer interfere in your decisions. However, Osiris Goldwolf, you must be aware that Joseph is my descendant. If anything happens to that child, I will not spare you from taking responsibility."

"You are at war with the Lady of the Mist's clan, are you not?" Osiris coldly regarded his father, Geb Goldwolf. Although this man was a terrifying wizard, Osiris did not fear wizards. "What would happen if they caught wind of the affairs between myself and Isis? They would surely try to destroy you with all their might."

"Is this not already the case after your brother initially abducted her, charming her into giving birth to a child?" Geb Goldwolf spat in disgust. Why had his sons both turned into such coldhearted bastards? The older was worse than the younger, but they were actually very similar. This gave Geb no end of headaches. "Yet, your plan to deal with your brother is to repeat his sin?"

"I did not abduct Isis, nor was she glamoured when we conceived Joseph! She wasn't under the influence of any charm laws through the entire pregnancy! Even the poison that prat Monte Trilleck tried to feed her during her pregnancy was constantly discarded by me." Osiris' voice was excessively close to a shouting snarl, but he did his best to not cross the line of disrespect too much. This man was still his father and a true powerhouse, after all. "It was Isis who informed me that Enora had betrayed us and gave birth to a child that carried the aura of Basalt's Hand. She was just as important to this plan as I was! She chose this path to achieve revenge for herself! I did not coerce her, I did not manipulate her, the only sin I committed was allowing myself to love her!"

Geb Goldwolf observed his son with a stoic face. He released a heavy sigh and rested a heavy hand on Osiris' shoulder, "I am indeed at odds with this branch of Rah Clan. However, saying we are at war is an exaggeration. The mother of Isis Rah was once promised to Set. This was actually long before she was even born. After she fell in love with a man in her clan and bore a child, Set was infuriated. I decided that the child they conceived would be his. At the time, I too decided to have another heir. After the heavenly seer foretold the talent you both would have, I changed my mind about Set's marriage. I felt you would be the perfect match for such a woman. The Rah clan never liked Set very much. Set, who had long since been smitten with lady Noctis, Isis' mother, was enraged by my decision. He denounced me, denounced the clan, denounced the fort, and ran away to the West Ward. For four hundred years I thought he was just weak and cowardly, exiling himself for a mere woman, exceptional or not.

"I underestimated his plot. Whether it was Noctis or Isis, they just ingredients to him. What he desired was a premium ingredient for an evil ritual that would change the fate of his potential." Geb Goldwolf shook his head in disappointment. "He changed his title to Master Basalt the White Demon. To everyone's shock, he kidnapped both your mother and the lady Isis before he ran away. He glamoured her into believing she was his legal wife. Once this was reported to me by the Rah Clan, I couldn't stand at the side. I attacked Basalt and broke his back once. However, an emissary from the Oblivion God Cult attacked me and rescued him at the last moment. As you know your mother...did not make it. I was the one who woke Isis from that nightmare. This is the real reason Isis cannot stand the sight of me. It brings her right back to that moment when she discovered her nightmare was real.

"Once her memories recovered, she immediately tried to kill herself. I stopped her of course, and that was when she told me that Basalt had extracted the combat soul and source origin from their daughter on her third birthday, just as he did to the child he conceived with your mother. She was crippled and left to die in a dungeon. I saved the poor child and relocated her. Only the fact that her daughter still lived gave Isis a reason to live. Of course, what she lived for from that moment forward was revenge. After that, I hid her away and helped her develop her own strength and forces, with help from her clan. Once you matured a bit more, you happened to meet Isis Rah on your own, and she of that time was already the Lady of the Mist. After revealing your secrets to each other, you actually decided to team up. However, you never realized that Isis had discovered who you were long before you knew about her."

"Why are you telling me all of this now, father?" Osiris Goldwolf was shocked inwardly, as he had never known his father to be so chatty. Most of these words were things that Osiris had already discovered through his own resources, however, he had no way of knowing about his father's point of view. It filled in many of the missing pieces from his intel. He couldn't help but wonder what the motive was behind his father telling him all of this.

"That child was able to get over her hatred for you and our family and even bear your child. You are a fool if you think for a second that her feelings for you were not genuine. You cannot imagine the trauma that the woman has experienced in the past." Geb paused to look to the distant horizon. "You must protect her son with all of your resources. Do not be so blinded by your desire for revenge that you lose sight of what caused this grudge. What you may willingly cause your son in pursuit of it. Do you want him to hate you that way you hate your brother? Is it worth it? Do you not love that woman? Do you think that Set is merely planning to discard her like the rest? Would he fight so hard for that? I am here today only to point out to you how very foolish you have been. I cannot interfere, as those are the ancient mandates. However, you need to know of your own incompetence."

Osiris Goldwolf was visibly shaken by these words. He was speechless for a long time, as the light in his eyes fluctuated dangerously. Geb Goldwolf sighed when he saw his son's appearance. Perhaps he waited too long to speak of this...

"That is all I came to say," Geb Goldwolf turned his back to his son, walking toward a distant shadow. "Do not worry about the boy, for now. I will monitor the South and the moment he makes a big move I will directly remove him from this corrupted land. Take care, boy."

After Geb Goldwolf disappeared into the shadows, Osiris Goldwolf stood there for hours, his face constantly distorting. What was the point of his using [Prankster] inherent skill to fool Basalt? What was the point of Isis sacrificing her body and sanity? What was the point of letting his daughter, who was also his best friend's niece, get kidnapped by a lecherous madman? Was he wrong? Was he really so wrong all of this time? His mind suddenly flashed back to the time before Joseph woke up from his Sage Awakening.





"The plan..." Isis Trilleck's eyes flashed with haunting despair. After a moment's pause, she looked Osiris in his eyes and said, "Oh Breeze, couldn't we just just...runaway? Why don't we just leave once he wakes up, just the three of us? Once he matures, it won't be too late too..."





"No! It's too late! It's far too late...Icy she...she is already..." Osiris closed his eyes and tightly clenched his fist. He previously solid will was finally wavering intensely like a tug boat in the middle of an ocean hurricane. However, after a few breaths of inner turmoil, Osiris' hurried breathing finally calmed down. He opened his eyes which were surprisingly darker and colder than ever before. He looked emotionless and vicious. "Ke Si, let us go."